Void Evolution System

Chapter 1034 Conference [2]

‘Haa, when it comes to the Void, is it even worth being surprised anymore? As I learn more about it, it seems more and more like it can just do anything it wants.’

Damien shook off the thought for now. After all, whether it was true or not wasn’t important as long as his people could keep improving as fast as they were.

Right now, the time to idle had already passed.

Rose, Ruyue, and Elena stood around Damien as he teleported their group back to the Real Plane.

They exited Elena’s room as a unit and made their way through the halls of Luxurion until they finally reached the main conference hall.

“Brat, don’t reveal yourself yet. You’ve put in good work in the time I haven’t seen you, offending so many people! Nice work!”

A sound transmission immediately entered Damien’s ear, and he couldn’t stop himself from grinning.

“Damn old man,” he sent back, “don’t think you’ll be able to talk down to me for much longer. I’m almost there, you know?”

“Hahaha! Don’t overestimate yourself! Even when you ascend, I’ll still beat you all the same!”

Damien smirked.

“We’ll see about that,” he responded cockily, ending the conversation.

After sending mental transmissions to his three women about what Tian Yang told him, he naturally separated from them, as if he’d only met them in the hallway moments ago.

He didn’t need to have a long talk with Tian Yang to understand the situation.

For now, the fact that Damien came from the Human Domain was being hidden both for his and their protection.

Since Damien had enemies like Immortal Blood Asura who had supreme influence in the universe, it was certain the Human Domain would face trouble if his identity was revealed.

It wasn’t like Damien didn’t have allies. In fact, he had far more allies than enemies.

Unfortunately, now was a time when these allies wouldn’t have the capability to provide adequate existence since they’d be fighting on the frontlines soon enough.

‘Still, my identity can be considered a hole card. The Human Domain is mocked due to the inferiority complexes of those in power, but it is respected just as much as it is disdained. When the time comes…’

Damien touched his chest, feeling the absence of a certain force with a grin s

‘…haha, I can’t wait to see the expression on your face when you realize it.’

Damien shook off his thoughts and walked through the banquet hall, succinctly greeting those who greeted him and exchanging some light words with the people he was or wanted to be familiar with.

His sophistry skills had improved greatly after taking in Hassan’s memories. Though the reason was cruel, Hassan was someone who was forced to learn how to please people and form connections for the sake of survival.

Damien displayed an eloquence that was completely unexpected by those he spoke to, and their opinions of him were naturally greatly positive.

As this kind of miscellaneous socializing continued, the Heavenly Clan moved behind the scenes to prepare for the coming event.

Luciel sat at the head of a conference table, the same table used in the discussion that brought the Grand Assembly into existence.

His hands were intertwined under his chin as his elbows rested on the table. He panned his gaze across the surrounding Angels, his mysterious smile back on his face like nothing went wrong.

“Has everything been prepared?” He asked softly.

“Yes, leader. All provisions have been set in place and are awaiting your call,” an Angel responded with a bow.

“Good,” Luciel said definitively.

“Leader, will they…really come?” Another Angel asked hesitantly.

“They?” Luciel repeated with a slight twinkle in his eyes.

“They will surely come.”


“You wish to ask why I do not provide them more help?”

The questioning Angel nodded, unable to hold her curiosity.

“Hmm…” Luciel hummed obscurely.

“Say, do you understand how body tempering works?”

The questioning Angel’s eyes widened, and those around her couldn’t help but mimic her reaction.

Did Luciel…really mean what he just said?

If so, it seemed even the conference wouldn’t be able to take place peacefully!


Somewhere in the Divine Realm, several figures appeared from the folds of space, standing together as they gazed into the distance, where Luxurion brightly shone.

“Finally arrived!” A woman among them exclaimed, stretching her arms over her head.

“Hmm, it is not as impressive as expected,” the man next to her stated.

There were five young men and women among them, four of whom carefreely conversed in the starry sky. Meanwhile, their leader didn’t take his gaze off Luxurion.

‘Lord Father said I must go, but for what reason? Such a gathering is not worthy of me.’

He didn’t deign to entertain those in Luxurion in the slightest, but his father’s orders were inviolable.

‘Perhaps there truly will be something…? Lord Father is not the type to do things needlessly.’

His face was painted with a permanent frown, but he moved regardless of his opinions.

Behind his group, hundreds of shadows materialized in the void. They were led by a man with an unfathomable aura and an appearance like an aged version of the man from earlier.

As he watched his son move towards Luxurion, a wide and unreadable smile spread on his face.

‘I wonder…will you enjoy my gift this time? I truly hope you can live up to my expectations…my little Seed.’

The group moved quietly, following their geniuses in the dark.

Trouble was soon to descend on Luxurion.


The day passed rapidly in the relatively harmonious atmosphere that blanketed Luxurion.

No forces took the time to create conflict, and those who had prior conflict were kept away from each other by the Angels of the Heavenly Clan for the sake of peaceful continuation.

By the time the day ended, many forces began to filter through the Sky Castle.

Most returned to their rooms and dwellings for the night, understanding that their role here was no longer important. At most, they’d be able to take advantage of Luxurion’s facilities for a bit longer.

However, the rest moved to a new section of the Sky Castle that had been restricted from them.

By decree of the Heavenly Clan, aside from the Holy Land level influences, 2 influences from each sector were allowed to attend the conference,

This led to a number upward of 500 people going deeper into Luxurion until they arrived at an atrium with an open roof that showcased the starry sky above.

Many seats were arranged in the space that was sectioned off into seven areas reserved for each sector.

Naturally, the Human Domain area was the smallest of them all, but this was not a sight of mockery, but one of reality.

After all, unlike the other sectors that sent several forces, the Human Domain only sent one group of ten.

Nevertheless, as the experts and younger generation flooded the space and took their places, the atmosphere around them experienced a great change.

Now, the calm and peaceful times in the Sky Castle were over.

It was time for them to decide the fate of their universe.

The true Grand Assembly was on the verge of beginning.

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