Void Evolution System

Chapter 1071 Perilous Sanctuary [1]

The second layer.

Or rather, the true first layer.

The Severed World was called a sub-universe because its rules were nearly as complete as a true universe, but it wasn’t nearly as big.

The entire realm was centered around a massive peak called Skyrend Mountain. With this in mind, Ghost King’s Crevice was more of an entryway than a true layer of the ecosystem.

After all, it was completely different from the rest of the sub-universe.

Nevertheless, the second layer, the Perilous Sanctuary, was the stopping point for 99% of the practitioners who ventured into this world.

While the caves in the cliffside leading up to it were filled with Human-Faced Spider, the actual cliff wall was free of them.

According to Bertram, this was because the Human-Faced Spiders were prey for many of the beasts in the Perilous Sanctuary, and traversing the cliffside essentially made them sitting ducks in the eyes of their predators.

It was the first taste of the “Sanctuary” half of the layer’s name.

But of course, it wasn’t called perilous for nothing.

The Perilous Sanctuary’s danger level was relatively low as long as one maintained wariness. Most of the beasts weren’t hostile unless provoked, while the rest weren’t strong enough to pose a threat like the Ghost King.

More than this, the entire layer was filled with treasure.

Heavenly resources grew like common grasses and every beast possessed some quality that would be beneficial when consumed. Some miners even dug into the ground, learning that there were precious minerals present in spades!

This was the reason why the Severed World was so popular.

However, with every gain came a loss.

The dangers of the Perilous Sanctuary were hidden, lying in wait for helpless practitioners who dropped their guard.

For every treasure present, there was a fake.

These fakes were sometimes beasts in hiding, sometimes deadly traps, and other times horrifying plants or materials disguised as beneficial resources.

The more greed one possessed, the more likely one was to die in this area.

Was it mere coincidence?

Or was it a mechanic specifically designed for this purpose?

Regardless of the answer, the truth didn’t affect Damien.

“Let’s not spend too much time here,” he said.

At this time, the group had already made their way up the cliff and received an extensive breakdown of the Perilous Sanctuary from Bertram.

“If the treasures are really so great, we can come back for them once we’ve finished our original mission.”


Elena looked around curiously.

The scenery was a lush tropical rainforest that stretched as far as the eye could see. Several hundred kilometers away, one could see the trees darkening and far more beasts in the sky, but this area, for the most part, was just a beautiful rainforest.

“Are we on a time crunch?” she asked.

“Not really, but I do want to finish as fast as possible. It’s been a long time since we’ve been home,” Damien responded.

“Home, huh…”

Elena frowned slightly. Could it be considered a home when she had no one waiting for her there?

“How about we stay for the day and see what we can find? There’s no harm in taking a little rest, right?” Rose jumped in, breaking the sullen mood before it could form.

“I also agree. We may not have time to return on the way back, and while the treasures might not be too useful, it would be nice if we could find replenishment for some of our supplies,” Ruyue chipped in.

Damien nodded, realizing the truth of their words.

Almost half of their recovery pills and elixirs had been used up in Ghost King’s Crevice. It was impossible to get out of that swarm unharmed.

‘I keep forgetting I don’t have [Heal] anymore. It really would be dangerous if we ran out of methods to quickly heal.’

“Alright then, let’s split up and see what we can find. We’ll meet back here at this same time tomorrow,” he finally said, looking between the girls.

They apple for a few more minutes, finalizing a few plans, and then split up, each taking a different direction so they could maximize their profits.

The most excited out of them was probably Zara.

After regressing, her bestial nature seemed far more prominent than usual, which made her more prone to her vices.

Damien overcame his own bestial instinct easily with the mental growth he’d gone through in more recent years, but Zara had been trying to conquer her Nox side, which amplified her desires, for a very long time, and still hadn’t quite won yet.

Damien made a mental note to look out for her before turning around and facing the man behind him.

“So this is where our cooperation ends, huh? It was…an adventure, to say the least,” he said with a grin,

“Haha, that’s it. I can guess what yer crazy group is up to, and it sounds fun, but I like my life, so I won’t join ya,” Bertram responded, grinning back.

“Hmph, you’re missing out, but I digress. You have money to make, after all.”

The original agreement was for Bertram to navigate them through Ghost King’s Crevice, a task he accomplished with flying colors.

During a time when no other guide was willing to take the risk for survival, he led them across the crevice and got them to their destination as efficiently as possible.

It was a doubt whether the others were even still alive.

Damien was interested in Bertram’s eyes and held a little hope that the man would continue accompanying them so he could study their function and use them, but it was natural that such a thing wouldn’t happen.

Wasn’t Ghost King’s Crevice enough of a warning?

Hell, even now Damien could hear intermittent screams echoing through the forest.

Bertram was right. He and the girls were definitely the crazy ones in this situation.

“Well, it was a pleasure working with you. I’ll catch you another time when I have another job ready,” Damien said, putting his hand out.

Bertram reached up and grabbed it with the same grin.

“Haha, good on you, old boy. Just remember, my services ain’t cheap!”

“Isn’t it natural to pay for quality?”

“Totally natural!”

The two men powerfully shook hands.

After another short goodbye, they parted ways.

Damien walked through the rainforest, his gaze panning the surroundings in search of anything interesting.

‘I didn’t realize it before, but now that we’re guideless, it kind of feels like I’m in the First Dungeon again.’

He thought back to that place often. Perhaps, more than anything else, it was the place that created the man known as Damien Void.

It taught and let him experience so much that other situations that bore similarities became incredibly easy to dissect.

And whenever he found an environment that gave him the same feeling as that one, he always got excited.

‘I have a whole day to myself, but I don’t really feel like treasure hunting…’

Damien looked around and found a nice tree.

‘…I guess I’ll just chill.’

He smiled to himself and bent space, using an ability he’d long forgotten about.


The foliage in the surroundings morphed, cracked branches and fallen logs were broken down and transformed, and a small resting area was formed at the base of the tree.

Damien walked into his creation and laid his body on the soft leaf bed he’d set up for himself.

“Ahhh, this is the life.”

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