Chapter 168: A Delusional Callout
Chapter 168: A Delusional Callout
For quite some time now, there had been a “MMA Journalist” by the name of Jessica Moore, who had set Alex in her crosshairs. She had practically become obsessed with the man in a negative way. Going so far as to dig deep into his life, specifically his relationship with women.
She was definitely what one might call a feminist. A young woman who had recently graduated from university with a journalist degree. At first, nobody paid attention to her social media channels and her podcast. But Alex’s repeated controversies had become her big break.
She was your typical blonde bimbo, pretty as a doll, but completely vapid and devoid of any actual thought. All she really did was accuse Alex of buzzwords that were often employed by the same people who brainwashed her into believing a destructive and suicidal ideology.
This young woman had gotten a few interviews with female fighters from the Ultimate Fighting Challenge, and some of the up and comers from the regional scene. Going on rants about how “powerful” and “inspiring” these women were.
But that had not garnered any actual interest from the fanbase of the sport. It was only when she became incredibly irritated with Alex’s comments, specifically his takes on women, that she began making video after video calling the man a misogynist, homophobe, and all the other bullshit terms that those without a brain normally spouted out to shame others for their thoughts that differed from the woke mind virus.
Currently, the woman was sitting with a guest who was an up and coming female fighter by the name of Svetlana Romanova. Svetlana’s next fight would be on the same card as Alex. And while Alex was fighting for his first time on the mid card. She would be fighting for the woman’s straw weight title.
Jessica and Svetlana had a rather dull and outright brain numbing conversation about the empowerment of women, and their alleged contribution to the sport of Mixed Martial Arts. Which eventually led Jessica down the rabbit hole of ranting about Alex and how horribly he treated women.
“Speaking of chauvinists. You know about that new guy, right? That asshole who gained internet fame by proposing to seventeen different women at the same time. And telling the world that a woman’s place is at home, and in the kitchen serving her husband like some kind of slave? I can’t believe Dan Weiss would even hire a guy like that, let alone promote him as if he’s the next big thing for the sport. Did you hear what he said about women on Jack Logan’s podcast?”
Svetlana, who was the number one contender in the Strawweight division, simply groaned, as she knew exactly who the host was talking about, without his name actually being said. Her remarks would go on to start a feud between herself and the man in question.“Alex isn’t even a ranked contender in the Light Heavyweight division. If you watch his fights, he is not actually that technically gifted. He is just very aggressive to the point that most fighters are not accustomed to his fighting style.
I would bet my life that I could easily beat the man if we were to actually fight. He is no champion, just another backyard brawler who somehow managed to make it to the big leagues. The fact that he is on the mid card of my event is an absolute insult by the UFC and I will make sure Dan Weiss hears about this!”
The blonde bimbo didn’t even question the female fighter’s sanity when she said she could beat a man in a fight. Let alone a 6’4 225 lbs savage like Alex. Instead, she nodded her head like a trained seal, and spoke about “girl power” as if it were a real thing.
“Obviously, you’re so amazing and talented! A guy like Alex doesn’t stand a chance! And you’re absolutely right, no technique whatsoever, just a brute through and through!”
Never mind the fact that Alex’s striking was extremely technical, in addition to being aggressive. His skills in the ancient art of Muay Thai were at a level that nobody else in the sport of MMA could compete with.
It was almost as if he had been trained in Bangkok his entire life. But because a female fighter had said Alex was nothing more than a brawler, the host simply added to the utter nonsense that her guest was speaking.
“I thought the age of guys like Alex died with the Axe murderer and his retirement years ago. Like yeah, maybe if this was still the year 2005 then Alex would be the best fighter in the world, but most fighters are far more technical than this so called “baba yaga”, and I bet the moment he fights his next opponent he will be in more trouble than he has ever been before.”
The comments on the podcast were flooded with feminists and simps who all talked as if they were expert fighters themselves.
“Alex is a bum, he’s got nothing on my goddess Svetlana”
“This loser has gotten lucky in his career so far, but if he fought an equally aggressive fighter, I have no doubt that he would break!”
“Suck on my toes!”
Ignoring this last remark, that was entirely unrelated to the conversation at hand. The one before it was completely forgetting the fact that Alex had gone toe to toe with the previous most aggressive fighter in the Light Heavyweight Division, and he had managed to break the man during their fight. Ultimately, the two women continued to complain about Alex until they eventually opened up the show to callers. Where, shockingly, the man in question was among them.
“Yeah… Hey so Alex here, listen…. If that dumb bitch wants to fight me, then I am more than willing to go five rounds with her. It doesn’t matter to me if we fight in the cage, in the bedroom, or on the streets. Either way, I’m going to smash her ass. And there is nothing she can do to stop me.
Hell, she can even pick a fight with me at my local bar, and I’ll still beat her black and blue with a beer in one hand. Anyway, that’s all I wanted to say. You know where I am, so come fight me if a dare you delusional whore.”
After saying this, Alex hung up, much to the shock of the two women who stared at one another in disbelief. It wasn’t unusual for delusional female fighters to call out their male counterparts. But usually the men they called out had enough tact to treat it like the joke it was. Yet Alex wasn’t that kind of man. He didn’t care if you were a man, a woman, or a child. If you called him out for a fight, you better be prepared to Throwdown.
Naturally, he suspected that the woman did not have the nerves to actually step into a cage with a man, let alone a man twice her size. Thus, he had publicly accepted her challenge, believing that she would recant her words, and when she did, he planned to mock her thoroughly for her lack of courage.
But what was surprising to both Alex and the audience who listened into the podcast, all of which were calling Alex a trash of a man who would lay his hands on a woman. Was that the female fighter spoke to Alex directly, without any fear in her eyes and her voice, almost as if she genuinely believed her own bullshit?
“Alright… Since you wish to get your ass beat by a woman so badly, how about I stop by the American Fight Club the next time I’m in Vegas, and we have a little sparring session? I’ll show you just how wrong you are about women, you pathetic misogynistic pig!”
Some of the audience of the podcast called the woman delusional when she actually followed through with her challenge, but they were the minute minority. It was 2023 and both men and women were now deluded into believing that a woman could do anything a man could do, including fight against a man and win. And thus these deluded fools drowned out those who had some semblance of a brain, with vicious and hateful comments.
It was only hours later that Dan Weiss was on another podcast, where he was asked about the feud that had just developed between Svetlana Romanova and Alex Smith. To which he simply chuckled in his signature fashion, before calling the two fighters in his employ a couple of fucking idiots.
“Listen, if these two morons want to have some stupid battle of the sexes, then they damn well better do it on their own time! Svetlana Romanova has a championship bout coming up. And if she has to pull out because she got her face smashed in by some white trash piece of shit on the mid card, I can guarantee you neither of these two clowns will be fighting in the UFC again. I mean, honestly, what a couple of fucking idiots!”
Alex would see both responses and simply laughed it off. He knew that the card he and Svetlana would be fighting on would be held in Vegas in another two months. Thus, he simply smiled and drank his beer. Waiting to put a feminist whore in her place for the entire world to see. Because there was no way he was not going to film himself beating up the woman who he suspected would become the new champ in her next fight.