Chapter 177: Beach Barbecue
Chapter 177: Beach Barbecue
Alex led the girls to the beach where they lit a giant bonfire. The waves of the pacific ocean crashed against the sandy shores of the tropical paradise, and Alex was alone while surrounded by twenty three of the most beautiful women he had ever laid eyes on.
Perhaps if he looked at his phone he would have saw that the internet was lit aflame over his manhandling of the female champ which happened just days prior. But this was not the place to concern oneself with the outside world.
Thus, Alex dragged a giant ice chest out to the beach which was filled with beers, and cracked one open while he watched the sun set across the pacific. And a bunch of women dressed in skimpy swimsuits running around and enjoying themselves.
Very quickly a net was set up, and volley ball was brought out by the island’s staff, where Alex watched his women play some beach volley ball. Himself not taking part because whoever’s team he joined in on he would undoubtedly cause to win.
Thus, he watched as the women, some of them had bodies greater than the goddess Aphrodite, as they bounced and giggled around providing a feast for his eyes. At some point during this enticing scene, Dal sat next to Alex. Her mother was having the time of her life competing with the other milfs in a game of beach volleyball, but Dal simply wanted to spend some time with Alex.
The gorgeous redhead beauty who was the campus goddess of the university which Alex used to attend wore a bright smile as she popped the top off of the beer and took a large swig. Before speaking her thoughts aloud to her man whose focus was on something else entirely.
“Refreshing isn’t it?”
Alex smirked as he leaned back on the log that he w as sitting on, and stretched his arms and back while taking sip from his beer. After doing so he nodded his head and shifted his sights to Dal who wore a pretty smile on her enchanting face.
“It sure is… Tell me Dal, how have you been? I mean it has been a while since I transferred to UNLV….”Dal nodded her head, and sighed, taking another sip of her beer before responding to Alex’s question.
“School isn’t the same without you. Nari and Min-Ji agree, you did so much for all of us at the start of this year, that we felt like a part of us was missing. Luckily you gave us an excuse to sit and eat lunch together… Although, that has started some rumors in and of itself. After all, we all became incredibly famous thanks to that video that went viral on the internet of you proposing to us all…”
Alex scoffed as he took another swig from his alcoholic beverage before responding to the woman’s question with a light chuckle and confident smirk
“Yeah I had some unnecessary trouble with that as well. Speaking of, how is the new ring, do you like it?”
A wry smile appeared on Dal’s face, as she displayed the ring on her graceful finger to Alex to see. It was indeed a sight to be hold. A diamond encrusted platinum band, with a giant red heart shaped diamond in the center. It was virtually identical to the previous ring, except for instead of a 5 carat ruby, it had a 5 carat red diamond as its centerpiece.
Naturally all of the Rings Alex had commissioned for his women were the same. Meaning that spent well over a hundred million dollars on the identical collection of twenty three rings. They were perhaps the most expensive rings in the world, Alex honestly didn’t know.
But he was worth more money than he knew what to do with, and his assets would only increase as the years went by. Alex of course grabbed hold of the woman’s dainty hand, and smiled as she spoke about the cost he had paid.
“You girls don’t realize just how much those rings are worth, do you?”
However, it was Dal who rebuked Alex, as she withdrew her hand and held the ring close, almost as if she refused to let it go.
“Oh? Don’t think we are all so ignorant. I had the ring evaluated by a professional to see just how much you spent on it. I never asked you to spend so much money on me for a stupid ring, imagine my shock when I realized just one of these rings is worth over five million dollars, have you lost you mind Alex? Why would you spend so much on us?”
Alex however simply smirked as he downed the rest of his beer, before cracking open another, which he raised and took another sip from before responding to the woman’s question with a non answer.
“I’ve got money to blow, and besides, I want all the other losers in the world who might try to flirt with you and all the others to realize that they are completely out of their league. Alright sweetheart, I’ve got to get started on the grill. You have fun now…”
Immediately after saying this Alex got up without waiting for a response, as he manned the grill, and provided all kinds of grilled goods for his women. Who eventually gathered after playing in the sand and the water to enjoy their meal around a large bonfire which worked to dry them off.
The women had naturally drew straws to see who got the privilege to sit next to Alex. Which ended up being Su-Jin, and Kristina, both of which glared at one another from the other side of the man’s arms. It was clear that they both took the role of being Alex’s big sister very seriously, and neither was going to conceded to the other on this matter.
Alex however took this opportunity to grope the two young women, as he wrapped his arms around their shoulders, and slipped his fingers through their bikini tops, making all the other women who watched envious of the man’s two older sisters.
Both Su-Jin and Kirstina ignored each other, as they began to fight over who liked Alex more. With the blonde beauty ultimately being the one to speak of this matter first.
“So, the stepsister dares to think she shares the same role as Alex’s actual sister! I’ll have you know, Alex and I have promised to be together since we were kids! You are just a replacement for me and Maddie!”
Su-Jin scowled when she heard this, before asserting her claim over her younger stepbrother, in the fact of the man’s actual sister.
“How dare you! Alex and I have been together long before you decided to show up in his life! Isn’t that right Alex?”
Alex was of course not paying attention to either of the two women, and instead stopped grabbing hold of Kristina’s tits for as second to get his beer. But it was at this moment, that Min-Ah interrupted, seemingly concerned about the sisters that Alex was raised with, and their actual relationship.
“Oh yeah! Well I have been in love with Oppa ever since we were introduced by our parents! Before Alex accepted me, I used to take photos of him while he was changing, and masturbate to them while I sniffed on his used underpants!”
This remark snapped both Su-Jin and Kristina out of their argument, as they stared at Min-Ah as if she were the biggest pervert they had ever met in their life. And it was not just these two young women, literally all of Alex’s other girls gawked at Min-Ah in silence, while the man himself spat his beer out onto the sand before expressing his disbelief.
“I’m sorry, you fucking what?”
Min-Ah was now beat red as she god down on her knees in front of Alex and pleaded with him not to be mad with her.
“I’m sorry Oppa… I just…. I just couldn’t resist! You’re so… So amazing!”
Everyone was staring at Min-Ah with a curious look in their eyes, that is until Chae-Yeong broke out into a lascivious smile as she spoke about her own attraction towards Alex.
“I had to admit when John introduced my new son to me, I couldn’t help but take my eyes off of him. After all, Alex was the son I always dreamed about, the son who would give his mommy exactly what she needed.
And then I accidentally walked in on him one morning while he was sleeping naked. And oh my, in that moment I knew I had to make my fantasies a reality. How Diana let such a perfect son get away I will never know. If I was her, I would have been tempted to pounce on him, even when he was just an adolescent boy…”
The can in Diana’s hand crunched, spilling beer all over the place, as she glared at her South Korean counterpart with fury in her eyes. She was just about to stand up and curse the woman, when her elder sister, Shannon restrained her.
“Diana stop! You’re about too make a fool out of yourself… Besides… She’s right….”
Diana was just about to throw a hissy fit that is until Mimi started bobbing her head around, as if she were having a hard time staying awake. She then spoke with a slur, as she lifted her bottle into the air and demanded another drink.
“I shthink I need a… a nother beer!”
Everyone looked at the pure young idol with shock, their attention drawn away from Min-Ah’s perverted actions, and instead to the innocent young idol who appeared to have her first drink. That is until Alex stared at the label on her bottle, and started laughing.
“Mimi that’s a non-alcoholic beer! You’re not drunk!
Yet the woman refused to admit this to herself, her mind had tricked itself into believing she was actually drunk, thus she began to argue with Alex in the most adorable faction.
“Wha? No way? I’m … totes toalsly, toally drunk! See!”
All the other women just kept laughing, only a girl like Mimi could get “drunk” off of nonalcoholic beer. Thus, Ji-An sighed heavily and shook her head, before grabbing hold of the adorable young idol’s hand and leading her back towards the mansion.
“I’ll take care of this, it looks like Mimi needs some sleep, you all have fun, come on Mimi let’s get you ready for bed!”
Mimi smiled and hugged Ji-An before thanking the woman for her support.
“Thanks Jiji… You… youra teh best!”
After saying this, Mimi leaned on Ji-An’s shoulder who helped the girl stay afoot as they walked back to the mansion. As for Alex, he simply chuckled and shook his head before voicing his thoughts aloud.
“That girl is just too freaking cute…”