Void Evolution System

Chapter 1859: War [1]

The people of the Heavenly World had some leeway in preparing for the great war, but it was different for their allies on the inside.

Thalia was surprised to suddenly receive a message from Damien. He had not contacted her since he left the Sacred Abyss last time, and she had become so used to her duties managing the territory that she’d forgotten to wait for him to say something.

So, when that first message came, she was met with some hollow surprise as she wasn’t actually that excited to receive it.

However, that feeling only lasted until she saw its content.

“In three days, there will be war. Prepare to rebel against everything you know.”


That was when the surprise came. The Gehenna Tribe never once thought about antagonizing the Dark God. They knew better than anyone that such thoughts would only get them killed.

However, that didn’t mean they didn’t wish for it. The Dark God and his nobles were the reason for their and many others’ suffering. They obviously wanted him gone.

And, it seemed that the time had come for everything to be flipped on its head. The enemy that the Dark God provoked this time was not willing to stand down and take his beating.

No, they were headed by a mystical entity and were coming here to exact their revenge.

‘As he said, we must prepare.’

Thalia was very different from her last appearance. With the help of the people Damien left her, she grew into a true leader and her tribe was able to thrive. Rather than mulling over the decision or taking it emotionally, she immediately went into work mode.

It didn’t matter how she felt. The great war would happen whether the Gehenna Tribe was participating or not.

This was an opportunity for them to shine and show their worth. It was an opportunity for them to get revenge for the many transgressions they’d faced at the enemy’s hands. And, it was an opportunity for them to see greater horizons.

The Sacred Abyss would thrive if the Dark God was removed from the equation. She had no qualms with helping the person who wanted to make that happen. Her people were the same.

When she got the message, the first thing she did was contact her tribesmen and inform them of the matter.

They had made immense progress. From a dwindling tribe that was getting smaller with the passing of time, they ballooned into an entity that could not be ignored.

The warriors had become incredibly powerful. They couldn’t be called Gods yet, but they were definitely on par with the Divine. Even the common tribe members who used to stay in the village found themselves learning as many skills as possible to help with the current environment they were in.

The people of the True Void Territory were welcoming as well. Thalia didn’t treat them like the other nobles. As she was originally one of them and only achieved this seat through luck, she learned to rule in a way that supported the common populace.

Though they were not aware of it as it was never shared with them, the people of this territory were practically already people of the True Void.

Thalia was both a Lord and a Saintess. She governed two different entities, and in this moment, she wondered how many of those people would be involved in this war and how many would be lost.

‘Still, it’s inevitable.’

It would be nice if war was something that could be avoided, but since when was that possible?

In the first place, the attacking side wasn’t in the wrong. They were attacking because they had no other choice. It was the Sacred Abyss’ own ruler who was so hell-bent on attacking other cosmos and incurring these kinds of losses and tragedies.

He had to be stopped.

The Dark God could not be allowed to continue destroying this cosmos. Because, the moment he could no longer uphold its structure, it would collapse.


Naturally, the responses Thalia received from her clan were all positive. None of them were averse to entering the war from the start, and when they heard that Damien was going to be confronting the Dark God, they became even more excited.

That man was the savior of their tribe and the person who gave them a better future. His position was no weaker than the Saintess’ in their hearts.

‘I guess there’s no point in delaying.’

The territory could be kept as a military outpost if it was necessary. Though it was more likely that the war would be one long battle to determine the victor, it was impossible for the troops to maintain their energy infinitely.

For those who could find their way back, this place could act as a haven. They could heal and return to battle in peak condition, since their continued presence in the war could end up saving more of their fellows.

As for the Gehenna Tribe itself…

Well, once Thalia shared the information, she didn’t need to worry about them anymore. They were already getting ready to fight in their own way. As their Saintess, it was her job to watch over them.

The only trouble was the common people of this territory.

Was it right to enlist them in this war?

‘No. I can’t force them into it. The people here are relatively clueless, so they don’t know to blame the Dark God for their struggles. They only blame the nobles and the system. Most of them won’t be willing to fight, but I should at least let them know.’

It was better for her territory to be prepared for the incoming war. Unlike the nobles, Thalia didn’t have contact with the Dark God or the higher entities of this cosmos. She was relatively isolated, and though she’d been invited to join their ranks a few times, they never bothered about her refusal.

In a sense, the True Void Territory was an independent entity from the rest of the Sacred Abyss.

While that was good for the overall state of the territory, it meant that Thalia was out of the loop about many things. The other nobles probably knew that this moment would come from a long time ago.


She couldn’t stand them. How could she when her opinion of them was based on the man that led to the previous Saintess’ death?

Moreover, they didn’t try to fix that reputation.

Even the nobles that she’d come in contact with–

‘–speak of the devil.’

She only just got the news and plotted her next move, but he was already here.

The person who had been keeping watch on the True Void Territory for the Foreign Races and a person that Thalia had come to abhor. A person who was not lecherous yet had such a disgusting gaze that it made him seem like a pervert. He was also originally a member of the enemy side. Perhaps that was why the nobles put him in charge of menial tasks like this.

Right, the person visiting Thalia wasn’t unfamiliar at all.

In the flesh, as a member of a new race, was the Dark God’s former favorite dog in the Heavenly World.

Malevalon Straea.

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