Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 685: Trying To Convince Wang Jian’s Mistress to Betray Him

Chapter 685: Trying To Convince Wang Jian’s Mistress to Betray Him

The days passed quickly, and just as Wang Jian had predicted, his enemies began to move.

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Yun Tian, Dong Zhuo, Jiang Chen, and Huang Zhi each set out to secretly approach the women who now held considerable sway in their respective factions-all of whom were bound to Wang Jian not just by political alliances, but by something far deeper and more personal.

Yet, these men were unaware of the depths of the connections Wang Jian had forged, thinking they could sway these powerful leaders with their words.

~~Yun Tian and Yun Qianying~~

Yun Tian, the Godking talent of the Western Cosmos, was the first to make his move. He chose a time when he knew Yun Qianying would be alone in the secluded meditation chamber of the Brahma Divine Star Faction.

The chamber was a place of serene beauty, with celestial light filtering through intricately carved windows, casting soft glows upon the marble floors.

Yun Qianying, the Brahma Divine Star Goddess, was deep in thought when she sensed his approach. Her heart, once so connected to Yun Tian, felt nothing but a faint echo of what had once been. The man who had once been her husband now seemed like a distant figure, overshadowed by the powerful presence of Wang Jian.

Yun Tian stepped into the chamber, his expression a mix of resolve and something akin to desperation. “Qianying,” he began, his voice soft but urgent. “I know it has been a long time since we last spoke, but I need to talk to you.”

She looked at him calmly, her expression unreadable. “What is it you wish to say, Yun Tian?”

Yun Tian stepped closer, lowering his voice. “I’ve come to warn you about Wang Jian. He’s dangerous, Qianying. He’s using you, manipulating you to further his own ends. The Brahma Divine Star Faction should be leading the Western Cosmos, not following in the shadow of a man like him.”

Yun Qianying’s eyes narrowed slightly, but she maintained her composure. “You underestimate him, Yun Tian. Wang Jian is more than capable. He has shown me a path to true power, one that doesn’t require the petty games of politics or the superficial alliances you speak of.”

Yun Tian, sensing her hesitation, pressed on. “But don’t you see? He’s isolating you from your true allies, the people who have always been loyal to you. You belong with us, with me. We could bring down Wang Jian together. You and I, we were always meant to rule the Western Cosmos side by side.”

She paused for a moment, her expression softening just enough to give Yun Tian hope. “Perhaps… you are right, Yun Tian. Perhaps I’ve been blinded by his charm. But I need time to think about this. If I am to betray Wang Jian, I must be certain.”

Yun Tian, believing he had struck a chord, nodded, relief washing over him. “Take the time you need, Qianying. Just know that I’ll be waiting for your answer. Together, we can reclaim what is rightfully ours.”

Yun Qianying gave him a small, almost tender smile. “Thank you, Yun Tian. I’ll consider everything you’ve said.”

With that, Yun Tian left, feeling as though he had made progress. But as soon as he was gone, Yun Qianying’s smile faded, replaced by a look of disdain. The thought of betraying Wang Jian was unthinkable. She had given herself to him completely, body and soul, and nothing Yun Tian said could change that.

~~Dong Zhuo and Qing Lurou~~

Dong Zhuo’s approach was more straightforward, befitting his brash and arrogant nature. He found Qing Lurou, the daughter of Matriarch Qing Fenghua, in the lush gardens of the Nature Clan’s stronghold. The vibrant flora and fauna surrounding them seemed to pulse with life, the essence of nature itself.

Qing Lurou, a striking beauty with an air of regal poise, was tending to a cluster of rare flowers when Dong Zhuo approached her. She barely looked up, her attention focused on the delicate petals in her hands.

“Lurou,” Dong Zhuo began, his tone casual but laced with an undercurrent of command. “We need to talk.”

Qing Lurou finally raised her gaze, her expression cool and indifferent. “What do you want, Dong Zhuo?”

He frowned at her tone but pressed on. “I’m here to talk sense into you. Wang Jian is a snake, a man who wraps himself around women like you and squeezes until there’s nothing left. Your mother is too blind to see it, but I know you’re smarter than that. The Nature Clan should be under our control, not his.”

She arched an eyebrow, her lips curling into a faint smile. “And what makes you think I would ever consider betraying him? My mother has allied our clan with Wang Jian because he’s shown us strength and a vision for the future. What have you ever offered me besides empty promises?”

Dong Zhuo’s eyes narrowed. “I’m offering you a way out, Lurou. You know Wang Jian can’t be trusted. He’s just using your mother’s power to solidify his own position. But if we join forces, we can topple him and take his place. Imagine the power we could wield together.”

Qing Lurou seemed to consider his words, her expression thoughtful. “Perhaps… you have a point. But I would need something more than just your word, Dong Zhuo. If I’m going to risk everything, I need guarantees.”

Dong Zhuo smirked, believing he had her. “You’ll have whatever you need. Just say the word, and I’ll make it happen.”

She nodded slowly. “I’ll think about it. This isn’t a decision I can make lightly.”

“Take your time,” Dong Zhuo said, his confidence growing. “But remember, the longer you wait, the stronger Wang Jian becomes.”

As he left, Qing Lurou watched him go, her expression hardening. She had no intention of betraying Wang Jian, but she would play Dong Zhuo’s game for now, waiting for the right moment to turn the tables.

~~Jiang Chen and Cui Lan~~

Jiang Chen, the Godking talent of the Eastern Cosmos, approached Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan with a different tactic. He knew that Cui Lan was a woman of intelligence and discernment, one who valued logic and reason above all else. He found her in the heart of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion, where she was reviewing documents in her private study.

Cui Lan looked up as Jiang Chen entered, her sharp eyes taking in his presence. “Jiang Chen,” she greeted him, her tone polite but distant. “What brings you here?”

He wasted no time, getting straight to the point. “Cui Lan, I’ve come to warn you about the dangers of aligning yourself with Wang Jian. He’s a force of chaos, a man who will bring nothing but destruction to the Eastern Cosmos if he’s allowed to continue on his path.” fгeewёbnoѵel.cσm

Cui Lan regarded him with a measured gaze. “And you believe that I should abandon him? After all the power and resources he has brought to the Heavenly Jade Pavilion?”

Jiang Chen leaned forward, his voice earnest. “I believe that you’re too wise to be blinded by short-term gains. Wang Jian is unpredictable, dangerous. He’s already made too many enemies, and it’s only a matter of time before he drags everyone down with him. You and I- we’ve always worked well together. We could lead the Eastern Cosmos into a new era of prosperity, without the looming threat of Wang Jian’s ambitions.”

Cui Lan tapped her fingers on the desk, her expression thoughtful. “You make a compelling argument, Jiang Chen. But I would need more than just promises. What assurance can you give me that our partnership would succeed where others have failed?”

Jiang Chen smiled, sensing victory. “I can offer you stability, resources, and an alliance with

some of the most powerful forces in the cosmos. Together, we can outmaneuver Wang Jian and secure our place at the top.”

Cui Lan nodded slowly, as if weighing her options. “I will need time to consider this, Jiang Chen. You understand that such a decision cannot be made lightly.”

“Of course,” Jiang Chen said, pleased with her response. “Take all the time you need. But remember, Wang Jian’s enemies are growing stronger every day. It’s in our best interest to act sooner rather than later.”

After Jiang Chen left, Cui Lan’s thoughtful expression gave way to a small, knowing smile. She had no intention of betraying Wang Jian, but she would play Jiang Chen’s game for now, gathering information that would be of use to her true master.

~~Huang Zhi and Celestial Maiden Yuqing~~

Huang Zhi’s approach was perhaps the most difficult. He had complicated feelings toward

Wang Jian, both hatred for stealing his wife, Angel Princess Lu Rong’er, and a grudging respect for saving his life. He knew that if anyone could sway Celestial Maiden Yuqing, it would be him. After all, she was his mother-in-law, and they had a long history together.

He found Yuqing in the celestial gardens of the Angel Race’s sanctuary, a place of serene beauty and divine energy. The celestial maiden was meditating, her aura glowing with a soft, ethereal light.

“Mother,” Huang Zhi began, his voice filled with a mix of reverence and urgency.

Yuqing opened her eyes, looking at him with a calm, serene expression. “Huang Zhi, what brings you here?”

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