Walker Of The Worlds

Chapter 2543 Broken Array

Chapter 2543  Broken Array

Lin Mu who was battling his confusing at his previous attack was surprised by the sudden words of Xukong.

The Spider hadn't spoken or talked to him at all, during his battle against Yao Changying or when he had been attacked with a Soul Skill.

It was as if Xukong was not worried at all, which was in fact correct.

The spider knew more than everyone and had already expected how the fight would likely go. He had anticipated several different scenarios, including one where Lin Mu would get targeted by a Soul Attack.

In fact the Withering Dao was known to have several skills that could target souls, so it was expected Yao Changying would have one.

Xukong had chosen not to advise or interfere, knowing that Lin Mu would be able to handle it all on his own this time. But he finally had to speak, seeing the destruction he had caused, which likely had injured many people as collateral.

"A Megaquake?" Lin Mu repeated in confusion.

"It's just an Earthquake that is big enough to cause a Significant Seismic change that has the potential to change the face of a world." Xukong answered. "How's that possible? I understand there being an earthquake and the fissures forming, but for the damage to be this big. And isn't that still a Celestial Treasure? Why didn't the defensive arrays work?" he questioned.

"Well your skill certainly didn't have enough power to cause this on its own. What actually happened was actually a set of chain reactions that set off from the power of your skill." Xukong explained. "Your skill managed to go deep enough into the bowels of the Bridge Plane causing it all to get unstable and trigger a quake that got exponentially bigger.

You can think of it as poking a hole in a dam. The hole might be small, but it can cause the entire dam to collapse and spill all the water it was holding back. The same happened here.

The 'dam' which was the Crust of the Bridge Plane was penetrated and caused the internal Magma to spill out and cause shifts in its Tectonic Planes." Hearing it all, Lin Mu was a bit taken aback.

"Would the same happen if I use it on the Rust Sky World instead?" he asked being wary.

He didn't want to accidentally cause this level of destruction on a world after all.

"No." Xukong denied. "This was only possible because the Bridge Plane is a Flat plane. Its thickness is significantly less than that of a World. But at the same time, it is thick enough that there's enough pressure for Magma to form naturally within its bowels.

If it were another Flat Plane like this, it would have just cracked but the explosion wouldn't have been this big. And if it were a Spherical World instead, it would certainly cause a large earthquake, but nothing on this level. The attack wouldn't even be able to penetrate deep enough to cause this kind of damage.

As for why the defensive arrays didn't stop it, that's just because they're currently going haywire." He explained further.

"Haywire?" Lin Mu digested everything else that Xukong had said, but got stuck on this part. "Is that why it suddenly tore through the Spatial Fabric?" he guessed.

"Indeed. Looks like the erasing of Yao Changying and the Withering Spirit Daoist's soul caused this." Xukong said after thinking for a bit. "That shouldn't happen with a branded tool though." Lin Mu said finding it strange. "They would simply become disconnected." "That is what would happen if the owner of the tool simply died. But since the souls were in the middle of fusing and where plucked out whole, the connection didn't get severed in the normal way. You can basically think of it as a flaw in the array's design." Xukong answered making Lin Mu understand.

"I seeā€¦ so even a Celestial Treasure can have such flaws in its arrays." Lin Mu was intrigued. "But isn't this still a problem? If the Bridge Plane stays like this, there would be bad effects on the Rust Sky world." He could think of several things such as a difference in gravity causing the change in tides that could result in devastating effects on the coasts and more.

Of course the Death Qi and more that literally hung above the heads of the people was another major danger.

"It is definitely a problem." Xukong said more seriously this time. "The spatial fabric needs to be repaired and the Bridge Plane needs to be sealed back up." "Can I do that?" Lin Mu wondered if the ring's power would be enough.

"No. This is too much even for you. While the ring does have the necessary power, it isn't enough for you to handle." Xukong estimated. "Even if it was a Spatial Master at the Peak of the Immortal with a higher proficiency and the ring, they wouldn't be able to handle it."

"How do we fix it then?" Lin Mu questioned.

"It would take a Celestial to mend it." Xukong answered.

Hearing that, Lin Mu instantly thought of a person. "The Saintess!" Lin Mu's eyes lit up. "How do we do it?" "The key should still be on Yao Changying. She'll need that to bring it under her control." Xukong replied.

"Ah yes, the key!" Lin Mu took out Yao Changying's corpse that he had stored away.

He knew she would have Spatial Tools which probably stored a lot of items and documents, thus he had stored it for later. ~SHUA~

Taking it out, Lin Mu quickly searched for the Spatial Storage tools and found five of them. There were two rings, one bracelet and two belts hidden under her clothes. One of them, a ring was damaged but the rest seemed to be fine.

Lin Mu quickly took them out and bypassed their security with his own ring and rummaged through them to find the 'Key' to the Bridge Plane's arrays.

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