Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 578 We Used to be Close, But People Will Go [Part 1]

Chapter 578 We Used to be Close, But People Will Go [Part 1]

?Villain Ch 578. We Used to be Close, But People Will Go [Part 1]

‘Should I pretend to bump into him?’ Sophia pondered, her thoughts racing through familiar strategies. The idea crossed her mind, but a quick mental playback of past attempts dismissed it. She had tried that before, and it proved ineffective in breaking through Allen’s guarded exterior. Sophia needed a fresh approach, something that would catch Allen’s attention without triggering his defenses.

‘Maybe I can offer him the item he’s looking for?’ Another thought flickered in Sophia’s mind, and she began to consider the logistics. She was accustomed to acquiring what she needed through established connections—Greg, Player_Eater, Elio, and the occasional generous player, so even if she had to sell her items in low price, it wasn’t a big deal for her.

Yet, Allen remained a bit of an enigma. His independence and self-sufficiency set him apart. If she could discern what he sought, Sophia mused, perhaps she could use that as a bridge to engage him. She weighed the potential benefits of providing a solution to his quest against the risk of exposing her motives.

Sophia observed with keen interest as Allen came to a halt in front of a bustling stall. Her eyes focused on him, trying to decipher the purpose behind his latest halt.

Allen delved into a series of transactions and Sophia’s curiosity intensified. The mysterious allure of his quest intrigued her, and she couldn’t help but speculate about the significance of the items he sought. The disappearance of several items above the stall signaled a successful exchange, and Sophia, ever vigilant, began connecting the dots.

A subtle smile played on her lips as she discerned the objects of Allen’s interest—Upgrade Stones and Enchantment Stones. The revelation resonated within the confines of Sophia’s strategic mind. These were valuable commodities, coveted by players seeking to enhance their equipment and gain an edge in the game.

Sophia’s mental gears turned, evaluating the potential implications of Allen’s purchases. Upgrade Stones hinted at his desire for equipment improvement, while Enchantment Stones suggested a pursuit of additional attributes or enhancements. The information opened a window into Allen’s priorities, providing Sophia with valuable insights into his gaming strategy.

‘I have a few of that!’ Sophia’s inner voice exclaimed with a sudden burst of realization. The items were things she did possess, albeit not something she usually held onto. Typically, Sophia entrusted all her upgrade and enhancement needs to Greg, but the remnants from their previous hunt were still tucked away in her inventory.

Seizing the opportunity, Sophia briskly navigated through the?marketplace, weaving through the diverse stalls. Her steps were quick, fueled by the excitement of a potential interaction with Allen. The notion of being able to assist him in his quest triggered a sense of purpose and a subtle thrill.

She trailed behind him and followed him toward the Auction NPC. Again, he made another stop in front of that NPC. And this time, it wasn’t for a short time.

Sophia took a deep breath, summoning a sense of confidence that belied the subtle nerves humming beneath the surface. The bustling marketplace provided a dynamic backdrop as she approached Allen, who stood engrossed in his dealings with the Auction NPC.

Careful not to interrupt his concentration, Sophia mimicked the motions of a diligent player engrossed in managing her inventory. With a practiced flourish, she summoned her own holographic inventory list, her fingers navigating through the?interface with practiced ease. Meanwhile, her eyes covertly darted towards Allen, tracking his every move.

Allen, of course, realized it, but he decided to ignore her and continued to scroll through the hologram list before him.

Sophia seized the moment to feign absorption in her inventory management. Her plan was simple yet effective: create an air of busy preoccupation while keeping a watchful eye on him.

Her inventory list sprawled before her like a canvas of possibilities, full of treasures, but her attention remained anchored to Allen. The subtle hum of conversation and the faint clatter of footsteps served as the backdrop to her carefully orchestrated act.

Sophia awaited the opportune moment to make her move, timing her actions to coincide with the conclusion of Allen’s dealings.

Nearby, Elio strolled purposefully, his gaze scanning the stalls for potential acquisitions. Engaged in a spirited discussion with Gil, James, and Noah.

Elio took the lead in the dialogue. “Alright, guys, we need to prioritize our guild upgrades. The headquarters could use a facelift, and we’re definitely running low on potions. Plus, we’ve been thin on healers lately.”

Gil nodded in agreement. “I’ve been noticing that too. We can’t afford to lag behind in the healing department. It’s crucial for both dungeon runs and guild battles.”

James chimed in, “And about the headquarters, I think expanding our storage space is a must. We’ve been accumulating valuable items from our quests, and it’s getting cramped in there.”

Noah added, “Agreed. We should also consider upgrading the enchanting station. A higher-grade station could yield better results, and it’ll be beneficial for everyone.”

The lively conversation among Elio, Gil, James, and Noah abruptly halted as Gil’s keen eyes spotted Sophia standing by the Auction NPC. Excitement flickered across Gil’s face, and he raised his hand in preparation to call out to her.

“Isn’t that Sophia?” Gil exclaimed, his voice carrying enthusiasm. He was ready to beckon her over, but Elio swiftly intervened, gripping Gil’s shoulder to restrain him. A subtle shake of Elio’s head conveyed a clear message – hold back.

Confusion etched across Gil’s face as Elio cautioned him, “No need to call her over, Gil.”

“But why not? We’re discussing important guild matters, and she’s a part of it,” Gil protested, his enthusiasm undiminished.

Elio, maintaining a composed demeanor, directed Gil’s attention toward someone standing near Sophia. Following Elio’s gaze, Gil’s eyes widened as he recognized the figure – Allen.

Gil, Noah, and James—exchanged knowing glances. It was evident to them that Sophia’s curiosity or whatever connection she had with Allen hadn’t waned.

Elio felt a complex mix of emotions. He used to hold a certain disdain for Allen, but recent events had shifted his perspective. He couldn’t entirely fault Allen for maintaining distance from Sophia, especially considering the revelations from the last guild event.

“Just let her be. We’ve got our own priorities,” Elio commanded with a firm tone. The pain lingered in his heart as he recalled the startling truth about Sophia. The healer he once trusted and hunted alongside turned out to be more manipulative than he ever imagined.

Noah nodded in agreement. “Yeah, Elio’s right. We’ve got guild matters to focus on.”

Gil sighed. “I just hope she doesn’t stir up unnecessary drama again.”

James added, “Let’s not get involved in whatever’s going on between Sophia and Allen. We’ve got our guild to strengthen,” he tried to cheer them up. Secretly, James and Noah exchanged glances a sign that they would talk about it later.

Elio took deliberate strides away from Sophia. The disappointment in her guildmates’ eyes lingered for a moment before they, too, decided to follow their leader’s lead. The unspoken understanding was clear: they wouldn’t let Sophia’s actions distract them from their guild’s priorities.

Walking through the market, Elio’s steps felt heavier than usual. A metaphorical weight pressed on his chest, and the air seemed thick with an indefinable tension. Despite the relative calm of the market, Elio felt as if he were breathing in ashes and dust, a sensation that mirrored the unease settling in his mind.

A deeper turmoil churned within him. The realization of Sophia’s true nature had left him grappling with conflicting emotions. He wanted to sever any connection with her, to erase the memories tainted by deceit and manipulation.

In a fleeting moment of introspection, Elio attempted to rationalize his feelings. ‘I shouldn’t be jealous or disappointed,’ he reasoned with himself. ‘Besides… People will come and go, either to people I know or I don’t,’ he thought.

Despite the logical underpinning of his thoughts, Elio couldn’t shake the heaviness in his chest. The unpredictability of relationships. 𝑙𝑖𝓇𝘦𝑎𝒹.𝗇𝓔t

Finished, Allen closed the hologram list, signifying the conclusion of his transaction, Sophia seized the opportunity to approach him. However, before she could utter a single word, the glances of disappointment from Elio and the others pierced through her like silent accusations. The weight of their collective disapproval momentarily stifled her, causing a brief hesitation in her resolve.

Caught in the crossfire of their judgmental stares, Sophia faltered for a moment. The air crackled with tension as their unspoken sentiments lingered. Yet, despite the evident disappointment in Elio’s eyes, Sophia opted to push past the invisible barrier erected by their judgment.

Suppressing the unease building within her, Sophia dismissed the scrutinizing looks from Elio and the others. Ignoring their unspoken censure, she approached Allen with a forced smile on her lips. “Hey, Allen!” she greeted him, trying to infuse a cheerful tone into her voice.

Allen, hood obscuring his face, turned to face Sophia. His expression, as always, was inscrutable. “What is it, Sophia?” he acknowledged with a nod, his voice neutral.

Th𝑖s chapter is updated by 𝑙𝘪𝓇𝑎𝒹.𝘤𝑜𝘮

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