Villain: Transmigrated Into A NTR Manga As The Antagonist

Chapter 175: Swimsuit Competition Part I

Chapter 175: Swimsuit Competition Part I

Once they had all gotten settled inside the mega mansion, the girls had gone off together to do God knows what. Though Alex suspected it was something to do with the competition that Jade had mentioned on the brief car drive to the airport.

Meanwhile, Alex settled down at the mansion’s bar, where he found a particularly beautiful young woman dressed in a summer dress. She appeared slightly anxious when she met Alex, and had stumbled over her words when asking the man what he wanted to drink.

“Can I drink you get? I mean! Can I get you a drink?”

Alex chuckled when he saw how anxious the woman was and was quick to put her worries to rest.

“You’re cute. How old are you, by the way, if you don’t mind me asking? It’s just that you don’t exactly look like you’re old enough to mix drinks?”

The Bartender became incredibly flustered when she heard this, looking down at her feet, and admitting both her age and her work experience or lack thereof.

“I just turned eighteen last month… My mother is the head of staff, and though it would be a good idea if I got myself a job. She… She says I’m absolutely useless at everything that’s important, so she put me in charge of the bar. I’m so sorry!”

Alex shook his head and clicked his tongue as he openly flirted with the young bartender, who was pretty enough to be a professional model.

“You don’t need to apologize. We all have to start somewhere. So, tell me, what can you make?”

The girl quickly pulled out her phone, and looked at an app, which oddly enough had the symbol that was tattooed all over the Queen of Heart’s body as its logo. This made Alex suspicious. After all, he always wondered how the system just manifested stuff into thin air for him. Was this woman even real? Was anything in this manga real? That was a question for the philosophers, and Alex was certainly not one of those deadbeats. Thus, she simply decided to ignore this bizarre detail, and watched as the young woman shoved her phone in his ace.

“I can make anything on this list… It’ll just take me a while to make some of the more complex stuff… I’m really sorry!”

Alex chuckled when he heard this, before assuring the girl it was fine. She had three months to learn how to properly make drinks for him and his girls, and thus he ordered something really simple. Something that even a moron couldn’t mess up.

“That’s fine. You have time to learn. Alright, let’s start off with the basics. I’ll have a rum and coke. Surely you can make that without too much effort, can you?”

The young beauty quickly flashed a smile and nodded her head, as she eagerly prepared the drink for Alex, and in timely fashion. She was just about to hand the drink over to the man when she accidentally spilled it all over his shirt. Causing Alex to frown. The young bartender immediately began to apologize profusely for her mistake.

“I’m so sorry, here let me get a towel!”

Yet Alex stopped the woman as he unbuttoned his soaking shirt and threw it towards a nearby maid. She was unlike the bartender, was a true professional, but exactly like the bartender, she could have easily been a beauty queen with her looks.

The maid did not say a word as she grabbed hold of the soaked shirt and brought it to the laundry room, where the other maids whose entire job was taking care of laundry would have it cleaned and ironed before Alex even realized it.

As for the bartender, she gazed upon Alex’s chiseled figure with shock. She knew the man was handsome, but did not expect him to have the body of a Greek god on top of that. However, Alex was growing slightly impatient as he called out to the girl and demanded his drink.

“Girl, my rum and coke?”

This snapped the bartender out of her daze, as she once more apologized before preparing another drink to Alex, which she made damn well sure made it safely to the counter without an incident like her previous attempt.

Alex took one sip of the rum and coke, and realized this bar was stocked with some absurdly strong shit. As he felt his a slight daze overcome his mind, almost as if it were his first time drinking hard liquor. He couldn’t help but comment on the potency of the rum as he complimented the girl for her efforts.

“Damn, that’s some strong shit! What the hell did you do, put roofies in it?”

The girl was confused by Alex’s statement, and quickly pulled out a bottle that, like her bartending app, bore the Queen of Hearts’ logo on it. She read the label of ingredients out loud before stating what had obviously contributed to its strength.

“Oh, it says here it’s 125 proof. What exactly does that mean?”

Alex took another sip from the alcoholic beverage, feeling a lot more confident with his second sip as he explained to the bartender something that she should already be aware of.

“That means what you’re serving me has about 25% more alcohol than the standard shit you can buy at the grocery store… God damn, with a fully stocked bar like this, I don’t think I ever want to leave this island…”

The bartender then smiled and nodded her pretty little head as she confirmed she had a lot more provisions than just what was stocked in her bar.

“If you like that, there’s a lot more where that came from. The mansion has a subterranean cellar where several years’ worth of supplies are stocked. And I don’t just mean alcohol… Besides, believe it or not there is quite a bit of wildlife on this island, which can be hunted or potentially even domesticated if god forbid we get marooned here… I’d say without resupply we could easily keep this many people or possibly even more alive for quite some time…”

Alex was astonished by this information. When the system said he had been given a private tropical paradise, it literally meant a paradise in the classical sense. He was beginning to suspect that this island didn’t exist in the world he had come from, and had sprung up from nothing due to the system and its apparent supreme control over this world.

But before he could think about the ramifications of such a thing, his eyes opened wide, and his grip naturally released its hold over his beverage, which fell to the floor and shattered. All of his women had come into the bar dressed in nothing but swimsuits. On the far left was Mimi, who was dressed in the least skimpy outfit.

In fact, she clearly must have gotten confused. Because she was dressed in a modest one piece, with sunscreen smeared all over the parts of her body that were exposed, and a snorkel on her adorable little head.

While on the far right was Sakura, who was dressed the skimpiest out of all the women. In fact, not only did her swimsuit barely covered anything, but it was made out of pink fishnets with a white border, and g string thong. Allowing Alex to literally see what little was supposed to be “hidden.”

The twenty-three different women all struck a seductive pose, except for Mimi, of course, who was looking around in confusion. It was ultimately Jung-Hyun, the green-haired milf from next door, who was first to announce the beginning of their little competition.

“So Alex… What do you think? Who among us has the best swimsuit? Won’t you be the judge of our little competition?”

Sakura was quick to declare her supremacy as she rolled her eyes and scoffed at the older woman.

“Pfft! Obviously daddy knows that his little Sakura is the best. You all wore like way too much if you wanted to compete with me!”

Mimi, however, was quick to voice her confusion aloud as she looked at the other women, and herself, before realizing she had misunderstood things.

“Swimsuit competition? I thought we were having a swimming competition?”

All the women broke out into laughter at Mimi’s innocent nature, which, despite Alex’s corrupting influence, had not fully disappeared. Ji-An actually stepped forward and coddled the girl. She herself was wearing a teal bikini and a sheer wrap around her waist.

“Oh, Mimi… Don’t you ever change…”

Mimi simply pouted when she realized that she had made a grave mistake, and stormed off to properly dispose of her snorkel, and rinse the sunscreen off of her pale skin. This, of course, left one less girl in the competition, which Alex was now the judge of. With a wry smile on his face, Alex scratched his chin, before asking the young bartender next to him what she thought.

“Well, what do you think? Who has the best swimsuit of them all?”

The bartender simply blushed. She had been told by her mother that they would be serving a billionaire playboy, but she didn’t realize just how much of a playboy her new employer was until this moment. Thus, she looked at her feet and refused to answer the question.

“I believe that is up for you to decide…”

Thus, Alex looked at the twenty-two women, who were all among the world’s greatest beauties, a class above even the staff of supermodels who now worked for him on this island, and sighed. It would appear like this would be a difficult contest to judge after all.

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