Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 624 Huang Zhi’s Hypocricy

Chapter 624 Huang Zhi’s Hypocricy

A glacial fury simmered beneath Huang Zhi’s composed exterior. He locked eyes with Wang Jian, a silent battle of wills unfolding. Finally, Huang Zhi spoke, his voice laced with a dangerous calm.

“Celestial Maiden,” he addressed his mother-in-law, a pointed emphasis on the title, “perhaps it would be best if I spoke with you… privately.”

Wang Jian, amusement dancing in his eyes, simply smirked. He knew the jig was up, at least with Huang Zhi.

With a theatrical sigh, he bowed. “Very well, I shall leave you two to your… discussion.”

The way he lingered on the last word sent shivers down Huang Zhi’s spine. The man oozed a calculated charm that Huang Zhi found repulsive.

As soon as Wang Jian’s retreating figure vanished from the doorway, Huang Zhi wasted no time. “Mother-in-law,” he began, his voice low and urgent, “do you truly intend to lead your race down the path of war?”

Celestial Maiden Yuqing’s gaze met his, a wall of icy defiance replacing the warmth that usually resided there. “Foolish question, Huang Zhi,” she retorted, her voice laced with a chilling edge. “Do you not know what my daughters have endured?”

Huang Zhi nodded grimly. “My rage mirrors yours, Celestial Maiden. Those three scoundrels deserve severe punishment.” He paused, the words carefully chosen. “But launching a full-scale war with the entire Devil Race seems… excessive. Both sides will suffer unimaginable losses.”

Celestial Maiden Yuqing scoffed, a harsh, brittle sound. “You really are na?ve even at this moment, Huang Zhi. I too clung to the dream of lasting peace. But the actions of those three demons have shattered that delusion. The Devil Race is our sworn enemy. Peace is but a fragile illusion, easily shattered by their inherent cruelty.”

Huang Zhi spoke up calmly, “This is war-mongering talk, Mother-in-law. If we maintain peace now, work towards strengthening our bonds, the future can be different.”

“Strengthening bonds with those who lust for our blood?” Her voice dripped with disdain. “War is inevitable, Huang Zhi. If not now, then later, when we are weaker. They bide their time, waiting for an opportunity to strike. This is their true nature – violence, depravity. They will never be content with peace.”

Huang Zhi fell silent, his face a mask of conflicting emotions. He understood a part of her reasoning. The history between the races was steeped in bloodshed. Yet, a flicker of hope remained within him. 𝓯𝘦𝘸𝘯𝘰𝓿.𝒸ℴ𝑚

“I still urge you to reconsider, Mother-in-law,” he pleaded, his voice softening. “There must be another way. I will work towards a lasting peace, find a way to bridge the chasm between our races.”

Celestial Maiden Yuqing met his gaze, a flicker of doubt momentarily crossing her features. But then, her expression hardened, the image of her supposedly violated daughters fueling her resolve.

“And what if it was Lu Bing’er?” she challenged, her voice laced with icy venom. “Would you still be preaching peace if those three cretins had violated your own wife?”

Huang Zhi’s heart clenched. The question struck a raw nerve. He knew, with a chilling certainty, that his response would have been vastly different. He wouldn’t preach peace. He would burn the entire Devil Race to the ground, unleash a torrent of fury that would shake the very fabric of the cosmos.

Shame washed over him, a bitter realization.?He knew he had no leg to stand on. With a defeated sigh, he rose from his seat.

“Very well, Mother-in-law. I see reason will not prevail today.” Huang Zhi bowed slightly, his voice devoid of its usual vibrancy. “I shall take my leave.”

He turned and strode out of the hall, the weight of his failure heavy on his shoulders. Leaving Celestial Maiden Yuqing alone in the echoing silence, her eyes burning with a righteous fury.

The heavy palace doors hissed shut behind Huang Zhi, the sound echoing through the empty hallway. But his retreat was abruptly halted. Standing before him, a smirk plastered on his infuriating face, was Wang Jian.

Huang Zhi’s anger, a volatile mix fueled by his angelic and demonic heritage, threatened to erupt. His eyes, one a shimmering celestial blue, the other a burning infernal red, narrowed into a glare that could melt glaciers. He launched a silent attack – the Angelic Demonic Soul Pierce, a technique that targeted the very essence of a cultivator’s spirit. But to his shock, the attack seemed to dissipate harmlessly around Wang Jian, absorbed by an unseen barrier.

Wang Jian chuckled, the sound grating on Huang Zhi’s nerves. “Well, well, well,” he drawled, amusement dancing in his eyes. “Looks like someone is feeling a bit feisty. If you truly intend to attack, Half-Breed, then at least put some conviction behind it.”

Huang Zhi let out a scornful snort. The attack, fueled by his frustration, had been impulsive. He knew better than to underestimate Wang Jian, a man whose cultivation base remained shrouded in mystery.

“I have no idea what you’ve done, Wang Jian,” Huang Zhi hissed, his voice barely a whisper. “But I will find out. I will expose your schemes, reveal the truth to my mother-in-law. This entire conflict, this supposed violation… it’s all your manipulation!”

Wang Jian merely raised an eyebrow, a flicker of amusement appearing in his eyes. “Good luck with that, Huang Zhi,” he said, his voice calm despite the accusation. “The truth has a way of being elusive, especially when shrouded in righteous anger.”

Alone in the hallway, Huang Zhi clenched his fists, his anger simmering. He knew proving Wang Jian’s deception wouldn’t be easy. But he wouldn’t rest until the truth was revealed. He stormed out of the palace grounds, his destination unclear, his mind racing with a plan.

Meanwhile, within the palace, Wang Jian strolled back into the opulent hall where Celestial Maiden Yuqing awaited him. Her face, etched with a righteous fury, held a glimmer of hope at his return.

“Greetings again, esteemed Celestial Maiden,” Wang Jian bowed, his expression a mask of concern. “I trust your conversation with your son-in-law was… fruitful?”

Celestial Maiden Yuqing met his gaze, her expression unreadable. “There is much to discuss,” she finally said, her voice laced with a steely resolve. “I am ready to hear your proposal for an alliance, Master Wang.”

“Very well,” Wang Jian elaborated. “I believe, The Astral Jade City, with its formidable defenses and strategic location, can serve as your base of operations. Additionally, I have connections with the esteemed Heavenly Jade Pavilion. Their resources and influence could prove invaluable.”

Celestial Maiden Yuqing, blinded by her rage and driven by a thirst for vengeance, couldn’t see the ulterior motive behind Wang Jian’s suggestions. His words resonated with her desire for absolute victory.

“And what would the terms of this alliance be?” she inquired, a sliver of caution creeping into her voice.

“The safety of your race is paramount, Celestial Maiden,” Wang Jian said smoothly. “For the Heavenly Jade Pavilion to offer its full support, a temporary relocation of your people to their Starry Cluster would be necessary.”

Celestial Maiden Yuqing’s brows shot up. Relocating her entire race was a significant decision.

“Why would relocation be necessary?” she demanded, suspicion flickering in her eyes.

Wang Jian adopted a reassuring expression. “The Heavenly Jade Pavilion boasts formidable protective arrays around their entire Starry Cluster. By residing there, your people would be under constant, unparalleled protection. Additionally, the pavilion’s territory is strictly female-only, which wouldn’t pose any conflict with your race’s demographic since all the angels are female.”

His words seemed logical, but a nagging doubt lingered in Celestial Maiden Yuqing’s mind. However, the promise of absolute safety, coupled with her desire for revenge, ultimately swayed her judgment.

“Very well,” she declared, her voice firm. “We will accept your terms. The Angel Race will form an alliance with the Astral Jade City and the Heavenly Jade Pavilion. We will crush the Devil Race together.”

A triumphant smile bloomed on Wang Jian’s face. The first domino had fallen, perfectly aligning with his grand scheme.

The air crackled with unspoken tension on the Angel Race’s star. The declaration of war hung heavy, a storm waiting to unleash its fury. The angels, diligently packing and preparing for relocation, cast worried glances towards the protective barrier surrounding their celestial abode.

Suddenly, the sky above them erupted in a maelstrom of crimson and obsidian. The Devil Race, along with their allies – the Crimson Horned Devils, the Obsidian Claw Devils, the Howling Abyss Devils, and the Tenebrous Wings Devils – descended from the heavens like a swarm of ravenous locusts.

Celestial Maiden Yuqing, emerging from the palace with Wang Jian at her side, gasped in horror. The sheer number of devils was overwhelming. Their demonic energies thrummed against the protective barrier, threatening to overwhelm it.

“They’ve attacked early,” Huang Zhi muttered, his brow furrowed in surprise. He hadn’t expected the Devil Race to strike so soon. Perhaps they, like him, had anticipated his failure to sway Celestial Maiden Yuqing.

The barrier, designed for defense, not warfare, shimmered precariously. At this rate, it wouldn’t hold for more than an hour. Panic flickered in the eyes of the angels, their meticulous planning thrown into disarray.

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