Chapter 186: Saving a Damsel in Distress
Chapter 186: Saving a Damsel in Distress
After eating their meal, which was actually cooked in a clay oven, and with charcoal fuel. Alex and Su-Jin cleaned up their camp before taking refuge in the small A-frame shelter. After an exhausting day, Alex was still somehow in the mood to get it on with Su-Jin, which the two of them were more than happy to do together.
Because Alex had so many women to take care of, it was incredibly rare for him to sleep with one woman alone. And thus, Su-Jin was extremely happy to be alone with the man she loved. After their little love making session, the two of them fell to sleep. Where they both awoke in the early morning, not on purpose, but because they heard some particularly troubling sounds coming from camp.
It turned out that a boar had made its way into the camp, and was causing trouble. Thus, Alex quickly tossed the covers off of himself, and lunged for his 10mm handgun, all the while the boar charged not at him, but at Su-Jin, who froze in shock.
The boar was so quick that Alex was forced to choose between getting the gun, or blocking the rampaging animal’s path. And thus, he dropped his attempt to get the handgun, and instead jumped in front of the mighty boar. Where he gripped hold of its tusks in an attempt to control them, and used all the strength in his body to wrestle the mighty beast to the ground.
Alex controlled the wild creature’s face and tusks, while screaming at Su-Jin to get his knife.
“Quickly, get me my knife!”
The knife was out in the campsite, and thus Su-Jin ran out naked, and found it among the clutter, while Alex struggled to maintain control of the creature that tried its best to break away from his grip. Perhaps out of fury, Alex began kneeing the creature in the ribs while he maintained all of his pressure on top of it. Causing the wild boar to squeal in pain. And it was not until Su-Jin arrived, and handed Alex his knife, that he was able to properly kill the wild beast by cutting its neck.
Su-Jin watched in horror as the life faded from the rampaging boar’s eyes. But Alex maintained fierce control over its tusks until it finally passed away. Once he did so, he wiped the bloody blade on its corpse before sheathing it.
The young Korean beauty was in a state of complete and total shock, as she fell to her knees and broke out into tears, realizing just how close she was to dying in this brief and wild encounter. Alex, of course, tossed the knife aside, and hugged the girl, as he calmed her with soothing noises.“Shhh… Shhh… Shh… Su-Jin, we’re fine… We’re okay… Nothing bad has happened to either of us… In fact… I know we have leftovers from yesterday… But would you like some bacon with your eggs?”
This shameless comment caused Su-Jin to break out into laughter while crying at the same time. She nuzzled her head into Alex’s chest and insulted him for his remarks.
“You’re such an asshole…”
Alex smirked, particularly because he knew the girl didn’t mean such a thing in a bad way. And why was that? Because a message had just entered Alex’s vision, one that was sent to him by the system.
[Su-Jin owes you’re her life after your heroic actions! She has fallen head over heels in love with you, more than she ever knew was possible!]
[+25 Affection from Su-Jin!]
[Su-Jin’s affection: 200/200!]
Upon seeing that he had gotten Su-Jin covered in the blood of the pig he had slain, Alex informed her about this issue.
“Sorry Su-Jin, I got you covered in blood. How about you go into the pond and clean up while I gut this wretch and cook his carcass?”
Su-Jin wiped the tears from her eyes and nodded her head before doing as her younger step-brother suggested. Meanwhile, Alex was doing exactly as he said he would when the Queen of Hearts appeared. She had a smug smirk on her face before speaking her thoughts.
“Two girls in 24 hours? So that’s your plan, huh? Show off your manliness here in the wilderness, so that each of your girls realizes how capable you are, not only in the real world, but in the wild? I have to admit, that’s pretty smart… Alright, I’ll go beautify your older stepsister. Be right back…”
With that said, the Queen of Hearts ran off before Alex could even get a remark in. Where she cast her little magic on Su-Jin, turning her into an even greater beauty than she already was, like she had done for the girl’s young sister just a day prior.
After doing this, the Queen of Hearts completely disappeared. Alex had finished cleaning the pig and putting it in the oven while Su-Jin was still bathing. He decided to go out and collect the necessary resources for the next step of his plan. And when he returned, he saw the girl sitting by the fire boiling water, and cleaning his tools. Which caused Alex to smile as he called out to her.
“Well, hello there, beautiful stranger. Might you tell me what you have done with my beloved older sister Su-Jin?”
Su-Jin laughed at this remark, thinking that Alex was joking, which he was, but she did not know the real reason why he had said this, as she had yet to witness her own beauty.
“Ha ha, very funny Alex… Now what are those containers full of?”
Alex had three large containers hung over his shoulders that were suspended by a wooden rod. They were all full of different materials that he had gathered. Thus, he smiled before informing the girl what he had gathered.
“One of these is full of volcanic ash, which this island has an abundance of, and the second is filled with limestones, and the third is filled with seawater. I intend to crush up some rocks as an aggregate mix it with quicklime, volcanic ash, and seawater to make some good old fashion roman concrete which I will use as the foundation of my log cabin.”
Upon hearing this explanation, Su-Jin stared at Alex in disbelief for a moment, before asking one single question that appeared in her mind.
“And you know how to make this because of the internet, correct?”
Alex wore a broad smile as he nodded his head, confirming he had indeed learned the formula for roman concrete via the internet.
Ultimately, Alex did exactly as he said he would, as he tirelessly converted the raw materials into their necessary end products before mixing them all into a container, and thus creating roman concrete. Which he then spread across the level hole he had dug into the ground the day before, and set into place with wooden blocks that he had cut and fashioned from tree branches.
Evidently, Alex had perfectly plotted the cabin he intended to build, and its overall size doing the calculations in his head. He also left room for the other facilities he intended to build, such as an outhouse and a smithy.
Once the foundation was finished and set, Su-Jin gazed upon the work Alex had done, and was completely shocked. She honestly had no idea he had such skills. It wasn’t exactly something the common man could do, especially with only a backpack full of bushcraft tools. But she ultimately decided to say nothing and simply admire the end result.
After cleaning himself and his tools in the large crystal blue pool beneath the waterfall, Alex led Su-Jin back down from the mountain. Believing that his other women were going to freak the hell out when they saw that she, too, had become so beautiful after her recent transformation.
The weird smile on Alex’s face, and the fact that he was trying so hard to prevent himself from laughing, kept bothering Su-Jin as she demanded to know what was so funny.
“Alright, what the hell? You have been grinning and laughing to yourself ever sense we first left the campsite. Do you want to tell me what is so funny?”
Alex, however, shook his head, barely containing his laughter, as he grabbed the young woman, dragged her in close to him, and kissed her forehead, assuring everything would be okay.
“Don’t worry about it, sweetheart… You will know soon enough…”
And thus ended Su-Jin’s twenty-four-hour camping session with her young stepbrother. Soon enough, she and Alex would arrive at the mansion, where all the other women, except Min-Ah, would be shocked by Su-Jin’s sudden transformation.
Because of this, each and every one of the women would literally fight each other for the right to be the third woman that Alex took to this mythical campsite that could turn world class beauties into living goddesses.
As for Alex, he already had the next woman in mind, but he would make sure to spend some proper alone time with this new and improved Su-Jin in the shower, while his next target prepared herself for the journey.