Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 583 I’ll Make You Can’t Reject Me Anymore

Chapter 583 I’ll Make You Can’t Reject Me Anymore

?Villain Ch 583. I’ll Make You Can’t Reject Me Anymore

Allen managed a polite smile and greeted her with a casual “Hey, Sophia.”

Sophia responded with a friendly tone, “Allen, I didn’t expect to meet you here. What a surprise!”

Allen’s smile, though, was tinged with dryness. He exchanged a quick glance with Gerry, the unspoken understanding between them evident. Turning back to Sophia, Allen kept his response brief, “Yeah.”

Sophia, seemingly undeterred, suggested, “How about you show me around? I’m new here, and I don’t know much about this place. Plus, it’s my first time working out. Maybe you can give me some workout tips or something?”

Gerry chimed in, offering practical advice, “Each new member gets one free training session with a personal trainer. I think you should take advantage of that.”

Sophia, however, persisted, “Come on, Allen, it would be fun! You can share some of your workout routines with me. After all, we used to do everything together, remember?”

Allen’s expression remained neutral as he replied, “Each person has a different starting point, Sophia. What’s suitable for us may not be suitable for your practice. A personal trainer can tailor a routine specifically for you, considering your fitness level and goals.”

Sophia’s attempt to engage with Allen had hit a dead end, and she chose an unusual path—silence. Uncharacteristically quiet, she nodded and replied with a simple, “I guess you’re right. Maybe I’ll check out that personal trainer session. Anyway, it was good seeing you both. Take care.” Her departure, however, wasn’t without a parting shot—a lingering glance in Gerry’s direction.

As Sophia walked away, her mind was already churning with a devious idea. She briefly contemplated involving Gerry. ‘Maybe I could use him,’ she thought.

Yet, she swiftly discarded that notion, convinced she had a superior plan. ‘No… I think I have a better idea.’ A sinister smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she pondered the details of her scheme. It was nasty, manipulative, but Sophia was determined to make Allen unable to escape her influence.

The last glance she threw over her shoulder at Gerry, standing beside Allen, held a dual purpose. While Allen remained unaware of the brewing storm in Sophia’s mind, she had planted a seed—a seed that would soon grow into a tangled web of manipulation. But he caught a glance of her stare.

Allen and Gerry continued their journey towards the changing room, the air seemed lighter after Sophia’s departure. Gerry, expressing his surprise, remarked, “I never thought she would give up that easily.”

Allen, equally surprised, responded, “Me too, but maybe she changed her strategy.” A mischievous glint sparkled in Allen’s eyes as he glanced at Gerry. “Didn’t you see her gaze?” he teased.

Gerry, visibly puzzled, furrowed his brow and asked, “What gaze?”

Allen’s smile took on an annoying edge as he explained, “A terrifying look that said, ‘I will use you’ to get to him.”

Gerry, caught off guard, shuddered and retorted, “That’s terrible! Why do you make it seem like she’s going to molest me?”

Unable to contain his grin, Allen chuckled and said, “Well, it’s kinda like that.”

Gerry’s expression twisted in a mix of horror and disbelief. “Seriously? This is ridiculous,” he exclaimed, shaking his head. “What could she possibly want from me?”

Allen, still amused, shrugged and said, “Who knows? Sophia’s methods are unpredictable. Just stay on your guard, mate.”

The day unfolded surprisingly as usual for Allen, Gerry, and Larissa. They gathered at their favorite restaurant, chatting and sharing a meal together, just like any other day. The familiar routine provided a comforting rhythm, and today seemed no different.

What did catch Allen off guard, though, was Sophia’s unexpected restraint. Despite seeing her at the same restaurant, she refrained from approaching or striking up a conversation. Instead, Sophia purchased a sandwich, keeping her distance, and departed without uttering a word.

Allen couldn’t deny the peculiarity of the situation. After Sophia’s persistent attempts earlier in the day, her sudden change in behavior raised questions. However, the unspoken agreement to maintain the status quo suited him just fine.

The trio continued their meal, chatting and laughing, enjoying the lively atmosphere of the restaurant. As they savored their dishes, the unexpected sight of Sophia exiting without a greeting lingered in the air.

Larissa was the first to comment. She shrugged and said, “Well, that was surprising. She didn’t say anything. I’m happy about it, but it also makes me a bit uneasy. What if she’s plotting something?”

Gerry, who often had a knack for straightforwardness, leaned back in his chair and asked, “Plotting? What do you mean? Do you think she’s up to something?”

Larissa nodded, her expression a mix of curiosity and concern. “I don’t know. It just felt odd. Like she’s cooking up a scheme or strategy. Maybe we’re overthinking it, but it’s Sophia. You never know.”

Gerry, never one to shy away from humor, threw in a playful suggestion, “What if she’s planning to kidnap Allen? Allen, you better watch out!”

Allen joined in the banter, feigning a serious tone. “Oh no, kidnapping, the most diabolical plot. I better be on high alert.” He chuckled, appreciating the light-heartedness that helped alleviate the potential tension.

Larissa grinned, nudging Allen with her elbow. “Well, Allen, if you suddenly disappear, we’ll know who to blame.”

Gerry raised an eyebrow, still skeptical. “Well, it’s just a joke. Sophia kidnapping Allen? That sounds like a bad script for some cheesy drama.”

Allen and Larissa exchanged knowing glances, their eyes reflecting a shared sense of amusement. In response to Gerry’s alarmed reaction, Allen couldn’t resist pushing the joke further.

“Who knows? The world is a mysterious place. Sophia might decide she needs a mysterious assassin like me for some grand scheme,” Allen said with a sly grin.

Larissa chimed in, playing along with the jest, “Yeah, you better watch out too. She might need a loyal sidekick for her grand plot, and you seem like the perfect candidate.”

Gerry’s face turned a shade paler as he protested, “Come on, guys! This isn’t funny. Sophia isn’t going to kidnap anyone. You’re just messing with me, right?”

Allen and Larissa burst into laughter, enjoying Gerry’s genuine concern. Larissa reassured him, “Relax, Gerry. It’s just a joke. Sophia might be unpredictable, but kidnapping is a bit extreme, even for her.”

Gerry let out a sigh of relief, but the playful banter continued. Allen leaned in and whispered, “But hey, if you suddenly find a ransom note, you know who to call.”

Gerry rolled his eyes, realizing he had fallen for their teasing. “You two are impossible. I can’t believe I fell for it.”

Once they finished, the trio finally decided to part ways. Allen, Gerry, and Larissa each had their own plans for the rest of the day. Larissa waved a cheerful goodbye.

“See you guys later! Remember, stay vigilant for any potential kidnappers,” Larissa teased, giving a playful wink to Gerry.

Gerry rolled his eyes, still recovering from the mock panic induced by their earlier banter. “Yeah, yeah, very funny. See you around.”

With a friendly nod, Larissa turned on her heels and headed in the direction of the gym.

Allen and Gerry exchanged a nod. Allen, with his hands casually tucked into his pockets, strolled down the sidewalk with an easygoing demeanor.

“So, Allen, any plans for the rest of the day?” Gerry asked, attempting to steer the conversation away from imaginary kidnapping scenarios.

“Not much, just some errands and maybe a bit of gaming later,” Allen replied, glancing at the bustling city around them. Allen had to return to his apartment since the courier was supposed to move some of his things today. The rest was tomorrow. Also, he planned to unbox some items since he was sure he wouldn’t need them in Goldborne’s mansion. Like his trusty air fryer for example. He just realized that the Goldborne should already have their own airfryer or something similar. Even he wasn’t sure that he needed to cook.

Gerry nodded, feeling a sense of relief that the day’s events had taken a lighthearted turn. “Sounds good. Let me know if you need any help with moving tomorrow. Seriously, don’t hesitate to ask.”

“I appreciate that, Gerry. I’ll manage, but I’ll keep it in mind,” Allen said, offering a genuine smile.

With a final wave, Gerry diverged onto a side street, disappearing from Allen’s view. 𝒍𝒊𝒃𝒓𝙚𝙖𝙙.𝓬𝙤𝙢

Under the waning sun, Allen smoothly maneuvered his motorbike out of the gym’s parking lot, the rhythmic purr of the engine filling the air. Unbeknownst to him, a taxi subtly trailed behind, a silent observer to his every move. In the shadows, Sophia sat inside, her eyes focused on the bike ahead.

As Allen navigated through the city streets, Sophia maintained a cautious distance, ensuring her pursuit remained undetected. Following Allen’s movements, she finally witnessed him arriving at an apartment complex. “Gotcha,” Sophia whispered, a triumphant smirk playing on her lips. However, her curiosity and desire for control urged her to delve further into his life.

Unlocking her phone, Sophia opened a Shaddy online shopping app, an avenue for acquiring items that catered to various needs, legal or otherwise. Fueled by a blend of determination and mischief, she navigated through the virtual marketplace, contemplating her next move. She selected a discreet package. Aphrodisiacs.

‘Since you keep rejecting me, I’ll make you can’t reject me anymore,’ she thought.

The m𝑜st uptodate novels are published on 𝑙𝘳𝘦𝘢.𝒸𝑜𝘮

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