Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 680: Yun Tian Arrives With Great Astral Galaxy Dragon Abilities

Chapter 680: Yun Tian Arrives With Great Astral Galaxy Dragon Abilities

As Wang Jian reveled in the pleasures offered by Mo Yin and her family, far away in the Northern Cosmos, a battle of titanic proportions raged on. The stars themselves seemed to tremble under the sheer force of the clash between three powerful beings, each vying for dominance in a cosmic struggle that would reshape the balance of power.

Huang Zhi, the wielder of the Angelic Devil True God legacy, stood at the forefront of the battle, his presence a beacon of terrifying power. His aura, a blend of holy and infernal energies, radiated outwards, shaking the very fabric of the cosmos. The heavens above were split asunder as Huang Zhi unleashed the full might of his legacy, summoning forth angelic and demonic forces that clashed in a symphony of destruction.

“Divine Inferno Wings!” Huang Zhi’s voice echoed like thunder as he spread his immense wings, each feather crackling with purifying flames. A wave of searing heat and dark energy erupted from his wings, consuming everything in its path. Stars dimmed, and planets were scorched as the flames spread across the battlefield, their intensity unrivaled.

Jiang Chen, the head of the Jiang Family and the inheritor of the Chaotic Storm Fairy legacy, met Huang Zhi’s assault head-on. His connection to the storm was absolute, and with a wave of his hand, the skies darkened as a massive tempest formed above him. “Chaotic Tempest Fury!” Jiang Chen roared as he commanded the storm to rage with unparalleled ferocity. Lightning bolts as thick as mountains struck from the heavens, and tornadoes tore across the battlefield, their winds howling with the fury of a thousand storms.

The clash between Huang Zhi’s divine flames and Jiang Chen’s chaotic storm was a sight to behold. The sheer power of their attacks shook the very stars, causing entire planetary systems to shudder under the force of their battle. Celestial bodies were flung from their orbits, and entire worlds were consumed by the raging storm and infernal fire. The Northern Cosmos had become a war-torn wasteland, its once peaceful skies now filled with the echoes of battle.

Amidst this cataclysmic struggle stood Dong Zhuo, his once-mighty presence now reduced by the waning strength of his Divine Wooden Dragon legacy. His wooden abilities, once capable of shaping entire forests and impenetrable barriers, had grown weak. Yet Dong Zhuo was not one to be easily dismissed. He fought with a grim determination, drawing upon every last ounce of his power to defend himself against the onslaught of his two adversaries.

“Dragon’s Wooden Aegis!” Dong Zhuo chanted, summoning a vast shield of ancient wood to protect himself from the storm and fire. The wooden barrier groaned under the immense pressure, splintering and cracking as it absorbed the force of the attacks. It was a desperate defense, one that barely held up against the overwhelming power of his enemies. Each strike from Huang Zhi and Jiang Chen sent shockwaves through the shield, and the very ground beneath Dong Zhuo’s feet quaked with the force of their blows.

Despite his weakened state, Dong Zhuo fought valiantly. He knew that if he fell, the Corrupt Dragon Clan would be lost. He could not afford to lose, but the tide of battle was against him. Every move he made was met with brutal retaliation from Jiang Chen, whose Chaotic Storm Fairy legacy allowed him to command the elements with an unmatched ferocity. Jiang Chen’s mastery over wind and lightning was absolute, and he used it to batter Dong Zhuo relentlessly.

“Storm God’s Wrath!” Jiang Chen shouted as he unleashed a devastating barrage of lightning strikes, each one aimed directly at Dong Zhuo. The bolts of lightning struck the wooden shield with the force of a thousand hammers, splintering it into fragments and leaving Dong Zhuo exposed. The wooden constructs that Dong Zhuo summoned in his defense were swiftly torn apart by the raging tempest, leaving him vulnerable to Jiang Chen’s relentless assault.

Huang Zhi, sensing an opportunity, pressed the attack. “Heavenly Demon’s Judgement!” he intoned, summoning a massive blade of pure divine energy, infused with both angelic and demonic power. The blade descended upon Dong Zhuo with terrifying speed, cleaving through the remnants of his wooden constructs and striking him with a force that sent shockwaves rippling through the cosmos.

Dong Zhuo staggered under the impact, bloodied and battered. His connection to the Divine Wooden Dragon was all but severed, and he could feel his strength ebbing away. Yet even in his weakened state, he refused to give in. “Dragon’s Last Stand!” he cried out, summoning the last of his power to form a colossal wooden dragon, its body made of gnarled roots and ancient timber. The dragon roared as it charged forward, a final act of defiance against the overwhelming odds.

Jiang Chen and Huang Zhi exchanged a glance, both recognizing the futility of Dong Zhuo’s efforts. They knew that the wooden dragon, though formidable in appearance, was no match for their combined might. With a coordinated strike, they unleashed their most powerful attacks, shattering the wooden dragon into countless splinters and sending Dong Zhuo crashing to the ground.

As Dong Zhuo lay defeated, his breath shallow and his body broken, Jiang Chen turned his attention to Huang Zhi. The battle between them was far from over, and the tension between them crackled in the air. Both men knew that the outcome of this conflict would determine the fate of the Northern Cosmos, and neither was willing to back down.

For weeks, the battle raged on, neither side able to gain a decisive advantage. The Northern Cosmos was a war-torn wasteland, its stars and planets ravaged by the forces of chaos and destruction. Entire star systems were annihilated as the two titans clashed, their power shaking the very fabric of reality.

It was during this time that Wang Jian, having spent weeks indulging in the pleasures offered by Mo Yin and her family, decided to visit the Northern Cosmos. His curiosity piqued by the reports of the ongoing battle, he made his way to the war-torn region, his presence unnoticed by the combatants below.

From a distance, Wang Jian observed the battle with a keen eye, his mind calculating and analyzing every move. He saw the devastation wrought by Huang Zhi’s divine flames and Jiang Chen’s chaotic storm, and he noted Dong Zhuo’s desperate attempts to hold his ground. The balance of power was precarious, and Wang Jian knew that the outcome of this battle would have far-reaching consequences.

Just as Wang Jian considered intervening, a new force made its presence known. The skies above the battlefield darkened as a vast shadow descended upon the Northern Cosmos. The stars themselves seemed to tremble in fear as the presence of the Great Astral Galaxy Dragon made itself known.

Yun Tian, the fourth Godking talent and the inheritor of the Great Astral Galaxy Dragon legacy, had arrived.

The very fabric of the cosmos seemed to warp and bend around Yun Tian as he descended upon the battlefield, his presence overwhelming. The stars in the Northern Cosmos dimmed as the power of the Great Astral Galaxy Dragon enveloped the entire region, its vastness stretching across the heavens.

“Galactic Void Rend!” Yun Tian’s voice was a low rumble, resonating through the cosmos as he unleashed the full might of his legacy. A massive rift tore open in the fabric of space, swallowing stars and planets whole. The rift expanded rapidly, its edges glowing with the cosmic energy of the Great Astral Galaxy Dragon, as it threatened to consume everything in its


Jiang Chen and Huang Zhi, both powerful in their own right, could feel the oppressive force of Yun Tian’s presence. The very stars themselves seemed to tremble as Yun Tian’s power warped the cosmos around them. Jiang Chen’s chaotic storm faltered in the face of the cosmic onslaught, while Huang Zhi’s divine flames flickered under the overwhelming pressure of the

galactic void.

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“Celestial Starfall!” Yun Tian’s voice boomed once more, and the skies above the battlefield erupted in a cataclysmic display of power. Countless stars were ripped from their orbits and sent hurtling towards the battlefield, each one imbued with the destructive power of the Great Astral Galaxy Dragon. The stars rained down like a cosmic storm, their impact shaking entire star systems and reducing planets to dust.

Jiang Chen and Huang Zhi were forced to retreat, their combined might insufficient to withstand the onslaught of Yun Tian’s power. The battlefield, once a place of intense struggle between the two titans, was now dominated by the overwhelming presence of the Great Astral

Galaxy Dragon.

Wang Jian watched from a distance, his expression one of deep contemplation. Yun Tian’s

arrival had shifted the balance of power in the Northern Cosmos in a way that he had not anticipated. The sheer might of the Great Astral Galaxy Dragon was something that even Wang Jian had to respect, and he knew that any further involvement in this battle would require careful planning.

As the battle continued to rage, Wang Jian remained an observer, his mind racing with thoughts of how to turn this unexpected development to his advantage. The Northern Cosmos had become a battleground for the most powerful beings in existence, and Wang Jian knew that the outcome of this conflict would have far-reaching consequences for the entire


And so, with the stars trembling under the force of the ongoing battle, Wang Jian watched and waited, his mind already crafting the next move in the grand game of power that he was

determined to win.

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