Void Evolution System

Chapter 1897: The End [1]


Time was a thing that had to be admired even by the Absolute.

Time was something that was meant to slow down as events came to a close and peace returned to the world, but why did it move just as fast?

Rivers would maintain their flow for hundreds and thousands of years, carving their presence into the surrounding structures, but time still dispersed them and left those structures as their only vestiges. Stars would shine for what seemed like an eternity, but even they would eventually fall to time and die in splendorous bursts of light.

Time was something that affected everyone, even those who it could not touch.

This world was very beautiful. It was like Earth in many ways, but it was also fantastical. This cosmos was not a simple one with no energy, after all.

It was a world where immortals could come and experience the mundane pleasures of life. It was a world where peace was always guaranteed, as it was the home of a great being.

That being was worshiped by the masses in a place far, far away, but in this place, he was just a man.

A man who strived every day for happiness.

The True Void and Sacred Abyss Universes took a long time to heal. The aftershock of the Great War could still be witnessed after many decades.

It was remembered very differently for those people compared to Damien.

He did not see what they went through, but he could feel their experiences. There was an entire planet, an entire world larger than Earth that was covered in the names of the deceased. Not even a single inch of its land was left empty.

They had to struggle and survive in a way that only mortals could understand.

But they were now healing,

The atmosphere of that cosmos was not shrouded in negativity, but instead engulfed in an attitude of improvement. Its new state and new fate were enough to give endless hope to its people, allowing them to keep their fighting spirits.

If one wanted a peaceful and slow world, that was not the place to go.

No, instead, the wonderland created by the Absolute was much better.

“Damien Void.”

In a cosmos that none of this place’s inhabitants would ever know, he was regarded as a Godly Being, a great Absolute who vanquished the Dark God.

However, in this world, he was nothing like that.

He only had two titles here.

Husband, and–

“–Dad, what are you doing?!”

A high-pitched voice called out very clearly in complaint.

“I don’t want to wake up! It’s the weekend!”

A child no more than eight years old turned over in bed and pulled her blanket over her head. Unfortunately, with sunlight bleeding through its fabric, she was unable to avoid the fact that it was already morning.

“Don’t blame me,” the child’s father said from the bedside.

“Your mom is the one who told me to wake you up.”


The child’s eyes peeked out from under the covers.

She had snow-white hair and bright purple eyes. Her features made it clear who her mother was, and even she knew how strict her mother could get when she wanted to.

“Which mom is it today?”

She wasn’t asking about Rose and the rest. To her, they were “aunties.” Her question could be easily misunderstood due to their unique family situation, but Damien knew exactly what she was asking.

“We’re talking about stage 3 mom right now. She isn’t close to stage 4 yet, so if you hurry, you might be able to bring stage 2 mom back.”

“Stage 2 Mom?!”

The child’s eyes lit up with hope.

“Great! I’ll get up now!”

Damien ruffled her hair.

“Good. I’ll see you downstairs.”

Leaving the room, he almost couldn’t hide the sneaky smile on his face. Stage 4 Ruyue was an existence that terrified even him. The amount of nagging he’d had to endure was almost traumatic, so he knew she was the perfect excuse to get his kids to wake up.


“Stage 4?”

…it didn’t work out so well if he was instantly caught.

Ruyue stood outside the door with her arms crossed, glaring at him in annoyance.

“What exactly is a stage 4, honey?”

Damien’s entire body shivered. Twenty years and three kids later, was it finally time for him to be discovered?!

Ruyue approached him menacingly and grabbed his ear.

“Stop joking around and come to the kitchen. Rose wanted you to help with breakfast today.”

Ruyue naturally ignored his pain and whining. He was an Absolute, for crying out loud. How was he going to be hurt from his ear being pulled?

She had to maintain her current stern appearance only because she knew her children were watching. Still, she couldn’t hide the slight smile on her face as she watched Damien’s antics.

Two girls and a boy with her, a boy and a girl with Rose, a boy with Elena, and a pair of twins with Iris. Damien had been busy these past two decades, and the family they’d all created together in that time was quite the hectic one.

Their eldest children, one of hers and one of Rose’s, were getting ready to enter society as real adults already. The teenagers were all going to school with dreams of being powerful and renowned throughout the world, unknowing of their parents’ positions as the strongest people in the entire cosmos.

The aunts and uncles they greeted every once in a while were beings that the leaders of this world had to bow down to in greeting, but it was best for them to remain unaware of such things until they were older.

Wouldn’t it just make them arrogant if they realized that in this cosmos and many others, their parents were Supreme?

Other than Damien, the rest were still active in the world and working on their goals. Merely, they did so semi-secretively.

Their children knew that they were not ordinary. After all, a regular house was no longer enough to support a family of their size. They lived in a large mansion, and their father seemed to have endless money when he needed it.

Still, Damien wasn’t the most forgiving parent. He wanted his children to grow up with humility and a sense of independence, so he didn’t shower them with gifts and luxuries unless they earned them.

Parenting was an experience like no other. Even for him as a Supreme, the years he spent watching his kids grow up were more valuable than anything.

It would have been even better if August was here, but he was an adult now. He was too busy managing the new and improved Arulion to live with the rest of them. The visits he made every month or so were more than enough.

Life had been peaceful in this plane, and life would continue as such.

Peace and freedom to do anything. Peace that implied that a new threat would not be appearing any time soon.

This peace lasted for decades and centuries without end.

Damien enjoyed his quaint life with his family for as long as he could. He had children with his wives, watched them grow, and eventually had the pleasure of seeing his own grandchildren appear in this world.

He was able to do everything he ever wanted to do within those few hundred years.

Yes, everything he wanted to do was already done.

So…what came next?

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