Void Evolution System

Chapter 1135 Judgement [3]

Chapter 1135 Judgement [3]

No Return Pass was a place that could be considered nothing but a death sentence for those stationed there.

It was a portion of Eien sectioned off from the rest of the ring with walls that reached so high even the sky was contained within them. In this total darkness, a never-ending wave of Nox had been assailing the universe for tens of thousands of years.

It was a land of no return, and it was named as such because hiding this fact behind a grand name was not a grace No Return Pass deserved.

There was no option for retreat.

The domain bordering the Abyss behind No Return Pass was none other than the Human Domain.

Spatial distortions that could kill even the greatest experts filled the space between the Human Domain and Eien, which acted as a second line of defense against the invading forces but couldn’t be the first.

Because with the numbers that were pushing through the pass, the spatial distortions could only hold them for so long.

10 years in that placeā€¦not a single person had survived so long in that pass.

Damien understood this very well. No Return Pass wasn’t an unfamiliar name to him. He also understood that even 5 years was a period equivalent to hell.

But he was confident he could do it, and he was aware that there was no way for him to knock the punishment down any more than this.

Immortal Blood Asura was truly wicked. If he started with 10 years using the Nox and Damien’s treachery as his argument, Damien’s ability to negotiate would be severely damaged.

Did he want to bring his punishment down to almost nothing? What a coward!

This was the thought the common people would hold towards him.

Because to them, No Return Pass was a name without substance. It was a place of punishment, not a place of absolute death.

Such was the power of authority.

The position he stood at, the connections he held, and the power his words held because of these factors allowed Immortal Blood Asura to weave a net Damien couldn’t escape.

It was surprising Damien hadn’t been caught in such a net before, but this was also because he was unreasonably powerful.

The only way for him to face these consequences was to have an even more unreasonably powerful enemy!

Nevertheless, Damien proposed 5 years. He would not take total defeat in this confrontation.

Zara was okay for now, and he had to secure his safety as well.

5 years in return for a miracle.

These bold words confused many of those present and even more of those not.

In his position, it almost looked like he was desperately grasping for straws, but the light in his eyes suggested something different.

Was it arrogance or confidence?

The crowd understood once he continued his words.

The “miracle” he promised was simple.

He was going to connect the universe.

He was going to utterly change the way Grand Heavens Boundary functioned by creating a system of long-distance teleportation arrays that spanned its entire area.

The question was raised immediately.

If the universe already has one, what use would another one have?

However, Damien’s answer was just as swift.

“Isn’t it silly to ask why a Supreme is better than a 2nd class?”

Immortal Blood Asura wanted to shut it down, but he lost the momentum the moment Damien started talking.

What he suggested would benefit the entire universe in several ways. If he could build a more efficient system for transportation, both mobilization of troops and evacuation of citizens could be expedited, which would be pivotal during wartime.

Whether they were supportive of Immortal Blood Asura or despising him, the Demigods on the panel were forced to consider Damien’s proposal with utmost seriousness.

“Can you do it?” Luciel asked, once again speaking for the panel.

“I can,” Damien responded confidently.

“How long will it take?”

Damien frowned in thought.

It took 5 years to consume the Human Domain, but this time’s task was far easier.

He only had to visit inhabited worlds, and of them, he didn’t have to visit each one.

After all, technology to travel between worlds in close proximity had been present for those in the wider universe for as long as it had history. Even the most poor and disconnected worlds could afford a means capable of doing so.

However, he also had to account for budding worlds like Earth once was. Those worlds who were disconnected from wider society and had to start from the beginning to adapt; they could not be left to fend for themselves.

“Give me 2 years if you want a fully functional system. I can prioritize Hephaestus and the Divine Realm and have them done in less than one.”

An even bolder statement!

It was unknown how long it took for the ancients to set up the current system, but there was obvious evidence that their civilization went through several changes in the process of its creation.

To replicate such a feat in two years, even the uninformed members of the crowd were baffled by this declaration.

“Do you dare to sign another Mana Oath?” Immortal Blood Asura said coldly.

The only hope he had at dealing more damage was if Damien couldn’t finish his “miracle” in time.

And he couldn’t interfere with that mission, because Damien was going to be watched by everyone for the next two years.

“I do,” Damien declared.

Regardless of what his enemies wished, he would move on the path he chose.

The panel took a moment to discuss.

Two years was a long time considering that war would likely start this very day, however, when the war was projected to last decades, this period was minimal.

There was no logical reason for anyone to disagree with this proposition. 5 years in No Return Pass was still something that would cripple a young genius like Damien, and if they could gain from it, even his enemies supported this call.

Thus, the final verdict was decided.

Luciel stood up and spoke.

“To face the consequences of his actions, Damien Void shall build a universal transportation system within 2 years and serve 5 years in No Return Pass. If none disagree, we shall move forward with the Mana Oaths.”

Damien smiled imperceptibly.

“Facing the consequences of his actions” was completely different from “punishment for crimes against the universe.”

Luciel’s words changed the tone of the trial into more of a disciplining for a promising youngling.

And with no disagreements spoken, the motion was passed.

In front of all eyes, Damien took two Mana Oaths.

The first was the agreed oath for the teleportation system.

And the second stated that, once he was finished, he would guard No Return Pass without retreating or abandoning his post, even if it meant death.

The mana projections spanning the universe cut off there. The general public was left to process the storm that had just passed.

The council convened in the starry sky dispersed, some greeting Damien and others throwing him gazes filled with mockery.

Immortal Blood Asura spoke no more at this juncture, but he did leave Damien a personal message before leaving.

Damien watched his back as he left.

The crowd around him was drowned out by the cool silence in his mind.

An enemy he didn’t take seriously until now.

An enemy he disregarded because he couldn’t make a direct move against him.

Such an enemy was the one who grasped the chance to bring him to ruin.

‘I’ll remember this.’ He thought to himself.

‘Count your days, traitor.’

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