Chapter 160: Facing the Consequences
Chapter 160: Facing the Consequences
Alex awoke not long after Vanessa did and was not entirely surprised to see her staring at him. There was a warm smile on her face as she welcomed the man back to the world of the living.
“Morning sleepy head…”
Alex chuckled when he heard this, before lecturing the woman on her poor choice of words.
“Oh… I’m the sleepy head? Then what should I call you?”
Vanessa was a good enough sport to laugh off Alex’s remarks, despite the fact that she was clearly drugged the night before, and nearly raped at that. Her affection for Chad had dropped beyond the point of no return. Now at 0/100, Chad had no chance of ever regaining Vanessa’s favor. Meanwhile, the woman’s affection for Alex was at an all-time high.
She was just about to say something to Alex when the doctor stepped through the door and explained how she was ready to be discharged. However, after saying this, the doctor looked at Alex and complimented him before leaving the room.
“It’s not every day I see a patient who was saved from being sexually assaulted. I don’t know how you managed to get to Vanessa here in time, but you should consider yourself a hero. Anyway, the perpetrator was also brought in for treatment, and should be getting out of facial reconstruction surgery in the next few hours.
After he is cleared to be discharged, he will go straight to the county jail, where he will await arraignment. I know I’m not supposed to be saying this, but I really wish you just did us all a favor and finished the job. You have no idea how close that man was to death after what you did to him…”
With this said, the Doctor left the room, and Alex helped Vanessa get ready to depart from the hospital. Once Alex had begun driving Vanessa home, she could no longer keep herself silent, as she asked Alex just what the hell he did to Chad.“Alright… I’ve got to ask, what exactly did you do to Chad that the prick required facial reconstruction surgery?”
Upon hearing this, Alex chuckled before boasting of his violence with a sadistic grin on his face.
“I knocked him out cold with a single overhand left, before stomping his face in. The only reason I didn’t kill the asshole is because you groaned and I was snapped out of my rage. So I guess you could say he has you to thank for the mercy I showed him. Not that there is much mercy in the life that fate has in store for him. You know what they do to rapists in prison, right? Chad is going to have a very difficult life from here on out.”
Vanessa simply scoffed and rolled her eyes before commenting on Chad’s fate.
“That is, if he is even convicted…. This fucking country… man, you know how the DAs are in letting criminals go these days…”
However, Alex chuckled at this before responding to Vanessa’s remarks.
“Yeah, except there’s a difference here. Chad is a straight white male, and you are a woman of color. He is exactly the kind of man who an activist attorney and or judge will want to make an example of.
I mean, it isn’t exactly guys like Chad who are walking free on the streets after committing serious crimes, not unless he did so in the name of Antifa or BLM. You can relax. After what Chad did last night, he is going away for a long time…”
Vanessa felt slightly more calm after hearing this, at least for a single second before she had a chilling thought which she voiced aloud with a chilling tone in her voice.
“And if he isn’t…”
It was at this moment that Alex’s face turned grim, and his voice serious as he responded to Vanessa’s question.
“Then I’ll take care of it…”
Vanessa could tell by the look in Alex’s blue eyes that he was serious with this threat, and thus she remained silent for the rest of the drive home. Where she was surprised to find that her car was waiting for her in her driveway. She was just about to ask how this was possible when Alex admitted to being responsible for this welcomed surprise.
“Eh, I had your car towed from the motel after I got you admitted to the emergency room. No point leaving it all the way across town for you to have to retrieve yourself. Oh, and for that matter, the cost of your visit to the emergency room is on me, so when you get the bill, just send it my way, and I’ll take care of it.
Vanessa only now had begun to realize how much she was relying on Alex. Not only was he the first person she thought of contact when she was in danger, but now she was accepting his money on top of that. With this in mind, she had a brief internal debate while biting her lip. One which Alex pretended to ignore, until finally the Brazilian muscle mommy let out a heavy sigh, before asking Alex the question he had been waiting for.
“You haven’t had breakfast yet, right? What am I saying? Of course you haven’t… You want to come inside and join me for breakfast?”
Alex smirked and nodded his head as he wrapped his arm around Vanessa’s shoulder before responding to her question positively.
“Sounds like fun, but just for the record, I can’t cook worth shit. So that will be up to you…”
Vanessa broke out into a fit of giggles. She did now know why, but she found it funny that she did not expect Alex to not know how to cook. But then again, why would he, when he had nearly two dozen women to cook and clean for him? She shook her head with a pretty smile on her face, before leading Alex into her home to cook him a nice meal to start the day with.
Chad was in a miserable state. Not only did he fail in his aim of making Vanessa his woman the night before. But his face had been broken in several places by Alex, causing him to undergo facial reconstruction surgery. And if that wasn’t bad enough, Chad was now chained to a hospital bed with no path of escape.
To put it simply, Chad was now under arrest, and was confined to his hospital room until the doctor said he was well enough to go to jail. Of course, Chad had not accepted responsibility for any of his actions that led him to this point. Instead, he once more blamed his current lot in life on none other than Alex.
From Chad’s perspective, if Alex had not intervened, then he would have ended up with Vanessa as his woman. Instead of facing an entire list of felonies and misdemeanors. Or so Chad thought in his delusional state.
But there was no point in worrying about what happened the night before. Instead, Chad needed to be focused on the present, thus after quite a bit of effort on his part, Chad successfully managed to convince the doctor to call his parents, and have them begin the process of hiring a lawyer on his behalf.
There wasn’t really much of a case in Chad’s defense, other than a temporary insanity plea. After all, it could be argued that after repeated pressures by Alex, Chad had suffered a mental breakdown, which caused him to go on this rampage.
Then again, Chad was also intoxicated when he committed these crimes. Which, of course, only added even more charges against him. Such as Eluding or Evading the police while intoxicated. As well as a Driving While Under the Influence charge. Needless to say, things were not looking good for Chad.
Worse yet… There was a very real possibility that the Las Vegas District Attorney and the judge who presided over his case were both woke activists. If this turned out to be reality, then Chad would most definitely receive the harshest sentence possible for his crimes.
After all, like Alex had said, Chad was a straight white male, and Vanessa was a woman of color. In the eyes of the woke mob, Chad was born as the worst kind of oppressor. While Vanessa was born as an oppressed individual. Even if Chad was innocent of the charges against him, the District Attorney and judge might actually convict him, regardless.
Hell, they might even throw a hate crime into the mix for no reason other than to add more charges against Chad. Simply because he was, in fact, a straight white male. Which was usually how hate crimes were applied in practice. If this happened, Chad was royally fucked. And there was not much he or his attorney could argue in his defense.
Thus, all Chad could really do right now was wait…. Wait and see what happened. And finally, the day arrived where Chad was discharged from the hospital. The man was dragged before a judge and charged with a variety of felonies and misdemeanors. The maximum sentence of which, if he were convicted, would result in a sentence of over thirty years in a state penitentiary.
Luckily for Chad, bail was set, but unfortunately for him, like Alex had predicted, the judge wanted to make an example of the man. Specifically, for his attempted sexual assault of a woman of color. And thus his bail was set at a whopping one million dollars. Which neither he nor his parents could pay, even if they tried to go to a bail bondsman.
Needless to say, the once bright future that Chad had set the foundation for was thoroughly ruined overnight due to his own actions. And of course, the only person that he blamed for this was none other than Alex.