Void Evolution System

Chapter 1029 Unity [1]

Damien stood with his hand hovering in front of the door, frozen.

He’d nearly forgotten about it after being swept up in Hassan’s memories. By the time he left the underground cavern, the Human Domain group had already left and his memory had no chance to be refreshed.

‘…why now?’ Damien moaned inwardly in dread.

He wished he had time to prepare, but there was absolutely no chance of that happening now.

Because just as he’d felt her, Ruyue had felt him.

The door swung open on its own, revealing his awkward figure to those within the room.

Three pairs of eyes met with one.

And Damien felt his heart beating out of his chest.

Wasn’t it funny?

He worried so deeply about his indifference affecting his personal life. He was afraid of this moment of reunion because he didn’t know what he would feel when he saw them.

But now, standing before them, he couldn’t even open his mouth.

His chest felt stuffy, his heart pumped faster than light, and contrary to his own wishes…

His eyes began to water.


Damien used an imperceptible trace of mana to protect his eyes and make sure no tears could form, and took a nervous step into the room.


He looked between the three girls without a word.

Because if he opened his mouth, he’d definitely choke on his words and embarrass himself.

While he struggled to figure out what to do next…

Rose and Elena could no longer hold their laughter.



They raised their hands over their mouths as they tittered, as if that would stop Damien from noticing.

And as he looked at them in shock, Rose finally spoke up.

“See? I told you this would happen,” she said happily.

“Tch. I still can’t beat the first wife,” Elena snapped back in unwillingness.

“If you could beat me, what would be the point of the first wife title?” Rose quipped teasingly.

“Haa, fine, fine, I concede. I’m fine with knowing you’ll never beat me in a fight.”

“Just wait on it. I’ll catch up soon enough.”

Elena rolled her eyes and handed a space ring over to Rose, and Damien stood there dumbly with no idea what to say.

He looked to Ruyue for help, only for her to hit him with a helpless smile and a shrug.

“Ahh, what’s going on?!” He finally said, unable to take it.

“Hm? Oh, right. We just placed a few bets, nothing much,” Elena said, still a bit grouchy over her loss.

Damien raised his brow incredulously. “Bets about what?”

This time, it was Rose who spoke up.

She glanced at Damien in a way that made his heart skip a beat and smiled.

“It was a bet about how you’d react when you saw us. Little sister here thought you’d immediately embrace us, but how could the husband I know who has no clue how to express his emotions do something like that? Naturally, I bet that you’d stand there dumbly and pretend to be unfazed!”


Damien had no idea what to say to that.

As Elena said, nobody could beat the first wife! She knew him better than the back of her hand!

And just like it was in the past and would be in the future, Damien felt incredibly thankful for Rose. Because of her, the awkwardness in the atmosphere completely disappeared.

Damien walked up to the bed where the three of them sat without a single hint of hesitation in his heart and wrapped his arms around them, pulling them into his chest.

As he felt their arms wrap around his waist, he closed his eyes.

“I truly, truly missed you,” he finally said.

Rose was right. He had no idea how to express himself, and he had no idea how to show love.

He could only say these words and hope they could understand the feelings that stood behind them.

The feeling of security they gave him, the feeling of longing that had been suppressed deep in his heart ever since he made his first advent into the Divine Realm on Dawn World, the feeling of tranquility that he could only ever experience when he was with them, he wanted them to know how much those feelings meant to him.

They were his only safe haven in the universe that he’d cherish for eternity.

The embrace of the four became that of three after a minute or so as Elena quietly left the room and gave Rose and Ruyue their time.

After all, she’d had plenty of time alone with Damien before the Grand Assembly. Now wasn’t the time to be selfish.

‘Last time, I left on a bad note. I’m not going to act so selfishly anymore.’

She had a true bond with the two women she called sisters, and just as much as Damien, she felt the weight of it when she reunited with them.

They were family, and there was no need to be selfish around family.

Even after Elena left, the embrace of the three didn’t end for a very long time.

They sat in silence and enjoyed each others’ presence, a pleasure they’d long forgotten.

And at a certain point, Damien felt the side of his chest getting wet.

‘Take some time and be alone with her. Come see me once you’re sure she’s happy.’

Damien’s eyes widened as he heard the voice that entered his head.

He looked down with furrowed brows, but shook his head with a smile in the end.

He left a soft kiss on Rose’s head, and in the next moment, he and Ruyue vanished from the Real Plane.

Rose was left on her own, but the expression on her face showed nothing but pure happiness.

The growth she’d experienced in the past two years allowed her to overcome many of her insecurities. The misconceptions she had about her “duty” as a first wife or her “status” among the harem disappeared entirely as she got closer to Ruyue, and she realized that all her previous worries were meaningless.

In a sense, she reached the same conclusion as Elena.

What need was there to bring things like status or position into matters of family?

That was precisely what led her father’s harem to ruin.

Her husband, the man she loved, and her sisters, the women who would stand by her until the ends of time, were the most important people in the world to her.

In front of them, there was no need for pretenses.

Coincidentally enough, the dynamic that would bring harmony to their family wasn’t formed through time together, it was created through individual birth.

As they grew more powerful and obtained a greater understanding of the universe’s truths and reality, they also began to understand the value of relationships.

Wasn’t Blood Asura Holy Land the perfect example of what happened if one let them go?

A future where they cared for nobody but themselves, where they were willing to sell their souls for power, was not a future any of them wished to see.

Therefore, each and every one of them threw away their personal grievances, their selfishness, and their greed.

From this point forth, they would be a symbol of unity.

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