Void Evolution System

Chapter 1051 Waves [1]

Chapter 1051 Waves [1]

The matters of the Grand Assembly spread more rapidly than a wildfire, reaching every corner of the universe within a few days.

It was truly an action-packed summit filled with twists and turns. Many had already guessed that the gathering wouldn’t be simple due to its purpose, but nobody could predict what actually happened.

There were still several unexplained events. For instance, while the loss of several thousand young talents did hurt the universe’s future, it wasn’t enough reason for them to waste their forces and expose so many cards.

There was even a Holy Land among the traitors! This information was hidden from the general public to uphold the standing of the remaining Holy Lands, but anyone with some power was aware of this fact.

The Nox were deeply rooted in Grand Heavens Boundary to the point where the greatest influences couldn’t be trusted anymore.

Was their goal to breed this distrust? Or was there something greater that couldn’t be grasped?

Hassan’s existence was known only to Damien, Pandora, and the Prismatic Sun Holy Master, and other than Damien, it wasn’t certain if the rest understood his significance.

Nevertheless, the mystery of the Holy Light Star invasion was forgotten soon enough, as a question without answers was merely boring to most people.

What really attracted attention was the younger generation, and even more so, the Human Domain.

They turned the Grand Assembly into their stage. Aside from Xue Fang, who didn’t have much presence next to his peers, the rest of the Human Domain’s people made names for themselves that spread to every corner of existence.

The rise of such geniuses and the power of the experts that backed them brought another wave of hope to the common denizens of this plane, and filled all people with pride for their homeland!

Most of the significance of the Grand Assembly was only known to strong experts and influences, and while they also started watching those who deserved their attention, they also had several conversations about the future.

Now that the Nox had retreated, Heaven’s Army could begin scouting Infected Source Worlds and preparing to attack them.

There were six remaining targets, and each one would take meticulous planning to bring down.

Tian Yang and his fellow experts of the Human Domain stayed behind in Luxurion to participate in these conversations as those who’d achieved victory against such a target before.

They definitely couldn’t rely on the same strategy as before, but with Tian Yang and Tang Lingzi’s expertise, as well as Albeus’ experience living in Niflheim, they had plenty to contribute to the conversation.

The cogs of the universe were spinning into motion. They were slow and creaking from rust at the moment, but all that damage was flaking off with every passing second.

Soon enough, they would be spinning with enough force to burn through anything in their path!


The entire universe was filled with an aura of vibrance, but all light would be followed by its own darkness.

In a certain corner of Eien, a man stood alone, his back straighter than any sword. His gaze was cold enough to drop the ambient temperature, and though he was old, he did not look aged in the slightest.

With the large body of someone who had been training their muscles for their entire life and the vitality of a youthful man, the only way to know he was an elder was to look at his face, weathered and covered in stark white hair.

In another life, he might’ve been painted as an immortal descended to the mortal world.

But in this one, he was a demon.

His gaze flickered to the side, no words exiting his mouth.

There was a shadowy figure atop a desolate hill that sat over a hundred thousand kilometers away.

The man gazed at this figure despite the distance, and he did not move.

He waited.

Until that figure came to him.


A light wind whipped as a small tornado of shadows swirled into the shape of a person, solidifying as he bowed.

“My Lord has received your message.”

“And he sent you?”

The man scanned his gaze over the messenger’s body indifferently, scoffing at his weakness.

The messenger gritted his teeth, but said nothing.

“My Lord has stated that trust cannot be established so easily. This matter must be handled with care.”


The man turned his gaze to the horizon.

“Is this your caution?”


The messenger exploded, black blood splattering across the ground below.

The man continued looking into the distance as if waiting for a response.

And a response he received.

“I see. With power at such a level, you still approach This Venerable? What is your purpose?”

A raspy, hoarse voice boomed through the clouds, parting them with their force.

“My purpose…”

The man crossed his arms behind his back, closing his eyes in thought.

“My purpose is victory.”

“Do you believe you will find that here?”

“I believe in nothing but myself.”

The voice was silent for a moment before questioning:


“Do you need to know such things?” The man said, his eyes sharpening and his aura flaring.

“Have you given This Venerable a reason to ignore them?” the voice responded with the same coldness.

“I have never believed your people to be cowards.”

“Useless pride is the reason for your downfall.”

“Downfall?” The man repeated with a scoff.

“There is no such thing as downfall for me. This universe is mine and mine alone.”

“At your core, you are no different from them.”

“You are wrong.”

For the first time, the man smiled. He spread his arms and spoke with utter superiority oozing from his tone.

“They are ants, while I am a god.”


A man’s figure appeared in space. His figure was covered in layers of ragged robes that hid his body, and his face was cloaked in darkness under a large hood.

He descended to the ground, standing no more than a few feet away from the man he had been conversing with.

“If cooperation is what you desire, This Venerable will offer it. However, the outcome is left only to Fate.”

“I have never met a being who advises allies against cooperation.”

“My nature is not for you to understand.”


From the beginning, no words needed to be said. Both parties were aware of their intentions from the start, merely, this was their first meeting.

As Divinities, it was impossible for them to submit to those at their level. In terms of cooperation…

Was it really cooperation?

In the end, whose goals were going to devour the other’s?

Now that they’d made introductions, they were ready to move forward.

A Mana Oath was established, manifesting as an ethereal contract that restricted their souls.

Once it was settled, the cloaked man nodded succinctly.

“Then, I look forward to your news, Immortal Blood Asura.”

Immortal Blood Asura’s gaze chilled to the extreme. He felt like he could almost see the smirk on that man’s hidden face.

Those words meant nothing from others, but this man wasn’t someone who spoke meaninglessly.

He watched that man’s back coldly as he left.

The back of the Karmic Emperor, one of only four Nox Beings who could hold such a title.

On this day, secluded from the eyes of all existence, these two powerful players in the universe made a deal.

The chaos they’d give way to…perhaps only the Void itself could imagine it.

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