Void Evolution System

Chapter 1162 Operation [10]

Chapter 1162 Operation [10]

Compared to Hans and the surprise arrival of Alexander, the journey back was a light stroll through the park.

They only needed to conceal themselves. There was no need to worry about being discovered anymore.

Those Supremes who left for the nearby camps didn’t come back. Not even once.

At first, they thought it was just a matter of time, but they were once again proven wrong.

The most likely case was that they’d been killed by Alexander before he left, but they couldn’t be sure.

And they didn’t have the energy to make sure.

Instead, they focused their energy together to escape the shadow army.

Rose was naturally still the center with her illusion power, but the rest didn’t slack.

If an enemy could be killed silently, they were killed without fail. And if Rose ever felt taxed or needed aid, there were several people ready to provide her their mana and replenish her stamina through a variety of magics.

Still, the distance they needed to cover wasn’t small.

In the first place, the shadow army was located near the boundary between Eien and the Abyss. It was separated from the main territories of the ring by a wall of illusory shadows that concealed it naturally, and it wasn’t easily accessible to anyone.

If not for this, it wouldn’t have been such a dangerous mission to infiltrate this area.

Nevertheless, their skills could get them in, so they could naturally get out.

The Executioner Valakos and his minions were left in the dark forest, only now becoming aware of the terror that enveloped their main camp.

The fury and humiliation they’d feel when they realized what happened could only be imagined, because at this time, Rose and the rest were far past their location.

The journey took a little over three months, and was only elongated by the constant stopping they did to slaughter the Nox on the way.

After all, the further they got from the camp, the weaker their enemies got.

Another method to quench their burning desires for vengeance revealed itself through this massacre, and they did not shy away from abusing it.

Eventually, they skillfully passed through the shadow wall, finally arriving back in universe territory.

The Blood-Drenched Wilderness was cleared of any Nox influence by Commander Huo’s soldiers several months ago, so there were no more enemy forces in the vicinity.

The plain was now filled with Heaven’s Army bases, to the point where it seemed a bit extreme.

The area would absolutely remain impenetrable by the Nox with this kind of protection, but…

The Judgement Order didn’t stop at any of these extra bases and rapidly made their way directly to the main fortress.

After dismissing the lower members to rest, Rose took the leaders to Commander Huo.

There was much to report.

The old man’s quarters were in the same place they always were, and he was hunched over his desk the same as always as well.

His vision raised when he sensed their presence.


He sighed to himself, but didn’t speak, beckoning them in.

“Commander,” Rose said, saluting.

The rest followed before she continued.

“We have returned from the shadow army. The information collected has been collected into this jade slip. I suggest you look over it as soon as possible.”

“Mm,” Commander Huo hummed, taking the slip.

As he scanned his consciousness over it, his eyes became increasingly wide.

The general schematics of a shadow army base camp, the troop allocation, secret plans for invasions on different areas, news that a Demigod and a Supreme were dead, and two more Supremes were potentially dead as well…

Even the last piece couldn’t be the most surprising piece of knowledge.

That spot belonged to—

“The Giant Domain.”

“Yes. That is their true target. Have moves already been made to counter them?”

Commander Huo sighed.

“It’s too late.”


The commander nodded sorrowfully.

“The Giant Domain is gone. It vanished into thin air two weeks ago, and the remaining space turned into a piece of the chaotic Abyss.”

Information that struck their souls.

An entire domain was just…gone?

How could that be?

No, if they came earlier, perhaps…!

“Do not have stray thoughts. Even a Demigod squad was sent to investigate the phenomenon, and despite their findings, we were not able to find a solution. The domain was forsaken by the higher authorities after being deemed ‘unsalvageable.'”


“However, it is not all bad news.”

Commander Huo’s eyes warmed slightly.

“Although I did not know your group was the cause, the death of the Hound Lord spread a month prior. Investigative forces were sent into the Shadow Army, and it has been determined that every Nox encampment on the Soul World boundary has been eradicated. There is not a single enemy remaining.”

The group’s eyes widened.

That deed could only be attributed to a single individual.

A mysterious red-haired man named Alexander!

He didn’t just kill the Nox Supremes, he killed everyone in the camps they had been visiting!

“I am aware that you have much more you wish to do, but calm those flames for now. Take rest and recuperate. After an event like this, overwork can be fatal.”

Rose nodded, looking at the weary faces that those around her were trying to hide.

“Then, we will visit you again in 3 days.”

The group began to leave, with Elena giving one last bow to her mentor before following.

Left alone, Commander Huo’s sighs only became drearier.

They just got back.

There were only nine left of their most powerful, so he couldn’t imagine what happened to their followers.

At a time like this, they didn’t need to know.

‘The situation is bleak.’

The information they brought only worsened a bad situation, but this was for the better since information gave an opportunity to counterattack.

Nevertheless, the current universe…

If one took the perspective of an invisible camera, one that existed outside the bounds of reality, one could infinitely zoom out to see a picture of the entire universe.

It was huge, far too huge for the human mind to comprehend, and its shape was far from regular.

Like bubbles put together in a strange chemical compound-like pattern, some domains were bordered by the Abyss, while others like the Divine Realm and Infernal Realm were lucky to be landlocked by their neighboring sectors.

The universe never maintained a proper shape for long, always shifting at an imperceptible level, but some laws were never broken, such as the secure position of the aforementioned Sectors.

Grand Heavens Boundary changed its appearance many times in the past.

The universe known to those alive today once had nine Sectors.

The first major change took place when the Elven Domain was ruined.

Its people were slaughtered and its single survivor was still missing.

The second came with Eden, which faced an equally cruel fate of total extermination.

There was no life left there. Even those worlds left behind were dark and dead.

And then came the third.

The Giant Domain disappeared and the space it occupied was swallowed by the Abyss.

And before this disaster could even pass…

The Beast Domain began experiencing the same fate.

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