Void Evolution System

Chapter 1124 Eve Of Battle [2]

Chapter 1124 Eve Of Battle [2]

The negative situations in the universe were plentiful. There were a great deal of events that further confirmed the inevitable destruction many had prophesized.

However, there were also many forces moving in the light.

Inevitability was only inevitable if one fought and still lost. Before that, could it be anything but self-fulfilling prophecy?

In the depths of Luxurion, hidden from the Angels themselves, Luciel met with a certain being.

It was not their first meeting in the past 2 years, but in the current climate, this could be their last for a while.

“The time for their battle has already come. Do you still have no interest in meeting that child?” he asked, facing that being.

Its skin was a shimmering blue color, while its clothes were equally virtual, just slightly darker. The being’s body trembled strangely, its immaterial nature clear from the start.

It was shaped like a woman, but it certainly was not one.

Perhaps in the past, but not anymore.

“My influence has no meaning to him. What is the significance of a meaningless encounter?”

“Meaningless? Would it still be so if he is related to that man?”

The shimmering woman’s pupil-less eyes narrowed.


The master she spoke of was not Luciel, but a man from the distant past.

A man known as the Void Emperor.

He was active in the universe roughly 15,000 years ago and ascended to the rank of Supreme within a mere 200. He was not someone involved in the grand wars of the universe, but his significance was not small.

Yet, he was not remembered as a great expert.

He was hardly remembered at all!

That man erased his visage from the memories of all beings. Luciel only recovered those memories after constant interaction with this shimmering woman.

She was the spirit of the Holy Light Realm, a spirit who’d subjected herself to that man during his era.

She’d long lost power over the realm she managed and was essentially powerless until recently, but she was, after all, the spirit of a great realm.

The knowledge in her possession was as expansive as the starry sky.

“Regardless of his origins, my presence has no part in his Legend,” the spirit finally said.

“If he truly holds such relation, guide him to Death Emperor Star. That is where he will find the legacies left for him.”

“Death Emperor Star? Are the rumors true?” Luciel asked in surprise.

“Rumors…if he did not permit it, rumors would not exist at all.”

Luciel’s brows furrowed. There was an old myth about Death Emperor Star, a myth that said every legacy and Death Zone present on that star was related to a single person.

The various beings who left behind everything they’d achieved in life on that world were all the same person.

It was nonsensical, but if the spirit was subtly confirming this truth, the power of the being who created that place could only be imagined.

Luciel’s thoughts whirred to life.

If a being like that existed in the current era, threats like the Nox Emperors could be matched directly.

‘Was that his purpose? Leaving everything behind to ascend, did he wish for us to create that being on our own?’

He was a man who remained mysterious until the day he left the universe.

There were only a few things known as fact in relation to him.

He had the power to wield all of the universe’s laws as if they were his own.

He was young but held wisdom far above his age.

And…he was also a hero who came from the Human Domain.

From a small world that no longer existed.

A small world called Earth.


The current Human Domain certainly wasn’t what it was before.

Not in the long term, but in the short.

In the past year, it had gone through massive changes.

The worlds that had an established power structure and the ability to contribute to the current situation were now clustered in one place almost unnaturally.

They completely followed the laws of the universe and were arranged in a way where they wouldn’t interfere with each others’ rotations and paths, but countless light years of distance were bridged now. It was now possible for the Human Domain to form its forces with minimal delay.

The number of active worlds in a sector could usually be imagined by the human mind. However, there were at least 100,000 inhabitable worlds per sector and many more hundreds of thousands that had no life at all.

These inhabitable worlds had populations that either had no familiarity with mana, or had it but not long enough to hold importance.

All of these worlds filled with billions of people each that would have died needlessly if the Human Domain was ever invaded…

…disappeared from the universe entirely.

Avalon was a forewarning. It was the start of this incredible phenomenon.

Instead of fear of the unknown, the residents remaining in the domain were filled with vigor.

Because once again, this phenomenon was caused by a single man!

Ever since he left Earth, Damien had been moving ceaselessly. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say he hadn’t been still for the past year.

He started with smaller planets near Earth and expanded his range out of the past Milky Way Galaxy into the rest of the Human Domain, transferring countless worlds into the Sanctuary in one go.

It was difficult.

As someone who could travel millions of kilometers in a single instant, it only took him around a minute to go between worlds within each other’s range.

To bind these worlds and transfer them to the Sanctuary was another few minutes of work.

In the span of a single day, he could take 120 worlds, give or take. Logically speaking, this speed wasn’t enough to conquer half of the sector’s worlds.

Therefore, Damien was forced to constantly bend Spacetime to his needs, warping the fundamental rules of the universe at a subtle level to give himself the time to do what he needed to.

The total amount of time he spent was over five years, though, this time didn’t reflect on him the same way other time dilations did.

After all, the neverending blackness of the starry sky never changed. The monotonous task became second nature after a while, and time became unnoticeable.

Even for Damien who experienced it directly, it still felt like only a year had passed.

Still, the time did not discredit his grand achievement.

The Sanctuary that he only filled with two worlds after over a decade was now filled with almost 300,000 celestial bodies.

It was starting to look like a true universe.

The amount of World Force Damien could control was like an unlimited ocean. The actions he could take were far more varied than before.

Other than that, he didn’t feel many direct effects of his actions. This was something he’d discover with time.

The ones who truly suffered were those who ruled the Sanctuary from the inside!

Elvira and the other Emperors, as well as the new addition, Lynn Carter, were suddenly swamped with work incorporating the worlds into their society and turning the isolated universe into its own entity rather than a collection of scattered worlds.

But none of them complained about the mountainous task.

Because while they could complete their administrative duties in peace within the space of his creation, their Lord and Master was taking the weight of the universe on his shoulders from the frontlines.

Not long ago, the Saint Emperor appeared at the border of Eien and declared the time and place of his son’s fated duel.

It would take place three days later, in the center of the Divine Realm.

It was a spectacle that would be broadcast across the universe for all eyes to see.

Whether it would be a moment of triumph or shame…Damien knew better than anyone.

A confident grin decorated his face.

He finished what he needed to do in the Human Domain.

Now, it was time to make his way to the Divine Realm…

…so he could beat the living shit out of the Saint King!

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