Void Evolution System

Chapter 1153  Operation [1]

Chapter 1153  Operation [1]

“Is everyone finished?”

Rose’s voice rang through the hidden safe house as she addressed the rest of the members.

They were moving extremely fast at the moment while tracking the movements of their enemies, but with their current speed, they would be able to make it in time.

“Leader, all the information collected by our squads has been collected into this jade slip,” a man said, passing the slip over.

Rose nodded and took it, glancing over it.

The average power level of their enemies had changed, but the general layout was roughly the same.

It was necessary to understand this information before they started working towards any plan.


Rose furrowed her brows as she continued reading.

“Over thirty Executioners and over a hundred High Commanders…we won’t be able to avoid the Supremes either.”

Their first goal was simple. They needed to make their way to the summoning platform in the Nox’s possession.

They only theorized its existence, but it had to be present. Otherwise, the Inhuman Emperor couldn’t have arrived the way he did.

He didn’t come from outside the camp, but from within as if he was always there.

Yet, if he was always there, they wouldn’t have been able to do anything from the start.

Therefore, there had to be a summoning platform.

The only problem was that its projected location was centralized between the residences of the three Supremes in the camp.

It would be impossible to sneak there, but getting there was an absolute necessity.

“Does anyone have any ideas?” Rose asked.

“I do,” Su Ren responded.

“However, we must speak of it while moving. The enemies are far too close.”


Long Chen posed the question. How were they supposed to leave in this situation?

“This is why I keep telling you to sharpen your perception. You are wasting those eyes of yours.”

“Eh? I’m itching to fight you too, but it can wait, can’t it?”

“You know this is not my intent at this time.”


Long Chen and Su Ren had quite the rivalry, only natural due to their contrasts as sword and blade practitioners, but that was beside the point.

Long Chen’s draconic eyes could see through truths, but he wasn’t able to see the escape route Rose created in the past week, a testament to his lack of skill.

“Tsk. Fine, I’ll work on it from now on. It’s not like I had an opportunity to focus on anything other than power before this anyway.”

Long Chen folded after receiving an explanation, and Rose led her fifty comrades into the bedroom space at the back of the safe house.

“For starters, we’re going down. Nothing has been said about the underground of Eien, which means it’s either desolate or crawling with dangers, but it’s our only option,” she said, removing her illusions to reveal a massive hole in the floor.

It dropped into darkness, making it difficult to tell its depth, but it was definitely a severe drop.

“We won’t be able to take this all the way there, but it’s a good starting point. Is everyone ready?”

Her question prompted several excited and determined cries.

She smiled.

“Then, let’s get started.”

In groups of ten, the Judgement Order members jumped into the hole and used their mana expertly to get them down to the bottom without raising too much of a commotion.

Elena and Ruyue went last, giving Rose one last nod before jumping.

Left alone, Rose summoned her mana and began the process of creation.

She weaved threads of illusion into a false reality that could not be seen through.

The safe house vanished into nonexistence, replaced by damp and rocky walls like an ordinary cave.

Figured spawned next. Fifty of them, with the exact characteristics of those they mimicked down to the smallest details in their auras.

These illusions didn’t have much power, but each had a supply of mana she provided that they could use to emulate power for a period of time.

“You all know what to do, right? Go now and run until you die.”

The illusions nodded and rushed to the cave entrance.

Behind them, Rose jumped into the hole and covered the entrance behind her, joining her team.

The drop was roughly ten kilometers. This deep in the ground, most wouldn’t be able to detect them with a sweeping scan.

Which meant, until her illusions died, they would be free of monitoring.


She deeply exhaled.


A massive explosion, made vague by the layers of rock between it and them, rang out on the surface.


Rose’s command was absolute.

The group took turns making a tunnel through the thick and mana-laced ground of Eien, running with as much speed as possible towards their destination.

Meanwhile, a fearsome scene presented itself on the surface.

Several High Commanders were approaching the cave, only a few kilometers away. The Executioners behind them didn’t make the same haste, but they were also moving forward.

At that moment—


The cave exploded into bits of rubble that flew into the sky.

Fifty members of the Judgement Order rushed out of the explosion in different directions, scattering like rats.

“Humans! Do not attempt this meaningless stunt!”

The roar of a High Commander boomed through the atmosphere, but those it was directed at paid it no mind.

Their goal was in the opposite direction of their true selves. While the true Judgement Order went further into the enemy camp, their clones escaped as fast as possible!

However, speed was relative. In front of High Commanders, the lesser members were just chickens to be slaughtered.

“Didn’t I say not to run?”

A High Commander with deep purple hair growled as he grabbed the neck of one of the female illusions.

“Be grateful to die by the hands of this Krato. If Rakash got you instead, I do not know what vile things would have happened to you.”

Despite his words, the expression on his face was filled with cruel ecstasy.

“Unfortunately, a beautiful woman like you must die, because that is what the Lord desires!”


He tightened his grip in an instant, and the woman’s body exploded.

A rain of blood drenched his body, making him shiver in delight as he glanced at the rest of the rats scurrying away.

“Kekekeke! Come! All of you come to me!”


He dashed with such force that he broke through the air. He went after the lesser members first before targeting the leaders, who were being chased by the Rakash mentioned earlier.


Bodies exploded, blood showered the earth, and the satisfying squelching of broken human bodies made Krato’s entire body fill with adrenaline.

“Rakash! Are you still chasing dogs?! Hahahaha!” He yelled wildly.

“Shut up, Krato! If you are not busy, then help me!” Rakash responded with a growl.

The leaders were definitely stronger. If they were able to avoid Rakash for so long, they couldn’t be ordinary.


He didn’t realize it because of just how much blood was covering him.

The longer Krato chased the enemy, the more layers of that blood disappeared from existence.

After all…

No matter how real they felt, they were nothing more than illusions!

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