Void Evolution System

Chapter 1167  In The Shadows [1]

Chapter 1167  In The Shadows [1]

The Nox used three separate strategies in the destruction of Sectors thus far.

The Elven Domain was destroyed through pure strength. Nothing was able to resist the technological warfare the Nox were able to utilize at the time, especially not the universe’s weakest race, the Elves.

Eden was destroyed similarly, but the universe still had the chance to fight back. The strategy the enemy chose was all-out war. The Nox took a huge loss in their technology and lost the ability to deploy destroyer starships after this war, but they were still able to come out victorious.

Nevertheless, unlike elves, who had colonies in several places, the Plant Races were essentially wiped out from the universe, at least in their complete, organized form.

Finally, the Giant Domain was taken with a strategy that still couldn’t be explained. The best explanation was that they “rewrote the programming” of those targeted World Cores so they would naturally destroy themselves.

Like the Elven Domain’s fate, the Giant Domain was eradicated with no help from outsiders.

Only those Giants who stayed in Hephaestus with Heaven’s Army or had similar situations survived.

Of the three, this was the greatest hit to Grand Heavens Boundary.

As Damien had mentioned several times, the Giants were the most secure race of them all.

There was no such thing as a traitorous giant. Whether it was due to the mistakes of their ancestors or their natural disposition for justice was unknown, but there wasn’t a single member of their race that diverged from their instinct.

justice was unknown, but there wasn’t a single member of their race that diverged from their instinct.

The loyalty of their race, combined with their ability to freely change size, made them perfect for countless operations that couldn’t be entrusted to others.

Without them, the operations of Heaven’s Army suffered quite a bit.

The enemy’s new target was the Beast Domain.

Their assault had continued for half a year now, marking a year and three months since Damien’s imprisonment.

This time’s strategy once again changed.

Unpredictability seemed to be their priority.

Their attacks were sporadic, and their troops were hidden well in various places, not out in the open like they’d been thus far.

The pocket dimensions they created could hold an untold number of Nox Beings who were merely waiting for their turn to shine.

In addition to capacity, their stealth wasn’t to be laughed at. They weren’t impossible to find, but the difficulty was definitely there.

The Nox had an advantage in deployment time and the element of surprise despite being the offenders in someone else’s territory.

The teams who once guarded Eien retreated into the universe long ago and formed a new frontline that allowed them to utilize the spatial anomaly outside a portion of the Beast Domain to their advantage, somewhat leveling the playing field.

This war was still fresh, as were the memories of the past three sectors that faced their tragic fates.

Those fighting for the Beast Domain did not take the enemy lightly.

They coordinated with Luxurion’s backline division to keep the momentum stable and disallow the Nox from using the full potential of their advantage, and so far, things were going according to plan.

“We’ve discovered 16000 pocket dimensions thus far, but per your order, we have not made it known. Here is the information our scouts have been able to gather without revealing themselves.”

A woman with sleek black hair and cold eyes handed a collection of jade slips to a stalwart old man, who nodded and dismissed her before turning his gaze towards them.

“16000, eh? I’m afraid we are far further behind than expected.”

The man muttered to himself, but his words were answered regardless.

“What are you planning to do? At this point, the information needs to be reported. Otherwise, things will not end well.”

The old man looked up, taking sight of the new woman who appeared in his quarters.

“You are?” He asked without answering.

“Is there a need to say?”


The old man’s eyes narrowed.

The woman was quite attractive, definitely at the top of the universe’s beauty standard, but all of her charm was faded to him.

The color of her hair was the part that attracted his gaze.

This crimson red color, deep like blood, the eyes that matched and were filled with a hidden light of cruelty unobservable to the normal eye…

“A female Bloodlock? How rare.”


The woman’s eyes glowed menacingly.

“Did you say something?”

“It is not an insult, merely an observation.”

“One from a fool. Our family only cares for strength. This should be clear.”

Yes, the Bloodlock Clan was a family that put strength above all else, but it was also a raging patriarchy.

Immortal Blood Asura created it in such a way where they were suppressed, even if they were direct descendants.

This lady’s existence in front of him was already a miracle, since any woman who became this strong should’ve been long dead by now!

“Why is a Bloodlock visiting me now? What interest do you have in our affairs?” The old man asked, changing the subject.

“That’s simple. This information, shouldn’t it be given to a higher authority? Or are you hoarding it in hopes of monopolizing the glory?”

The old man frowned.

“Young lady, that is quite a tall accusation to be pulling from thin air.”

 “Ah?” The Bloodlock woman hummed with a strange smile.

“But is it really just air?”

She slammed her hand down on his desk, looking into his eyes with those glowing and terrifying pupils of hers.

“Personal benefits are reserved for the living. Take care to remember that.”


The old man didn’t dare to meet her gaze.

He didn’t know what kind of power she was using, but anything a Bloodlock did was sure to be merciless.

If he met her gaze, he would undoubtedly die, regardless of his status.

“Take your time to think. I won’t bother you until then.”

The woman’s gaze dulled and she stepped away, preparing to leave.

But the old man was faster.

“I must’ve been out of my mind. There is no authority more trustworthy than your Bloodlock Clan, so how about I give these reports directly to you?”


The woman stopped in her tracks and turned around, smiling lightly.

She swept her hand through the air and summoned the jade slips on the man’s desk into her grasp.

“Hmm, I like people who know their place.”

Without another word, she took her leave.

The old man slumped into his chair, beads of sweat dripping down his forehead.

It was a short and mostly harmless interaction. The way she talked made it seem like she was concerned for the universe and acting on the side of righteousness.

Was it because she suspected someone was watching them?

That woman was too terrifying.

And whatever she was going to do now…


It had nothing to do with him, but he was certain it would be a far worse outcome than if he continued to act selfishly as he did.

Several minutes passed in silence before the secretary from earlier came rushing through the door again.

“Sir, there’s news!”

“What is it?” He said, standing up and addressing her urgency.


The secretary’s body trembled strangely.

Why did she seem…

“There’s a mountain of currency cards in the corridor outside! It amounts to at least several billion units!”


It seemed his decision to fold wasn’t just a one-time thing.

It seemed he’d picked a side.

It seemed incredibly suspicious, but if benefits came as easy as this…

…wasn’t it okay?

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