Void Evolution System

Chapter 655 Emperor Bone Sea [5]

The blackness of the Emperor Bone Sea really did remind one of the vast starry sky. The seemingly obvious vast emptiness was actually filled to the brim with life, forming a macrocosm in and of itself.

In the same vein, the deep sea seemed to mirror space itself as well. At this level, the obvious presence of water essentially vanished, the murky blackness in the surroundings instead beginning to feel like heavy space.

Water and space as elements generally mirrored each other more than most people realized. The spatial layers ebbed and flowed like tides, the heaviness of space felt like one was trying to walk while submerged in water. Space created a container, and water would expand however necessary to fill that container. The way they complimented each other was noteworthy when one realized the distinct similarities between them.

Damien and Zara had long since left their previous location not far from the 1,000-kilometer mark. Their bodies drifted through the sea, mapping it and scouring it for anything interesting.

However, their journey was mostly uneventful. Despite being surrounded by the wonders of the deep sea, their mission came first. The two traveled with utmost stealth and avoided any stronger beasts even if they could defeat them. In the ocean, the smell of blood was a death alarm.

The 2,000-kilometer mark saw a sharp increase in faunistic activity. Many more species were present at this distance and depth, making it evident that this was a more ideal living condition for most creatures.

At the 2,000-kilometer mark, the water pressure was just enough to shatter the bones of any 3rd class who dared to venture in, but even classless fishes and other aquatic beast species were able to survive it without a problem.

It made Damien curious about their evolutionary path. On a whim, he rapidly moved and grabbed a nearby fish beast before disappearing from the world. His body entered the Sanctuary with Zara for a brief instant before they continued their journey.

Without hesitation, Damien began dissecting the beast. While he didn’t have much disassembling knowledge, he was at least good enough with the sword to make precise cuts.

Afterwards, he began to rapidly study the beast’s physiological structure with the All-Seeing Eyes and his own comprehension.

‘I see…that’s interesting. They aren’t withstanding the water pressure at all, rather, they’re just offsetting it.’

The beast’s internals weren’t too different from what one would expect from an aquatic beast. It was the exterior that was special.

The fish’s scales were made of a strange reflective material. Through the All-Seeing Eyes, Damien saw through the scale’s structure perfectly. He watched as the scales cycled ambient mana in a specific pattern to create something akin to a magnetic field. This field displaces the water pressure around them, and through the connection between these scales, the offset pressure could even be used as an attack!

Being struck by the weight of the sea itself was bound to hurt. Damien couldn’t imagine what the strength of these beasts would be once they matured.

‘Still, this is a species-specific evolution. It doesn’t explain why every single beast in these waters has the same survival ability. Unless…they all evolved differently to accomplish the same goal?’

It was an interesting theory to study. Different beasts developed differently based on their inherent traits. As they all took different routes to reach the same conclusion, studying them would help Damien supremely broaden his perspective and breadth of vision.

‘After I finish the mission, I should return here to study more in-depth. If I just leave a spatial marker…’

Damien and Zara exited the Sanctuary just like that. The only reason they entered in the first place was so they could have a safe environment to drop their guards and wholly focus on examining the beast carcass.

Now that they were done, it was time to continue with their task.

Only, there was one thing they’d forgotten.

The second they arrived back in the Emperor Bone Sea’s depths, all eyes turned to them.

The stench of blood.

Despite there being no blood on their bodies, the two still carried a whiff of blood scent with them as they returned.


Damien immediately realized they’d messed up. Just like those who came before them, their lack of experience in aquatic environments led to a small mistake with heavy consequences.

“Let’s run!” Damien exclaimed.

Zara didn’t even need to say a word of affirmation. She understood just as much as he did.

The two turned and shot deeper into the Emperor Bone Sea without another thought.

Behind them, a cacophony of sound resounded through the waves as various beasts caught scent of the blood on their bodies.

Particularly enraged were the Bulletfish that shared a species with the fish Damien had killed.


A strange wail left their throats as they began to hightail towards Damien and Zara. Their bodies moved like rockets in the water, completely ignoring the water pressure’s speed suppression and rapidly approaching the duo.

“They’re too accustomed to this atmosphere. We can’t outmaneuver them by just running.” Damien realized. He looked at Zara and she nodded back. Their spiritual connection was continuing to grow stronger as their relationship solidified once more.

Zara grabbed Damien’s shoulder and immediately galvanized her mana. The two quickly sunk into the surrounding blackness, their bodies becoming immaterial.

‘This is…insane.’ Damien marveled inwardly. Zara’s shadow control was becoming more and more conceptual. As Damien allowed her full control over his body, he clearly felt separated from the Real Plane at a level similar to his Dimensional Cage.

Only, while the Dimensional Cage focused on stability and functionality, Zara’s shadow abilities were wholly focused on concealment. Naturally, this shadow space was much more convenient in this situation.

The aquatic beast tide seemed to die down as soon as it started. With their bodies disappearing, the scent of blood disappeared as well.

And while the weaker beasts who were ready to charge at even a hint of blood scent were too weak to sense Damien and Zara and thus gave up. The stronger beasts didn’t put enough value in the two’s existence to continue chasing them.

At least, most of them didn’t.


A bellow caused the seas to quake. The sound waves from this bellow alone were enough to cause raging tsunamis on the surface.

Ka! Ka! Ka!



Various panicked noises rang out as every surrounding beast began to flee for their lives.

Damien and Zara weren’t stupid either. Whether it was the crowd’s reaction or the terror of that bellow, both were heavy indications that they should flee instantly.

And while that was exactly what they did, luck wasn’t on their side.

A massive body slithered up from the depths, two car-sized eyes staring directly at their position.

The beast was reptilian, like a massive sea snake. Its body was around 10 kilometers long from head to tail, and its scales glistened with an aquamarine blue color.

Its tongue snaked in and out of its mouth as if it was drooling. The two fin-like wings protruding from the middle of its long body flapped in place as it set its target.

The beast bared its fangs and galvanized its aura.

And then, it charged.

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