Void Evolution System

Chapter 1888: Clash of the Titans [17]

To Damien, this story only filled in the gaps. It gave him a clear reason for his possession of the Void Physique and his father’s ability to reach Existence with space.

Dante’s upbringing was normal at best, but that was because the Worldwalker lived a mortal life. His lineage had talent in their blood, but they were not innately fated for greatness.

Dante was the one who broke the cycle, and Damien was the first who came after. Perhaps if Dominic or Darius came first, his story would be theirs instead.

Surely, the information made Damien consider some things. Definitely, he realized that he was a lucky person. But, what else? What else could this story possibly do for him?

It was good to know, but the news didn’t make a great impact on his life. After all, he didn’t know the Worldwalker. He respected the man who he now knew as his ancestor, but that was the extent of it.

If he wanted to find any sort of use for the knowledge, then he had to wait until he returned home.

The Dark God didn’t respond the same way for obvious reasons. The story was originally supposed to be about the True Void Universe’s hidden history, but the Dark God’s desires held too much weight. It ended up being a story about the Worldwalker, which was not the greatest outcome.


Envy. Envy. Envy.

It was an emotion that had been mentioned too many times in this conversation about emotion. Damien, the Worldwalker, and the Dark God all experienced it differently, but it was a vital point to all of their stories.

However, the Dark God was different from the other two. When talking about his story, the only emotion that could be mentioned was envy.

It was hard to fathom the true level that his envy had reached. It was hard to fathom before, but with that story, it had become unfathomable.

The fact that there was a genuine connection through blood between Damien and the Worldwalker was one thing, but what hurt him the most was something else.

The Worldwalker no longer existed. He had become one with the Void, an entity that essentially didn’t exist. The tail the Dark God chased for so long led to nothing.

In the end, his brother was already gone. Once again, he left selfishly without considering the Dark God at all.

‘What gives you the right?’

The Dark God’s eyes were clouded with redness.

How dare he?

How dare he leave on his own after so long?! Without a single word, without a single trace!

Damien was not wrong. The Dark God knew it as well. His entire life was focused on his brother. If it weren’t for his brother, he never would have reached his current level.

At the end of the day, all he wanted to do was reach the same position and confront him. All he wanted was a single chance to prove himself for once in his life.

It was all gone now. Because of something as useless as boredom, because of something as useless as love, everything he ever dreamed about was destroyed.


Who gave him the right to feel love? After he spent so long neglecting his own family, how dare he end his life so happily?!

The Dark God’s mind shattered. He had only been keeping himself in one piece in preparation for that moment. However, with no Worldwalker, he no longer had purpose.

He looked at Damien and reality changed.

‘Reality is changing.’

The fact reiterated itself in his mind. He realized the state that his power had reached.

‘If only I were Absolute…’

If he were Absolute, then the Worldwalker would have never escaped him.

“If I were Absolute…”

…wasn’t the Worldwalker’s blood standing in front of him now?

Damien Void was his own person, but as long as he became Absolute, he could entirely erase Damien Void and replace him, couldn’t he?

The Worldwalker could be reborn in his body, couldn’t he?

The Dark God simply could not accept things ending this way. He did not want such an anticlimactic ending to his grueling story.

And, he was prepared to do anything necessary in order to change things.

The form he held now was that of a child. If he was a regular Supreme, he could have easily found a way to change his physical form. The problem was that he was not.

In fact, the Dark God’s true form was somewhere else. Because he was stopping himself from reaching that state, he was forced to cope with the form his thoughts assigned him.

He wanted to look somewhat human. He wanted to possess an appearance that the Worldwalker could recognize.

There was no longer a need for that.

Finally, the Dark God fell completely into the pits of envy. He willingly jumped off of the edge and embraced the darkness that had been brewing inside of him for such a long time.

In essence, he reached his final form.

Damien was forced to completely remove himself from the plane and shift into a different dimension. The child-like form of the Dark God that was only allowed to exist for a small period of time was completely destroyed.

A creature that could not be called anything close to human emerged in its place.

A mass of flesh and bone, a bloody chimera of millions of hands and eyes. The souls of those it devoured were trapped within. Their forms could be seen trying to escape, pulling against its flesh and becoming pieces of its external appearance.

This being was a monster in every form of the word.

Damien understood its identity well.

Right, the Dark God himself was just a way to hide it. The person who came to be known as the Dark God had given himself up a long time ago.

In his mindless pursuit towards his goal, he sacrificed even his own identity.

He was represented by three things.

The Worldwalker, envy, and the hatred that fueled it.

With the Worldwalker gone, the core of his existence was just that.

He had transformed into a true incarnation of envy.

It was best not to believe that this being was the same as the Spiritual Gods of Chaos and Evil. Such a misinterpretation would only cause needless slaughter.

This Incarnation of Envy was a being that had fed itself until it reached the ultimate level. In this form, the Dark God was the closest to the Void that he had ever been for all the wrong reasons.

He was now completely uninhibited and completely mad. Damien was no longer Damien in his mind, but the Worldwalker.

Coincidentally, Damien did become the main character in his life.

But that was not good news for him.


In a single instant, the defenses he used were all shattered. Those millions of arms charged at him and grabbed his body from every direction and in every possible plane. He was dragged into the darkness that manifested from the great mass of envy.

In that plane, he was nothing more than prey. The Dark God had an absolute advantage that he needed to break as rapidly as possible.

But the way out…

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