Void Evolution System

Chapter 1893: Aftermath [1]


The war had to be watched through multiple perspectives to truly be understood. Perhaps it was better to begin with the Divinities, as their battle was much more one-sided.

There were so many Foreign Race Divinities present on the battlefield, but their numbers didn’t do much for them. They were able to misuse their advantages for some time, but that was no longer an option.

Tiamat did her duty. When the Dark God was moved to a place where he could no longer sense this world, when his position did not allow him to consider anyone or anything else, she acted.

Her body was torn apart as the seed in her soul sprouted. An array of black webs shot through the Sacred Abyss and latched onto its very being. The laws suddenly changed. The Dark God’s influence suddenly disappeared.

The “immortality” of the Foreign Army was completely destroyed.

As a result, Tiamat was destroyed as well.

To say that she died was wrong, but it was equally incorrect to say she was living.

Her soul was ripped to shreds and her existence was maintained as something different from what it used to be. The power of the Divinity she created was dispersed as it was used as finite fuel for the seed.

The person known as Tiamat disappeared, and her ego was displaced into an entirely different body. When she awoke, she was in the fields of an unknown land. It was a mystery where her story would go from here.

She was satisfied in the peace of her new environment knowing that she did her duty. She could still see the cracks in the sky, so she knew that she would still be informed when everything came to an end.

Her disappearance went unnoticed because her appearance itself was isolated. However, her impact was immense.

Elena was the first to realize. She actually found her original opponent once more while she was rampaging through the battlefield. It wasn’t the first time, but it was certainly the last. Like always, she killed him before moving on, denying his existence.

Only, he did not return.

Ruyue finally overcame Chaos and led her opponent to ruin. He did not return either.

One by one, the people who died remained dead. One by one, the Dark God’s forces were culled once and for all.

Rose, Iris, and the rest completed their battles and moved on, using their immense power against weaker Divinities to end the war at a quicker pace. As stronger and stronger beings began to interfere with the battles of those below them, everything was able to end quite rapidly.

On the surface of the world, it was a bit different. The Vanguards weren’t resurrected through the Dark God’s power. Instead, there were billions upon billions of them hidden away in storage. They did not need to be replenished as they could be replaced.

This meant that the battle of lower existences couldn’t end so quickly.

They were doing the best they could, but they could not avoid uncountable losses. There was great tragedy on that battlefield, but through it, they fought. They fought while placing their hopes on the forces fighting to support them.

In other words, those led by Thalia.

Even after the whole world was taken into the True Void Territory, there was work left for them to do. As mentioned beforehand, there were billions of Vanguard forces hidden within the planet. Now that they had control, they could find the facilities where they were stored and destroy them all.

It was convenient for them that inactive Vanguards were left dormant. They did not fight back as they were slaughtered, which made the task achievable.

Everything seemed to be working in their favor. The many moving pieces never desynchronized.

The connected hearts of all people as they fought in this shattering cosmos kept them united.

There were scars all across the sky, streaks of white and blue where the cosmos itself had been ruptured beyond repair. The ambient energy levels were dropping, and it was obvious that it would only take a little longer for this entire place to become uninhabitable.

Still, they fought and fought and fought. They fought because there was no such thing as a tomorrow for them if they didn’t fight.

It was not over yet.

In the starry sky, a place that was dangerous to even exist in, another change occurred.

The Incarnation of Evil that Claire was fighting was brought close to death, but it turned out that leaving it in that state was the worst possible choice.

In that final moment, it expanded along with the Dark God and became a true demon. It was a beast of untold proportions with power greater than a Supreme God.

It wasn’t enough for Claire alone to fight it.

It wasn’t enough for anyone to do so.

Dante appeared immediately. He was observing from the sidelines, but he was forced to intervene.

Using all of his power, he kept that being contained.

It had access to Existence, after all. Its level was similar to his because it never comprehended that concept. It was merely reflecting a portion of the Dark God’s power through its own body.

Dante’s efforts kept the beast’s ability at bay. It could not utilize anything above the Supreme God level while he was present.

In consequence, he could not participate in the battle. Technically, he was having a battle of Existences with the beast already.

Its physical body was still unbelievable. Its power was still difficult for Supreme Gods to handle.

Fortunately, there were many of them.

The Divinities of the world all came together. From the weakest of Demigods to the strongest of Gods, anyone who could deal even a smidgen of damage to the beast contributed as much as they could.

They could feel it. As the white stripes decorated the starry sky and tore it apart, they could tell that the battle between Damien and the Dark God was reaching its end.

So, how could they not put their everything into the moment?

Not a single person thought about conserving their energy or surviving through the sacrifices of others.

No, they were warriors and practitioners. They entered this battlefield for pride and glory. They would not leave it with such stains on their names.

Desperation reached a peak at the same time as hope. Everyone started to wonder just how long they would be forced to continue fighting.

And as if to answer them, a wave of mysterious energy spread through the cosmos.

All things related to the Dark God turned to ash. The Incarnation of Evil disappeared as if it never existed, leaving countless Divinities stunned.

Thalia’s team was inside of a Vanguard research facility. They saw the dormant beings turn to ash in their pods.

The confusion of the people only lasted for a single second. Soon, a wave of understanding made its way through their ranks.

The world’s environment faded away as it was replaced.

The Sacred Abyss Universe was always characterized by its darkness, but what appeared in this moment was a great light.

Even the most common of people could sense it in the air. They could smell it, the scent of pure nature and clarity.

This cosmos was healing.

In that battle where the titans who governed all things clashed…

…a victor had been decided.

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