Void Evolution System

Chapter 1128 Fated Duel [3]

Chapter 1128 Fated Duel [3]

Bai Yumo definitely wasn’t expecting what came next.

Damien completely let loose.

He put away Mirage and didn’t draw the Twin Moons, using only his body to fight.


The heights of his mana.


With a single thought, he made the starry sky explode.

The Saint King’s body shot through space with such speed that it became nothing more than a blur.

And Damien was practically an illusion.


His fist hit Bai Yumo’s chest with the force of a thousand suns, shooting him deeper into the starry sky.

Spatial explosions hit him from every side and disallowed him from regaining his balance before Damien arrived before him again, hitting him with even more space.


Bai Yumo gritted his teeth after spitting out a mouthful of blood. He wasn’t being injured very much by these attacks, but it was frustrating not being able to do anything in response!

He contemplated how to get himself back into the forefront and tried to gather his mana, but it was like Damien could read his every movement.

The second he tried anything, space and time would constrict him and negate his actions.


The Saint King’s body came to an abrupt stop. His bones shattered due to the displaced force, and his danger sense was ringing piercing alarm bells in his head.

Those amethyst-purple eyes appeared before him like the devil, answering their call.

“Have fun with this one.”

Damien grinned and pulled his fist back, filling it with every law he knew.

‘Chaotic punch…!? Forget the naming, I suck at it anyway.’

Damien was having a jolly old time, but it wasn’t the same for his opponent.

The concept of distance was what trapped the Saint King.

His momentum didn’t slow at any time, merely, space stretched to the point where his momentum could only carry him a few inches away at a time.

When that distortion was suddenly reversed, and Damien’s attack added even more force into his motion…


It was like a slingshot.

Bai Yumo crashed through space with such force that he shattered it, but his trajectory was no longer so safe.

No, Damien was extremely particular about where he led his enemy before hitting him with such a move.


Bai Yumo’s body caught fire as he entered the atmosphere of a dead star.

From the starry sky, Damien pushed his mana and controlled his own vectors, multiplying his weight a thousandfold.

He fell like an anchor, slamming his feet directly into Bai Yumo’s chest.

That was the final piece of the puzzle.

With nothing he could possibly do, Bai Yumo crashed into the earth…



…no, he crashed through it.


Bai Yumo roared in pain.

Jagged rock cut into his body from all sides. Falling pieces of crumbling debris smashed into his chest with terrible force.

He went through every layer of the earth, crushing through molten lava and burning for a moment before almost colliding with the World Core itself.

However, how could Damien allow that?

Bai Yumo’s trajectory begot him barely scratching by the World Core and crashing through the other side of its cave, cutting back into the starry sky!

He went through an entire planet.

He couldn’t be fine after an impact like that.

His body was covered in bloody gashes, his internal systems were in complete disorder, and fatigue overcame him.

Damien was too much.

How could he do something so insane?!

However, Bai Yumo did not understand just how insane Damien could be.

Because by the time he came out the other side of the Dead Star…


Bai Yumo could not form words.

In front of his eyes was Damien with his arms above his head.

In his hands was an object, an object so big it was impossible for someone Damien’s size to carry it.

An object gaseous in nature and seemingly impossible to grasp in this way.

Damien winked at the Saint King and threw that object.

Another bright light filled the starry sky.

Burning heat filled Bai Yumo’s surroundings.

He rapidly moved his mana and set up as many defenses as he could.

This time, he truly needed to protect himself with everything he had!

Because just now, what Damien Void threw at him…

…was an entire living star!


The sight of a man plucking a star from the depths of space and chucking it at his enemy was too much for many to process.

Across the universe, many wondered if this level of power was something a human could possess.

Extreme peak 4th class beings were powerful, so powerful that none under them could even hope to compete, however, that power usually never showed itself in this way.

After all, there were hardly ever situations where one could witness a star being manhandled in such a way.

Even for people at greater heights than Damien, such a feat was impossible.

Sometimes it was due to a weakness of the physical body, sometimes it was due to the nature of stars, but the main reason was one.

Stars were bound by the Universal Law.

As they had a purpose in the universe’s expansion, it was difficult to pry them out of the universe’s clutches to use as one pleased.

At most, one could conquer a star and utilize it that way.

However, Damien wasn’t bound by the same laws as others.

In this instance, it was not the Void’s contribution, but his own!

The Universal Law he worked so hard to comprehend even though everything was against him, the effects of his efforts were being witnessed here.

By countless quintillions of existences.

The great experts of the universe already saw Damien as a great hope for the future, but this move cemented his position as the greatest genius the universe had seen in a very long time.

His importance skyrocketed greatly, and he was essentially untouchable to most.

He was even being worshipped like a god in some places!

At the same time, a few Demigods were spurred on by his actions.

The plans they’d been slowly executing after a great amount of preparation needed to be moved forward expeditiously, both for the sides of good and evil.

In the ruins of Eden, a woman stood above the corrupted world Calypto.

She looked upon its surface, which looked uninhabitable by even the smallest of lifeforms.

Yet, from its surface, she felt a hidden vitality that couldn’t be contained for much longer.

“This was done by him…?” She muttered into the void.

She was the last resident of this ruined domain.

She stayed because she felt hopeless in the face of the enemy.

She felt like her status as a Demigod was meaningless in the current world.


She turned her attention to a projection hovering near her head.

In it, the so-called Saint King was being burned by the heat of a star.

“…perhaps it is time to rejoin the fray.”

Her fighting spirit was lit flame by that child.

She was one of many, many who gave up on the universe before.

Perhaps they were wrong.

With a genius like that leading the charge…

…perhaps Grand Heavens Boundary had a chance of survival!

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