Void Evolution System

Chapter 1861: War [3]

The Heavenly World’s troops, emboldened by Damien’s speech and their own vigor, charged straight into the Sacred Abyss.

They were met immediately with the war they came to fight.

Damien gave the leaders orders to move the battle off of the main planet, but they wouldn’t get the chance to do so any time soon. They arrived and were faced with a crowd of nobles and vanguards that charged at them without a shred of fear or hesitation.

There were many duplicates among them. Every noble appeared at least four or five times, which allowed their numbers to match the Heavenly World’s diverse array of Divinities.

On top of that, along with the hundred-and-something nobles that existed in the current era, the forms of several people who had once been of noble status but were later abandoned appeared as well.

Weren’t there Nox among them as well?

Those who came from Grand Heavens Boundary were surprised to see the Soul Emperor, Karmic Emperor, and Inhuman Emperor manifested among the enemy forces.

The only one missing was the Saint Emperor. He was never loyal to the Dark God or the Foreign Races in the slightest, so he did not fall under the umbrella of the Dark God’s power.

The clash began with so much spilled blood that it was questionable how it was supposed to last for more than ten minutes. At the rate that people were dying, wouldn’t their side be exhausted easily?


This was a war against an infinite number of enemies. Measures had been taken to protect the lives of those who stood at the very forefront of the battle.

After the first wave of death spread, a holy golden white aura filled the air and wrapped the entire Heavenly World force in canopies of the same colored light. Their defensive abilities were slightly boosted, but the main effect was the protection of their lives.

The light was the combined force of the Heavenly World’s Light and Wood Law users. They were at the back of the army and protected by many powerful Divinities. Their abilities were sent through an array that the Krone Clan developed and spread through the allied force.

It was an imitation of what Damien once did in the past to achieve the same effect, but it was not based on his actions. The goal was to keep the fighters alive for as long as possible. For that purpose, those same practitioners were even willing to take the accumulated damage upon themselves.

It was destined to be a brutal battle. However, it wasn’t entirely hopeless.

The nobles were rapidly separated from the vanguards. A wall was formed around them by the members of Void Palace and they were immediately teleported far into the starry sky.

The lower existences stayed on the ground to fight against other lower existences.

If Divinities were involved on the same stage, they were destined to die meaninglessly.

Damien watched as everything proceeded according to plan.

‘I don’t think I need to watch over them for much longer.’

Initially, he was worried that the force of the Foreign Races would be too much for his homeland’s people. Once they proved their resolve and power, he lost that worry.

It was unfounded from beginning to end. The Nox had that kind of power over the people. The Nox spent billions of years tormenting their enemies and built up a crippling fear that overran almost any army that faced them.

The Foreign Races did no such thing. They acted in a calm and unhurried manner because of the Dark God’s confidence. If Damien hadn’t shown up, a similar situation would have occurred here as well.

However, he did. He appeared and expedited everything the Dark God had planned. He erased the fear of the Foreign Races that could have been created. Now, the psychological advantage simply didn’t exist.

The Heavenly World’s people fought like berserkers. They knew that their lives were on the line. They knew that they would never be able to stop fighting until the Dark God died.

Still, they craved blood. They craved the scene of a mountain of dead bodies consisting of only Foreign Races.

Regardless of what they were, everyone had found their reasons to put their all into the war.


Watching them fight, Damien prepared himself as well.

He could see the massive black hole in the starry sky. He knew exactly where he needed to go and what he needed to do.

If he wanted to shorten his people’s suffering by even a single second, he had to go there and fight his own battle.

Not many people noticed his body disappear.

However, they all knew that their leader was going to confront the Dark God.

All they needed to do was survive until he succeeded.


Thalia almost didn’t have time to do anything before the war came to her. The time between when she met Malevalon and targeted the nearest noble was around three days. In those three days, her tribe was able to prepare and the people were able to learn about the fact that a slaughter was about to begin.

Unfortunately, it was not enough time for those untrained mortals to learn the necessary skills to pick up their blades.

They were forced to hide in their homes and hope that the sounds of destruction didn’t get any closer.

Meanwhile, the Gehenna Tribe fought its own battle.

Thalia went to work completely dismantling the armed forces of the territory she’d just occupied. At the same time, her tribe members invaded the remaining territories around their own for the same purpose.

Damien didn’t order the Gehenna Tribe to join the frontlines. Their job was to take down the Foreign Races around the world and claim their territory.

When the True Void Territory expanded, its power would be able to bless the allied troops fighting within.

It was a sort of home ground blessing that Damien organized the instant he arrived in this plane. By the time they were finished, the hope was that the mortals would gain enough power to completely overwhelm the vanguards they faced. That also gave more leeway to the Divines who were fighting in the starry sky.

After all, the moment the entire world was claimed, the blessing’s effects would be exerted on the surrounding space as well. This plan was one of many that were created to promote survival rates among the troops.

There was no need to watch the lower existences fight.

Their battle was one of numbers against numbers for now, but it was sure to change as they became more confident in their strength.

The more riveting battles were taking place among the Divinities.

And among them, the battles to focus on were naturally being fought by the people who surrounded Damien.

It had been a long time since they had the spotlight. As Damien grew past them, they were forced to stay in the background as each and every one of them focused on their own training and adventures.

Now that the final stage was prepared, their moment to show the world what they’d accomplished was here.

Hell, even Rose was fighting. She chose not to train, so she was the weakest of them all.

Watching her performance was like setting a benchmark for the rest, right?

Because it didn’t matter if she was the weakest.

Because that term was relative, and the people she was being compared to were the best the cosmos had to offer.

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