Void Evolution System

Chapter 1871: War [13]

Dominic and Darius were a dream team. That was the truth when they were both practicing the palace’s techniques, but now that Darius had found his own path as well, their synergy became impeccable.

They were not fighting together at all times, but they were doing something similar to Long Chen and Su Ren at times.

See, they were fighting on the Grand Duke level. Naturally, they were able to promote to Supreme Gods in a short period of time due to the influence of the Void.

It could be called cheating. The fact that the people around Damien were able to have such growth rates made it unfair to everyone around them. To an extent, it even invalidated their power.

However, the Void was not kind. All it was willing to provide for those other than Damien was an opportunity.

It was because each and every one of them chased that opportunity as far as they could. If not, they would have never come this far.

Talent was a good thing. Talent was a foundation atop which so much could be built. But, no matter how talented one was, nothing was achievable without effort.

People who put in effort were always guaranteed to beat those who had talent but no motivation.

Dominic, Darius, Yiren, and the rest were not those kinds of lazy geniuses. They already had the effort. All Damien’s presence did was give them a slight boost in speed.

Dominic had always been a practitioner of both the Void Palace’s techniques and the Krone Clan’s techniques. Time and space were both present inside of him, but it was obvious where his affinity was.

It was around ten years in the Heavenly World that he took to reach this position, but in his own life, it had been over a thousand.

He tried his best to embrace both sides of him. He put space and time together, and as he went further and further down that path, he found himself trapped in a dilation of reality where he was forced to reach great heights if he wanted to escape.

In that place, he went through a great transformation. He managed to escape rapidly, but he went back to that plane with every opportunity he could. That was the perfect land for his development.

Through struggle, he was now at a level Damien once reached, where space and time had merged into a single entity in his soul.

He, of course, could not touch the timeline, but everything else was available to him.

His abilities were very uniquely useful in support situations, but he was always a fighter. They shined the most in battle.

Dominic was calmer than Darius. As such, he stayed in the back and controlled the enemy’s movements. He turned into a shepherd and his enemies were no more than sheep.

Plus, with Darius acting as a herding dog, they were forced to stay in line until death came to meet them.

Darius was terrifying. He was brutal, he was reckless, he was relentless, yet he was untouchable.

He maintained all of the qualities that made him who he was, but after refining himself, he lost the things that made him weak in battle.

The recklessness he displayed now was controlled and calculated. It was all a part of his actual fighting style instead of a product of the influence of his emotions.

And the flames he controlled responded well to his attitude.

They were heavenly. It was obvious, but still true enough to need describing.

Their light was the purest in the entire world. Their heat could sear the folds of reality and change the natural law in favor of fire.

With the palace’s sword art and his affinity for space also at his disposal, he had truly become an unrivaled expert.

A lot of time had passed.

When looking at these people who showed so much growth, it was hard to imagine them as different people from their past selves.

After all, they were stuck in the background. How much could they have possibly changed?

However, there was one thing that could be guaranteed.

No matter who it was, every single member of Damien’s entourage experienced the ten-year extension in the Heavenly World’s timeline intensely.

And, every single one of them had aged by a hundred years at the very least.

These were people who had the palace and each other’s full support. Time dilations were easily accessible to them.

As they needed to train as much as possible, they chose the method that wouldn’t waste a single second. When they trained, they trained for periods of time that were almost unspeakable in some cases.

Dominic and Darius were still teenagers mentally when Damien first came to the Heavenly World. They were now grown men. They were commanders who would attain glory on any battlefield they graced with their presence.

It was the same for Yiren. Back then, she was bratty. Even she had to admit it.

She was jealous, self-centered, and unable to accept her new brother simply because of her own complicated emotions.

Perhaps it was the sense of disparity between their positions. No matter what anyone said, she was still the adopted child in the family. The sense of belonging she felt was always overshadowed by the reminder that she was not related to any of these people by blood.

It haunted her for a long time. In fact, she wasn’t even able to properly progress in her training because that feeling was clogging her heart.

She was sent to the lower universe to observe Damien on orders that indicated that it was for his sake.

That was a lie.

Damien didn’t need any help. Yiren never got the chance to help him even once.

Instead, Yiren was sent to the lower universe to learn something from him.

He, who was a member of the main family, had never known most of them. He, who didn’t even know the true form of his own mother.

The quest he embarked on through his own grit. The struggle he went through. They wanted her to see it and learn from it.

Because even though they could not help Damien, he was still a member of their family.

Yiren developed a respect for him that she didn’t want to admit. As she grew older, however, she was finally able to accept it.

Her path was different from the rest because she did not reach her full potential yet. She only recently overcame her struggle in the last few years and was now making a rush to match the progress of her siblings and friends.

This battle was a stage for her to prove herself to herself. Because she had a change in her mindset, because she was no longer stuck in her ways, because she stopped worrying about useless things and accepted herself as a member of the Void Clan, she would succeed.

Perhaps she would not have the same impact as others, but that didn’t matter anymore.

The attention was no longer her goal.

All she wanted was to reach the goals that she’d established in her mind after moping around for so long.

This final war meant a lot to everyone involved. It was an important event for reasons other than the obvious, so everyone was highly focused on doing everything they could to win.

Perhaps it was better to let them focus on their own growth and goals for now.

It had been a long time. By this point, it was unknown where Damien and the Dark God’s battle was.

However, for the sake of clarity, it was better to describe it from the start.

From that very first clash…

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