Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 620 Abducting Devil Race’s Trio Of Prince

Chapter 620 Abducting Devil Race’s Trio Of Prince

?Mo Yu’s advisors presented a detailed list of coveted resources – rare herbs with properties unknown in the Eastern Cosmos, materials capable of withstanding the fires of their home world, weapons imbued with unknown technologies, and most importantly, array formations built on local principles. These formations, they explained, held the key to exploiting the unique characteristics of the Eastern Starry Expanse, something they had yet to master.

Ku Rong, having received his own instructions from Wang Jian, countered with a list of his own demands. He requested treasures to further empower the Crimson Horned Devil Tribe, advanced array formations tailored to their bloodline strengths, and most importantly, access to the Devil Race’s knowledge of forging weapons that could withstand the potent energies of the Eastern Cosmos.

The negotiations were long and arduous, filled with veiled threats and displays of power. In the end, a deal was struck – a lopsided one that heavily favored the Devil Race.

Meanwhile, a thousand leagues away on the Angel Race’s ethereal star, Wang Jian, accompanied by his wives Han Xifeng and Hong Meilin, arrived at the celestial city bathed in perpetual twilight. Celestial Maiden Yuqing, informed of their arrival, greeted them personally.

Her beauty was ethereal, her features chiseled from moonlight and starlight. She treated Han Xifeng and Hong Meilin with a warmth and grace that disarmed even their hardened hearts. Wang Jian, ever the strategist, observed their interactions, noting the subtle glances exchanged and the blossoming camaraderie. This was all part of his plan, a carefully woven web of alliances and manipulations.

He spent his days exploring the celestial city, conversing with angels whose power and grace surpassed anything he had encountered before. He learned of their advanced cultivation techniques, their mastery of light and heavenly energy.

Finally, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the celestial city in a golden glow, they boarded the Flying Ship and prepared to depart. Han Xifeng and Hong Meilin exchanged excited glances, their experiences with the Angel Race leaving a positive impression.

The journey back to the Astral Jade City was uneventful. Upon their return, Wang Jian settled into his chamber, his mind already calculating the next move. He wasn’t concerned about the details of the trade between the Devil Race and the Crimson Horned Devil Tribe – he had planted the seeds, and now he would wait for them to bear fruit.

Seven days passed in a whirlwind of activity. Finally, the communication crystal in Wang Jian’s chamber pulsed with a faint blue light. It was Patriarch Moloch. A satisfied smile bloomed on Wang Jian’s face. This was the information he had been waiting for.

He activated the crystal, Moloch’s gruff voice filling the chamber. “Greetings, Lord Wang Jian,” the Patriarch began. “As per our agreement, I am here to share the information my merchants have gleaned from their dealings with the Devil Race.”

A satisfied smirk stretched across Wang Jian’s face. This was the key he needed to unlock the next phase of his plan. He had specifically instructed Moloch to focus on any past conflicts between Mo Yu’s children and the Angel Race, particularly Celestial Maiden Yuqing’s lineage.

Moloch’s voice continued, painting a picture of Mo Yu’s prolific lineage. “Mo Yu, as befitting his position, possesses an astonishing number of children – hundreds, to be precise. Each has achieved considerable cultivation, the weakest residing at the Divine Tribulation Realm, while the strongest sits at the precipice of the Divine Ascension Realm. However, a significant portion of his offspring remain stuck at the bottleneck between Divine Harmony and Divine Ascension.”

He paused, then added, “More importantly, several of Mo Yu’s children hold grievances against the Angel Race. This stems from past conflicts during the war between our species centuries ago. Three of them, in particular, might be of interest to your endeavors.”

Wang Jian’s brow shot up. Three potential pawns on the chessboard? He leaned closer, his voice sharpening. “Tell me about these three individuals, Patriarch.”

Moloch detailed their histories, each a tale brimming with resentment. The eldest, Mo Tian, a fiery warrior at the peak of the Divine Harmony Realm, harbored a deep-seated hatred for the Angel Race. His younger brother, Mo Feng, a clever devil who was also at the peak of Divine Harmony, shared this hatred. Their motivation stemmed from the same event – the brutal slaying of their mother, a powerful devil slain by the Angel army during the war.

The third individual, Mo Lan, was Mo Yu’s youngest son. Unlike his brothers, Mo Lan’s grudge stemmed from a more recent conflict. He was deeply infatuated with one of Celestial Maiden Yuqing’s youngest daughters, an angelic beauty named Yueli.

However, his advances were met with scorn and humiliation. Fueled by a twisted sense of rejection and wounded pride, Mo Lan became obsessed with revenge, constantly plotting to mar Yueli’s future happiness.

Intrigue flickered in Wang Jian’s eyes. These were the perfect instruments to sow discord between the Angel and Devil Races.

He needed to act swiftly before Mo Yu or the Angel Race detected his plans.

“Do you have their whereabouts, Patriarch?” he asked, his voice laced with urgency.

Moloch chuckled, a rumbling sound that echoed in the chamber. “Indeed, Lord Wang Jian. All three reside on different stars within the same galaxy as the Devil Race and the Angel Race.”

Moloch then proceeded to inform Wang Jian about each star’s location.

A devilish grin spread across Wang Jian’s face. He had all the pieces he needed. “Excellent,” he declared. “Continue the trade with the Devil Race, Patriarch. For now, remain discrete. I will handle the next move.”

After ending the transmission, Wang Jian wasted no time. He activated the Spatial Tunnel within his Astral Jade City, the swirling vortex of energy transporting him across vast distances in an instant. His destination: the very galaxy where the Angel and Devil Races held their celestial domains.

His arrival was silent, his presence a well-practiced secret. He navigated the celestial expanse with the grace of a predator, utilizing cloaking techniques to remain unseen. Each of Mo Yu’s sons resided on separate stars, making his task easier.

Mo Tian, consumed by his training regimen in a secluded mountain range, was the first to fall prey. Wang Jian, with his superior cultivation at the peak of the Divine Ascension Realm, suppressed Mo Tian’s powers with a single, devastating blow. The young devil, caught completely off guard, crumpled to the ground, his anger replaced by utter bewilderment.

The capture of Mo Feng and Mo Lan was similarly swift and brutal. Neither stood a chance against Wang Jian’s overwhelming power. He sealed their cultivations, rendering them powerless pawns in his game.

With his captives secured, a cold satisfaction washed over him. Now, the stage was set for the next act, a grand performance to disrupt the fragile peace between the races and propel him towards his ultimate goal.

The world remained blissfully oblivious to the disappearance of Mo Yu’s troublesome sons. Their solitary pursuits and penchant for stirring trouble meant their absence went largely unnoticed by the Devil Race. This provided Wang Jian with a crucial window of opportunity – time to orchestrate his next move.

His objective: to lure one of Celestial Maiden Yuqing’s daughters out of the Angel Race’s heavily guarded territory. Abducting her within their celestial domain proved too risky. He needed to lure her away, to a place where his superior cultivation could guarantee success.

With a cunning glint in his eyes, Wang Jian returned to his Astral Jade City. The following day, under the guise of a friendly visit, he escorted his wives, Han Xifeng and Hong Meilin, back to the Angel Race’s star.

This time, his purpose wasn’t idle pleasantries. He instructed his wives to engage the angels in conversation, specifically delving into their mythology. His aim was to gather information, to understand the very foundation of their beliefs.

As the day unfolded, Wang Jian listened intently as Han Xifeng and Hong Meilin relayed what they had learned. The Angel Race, unlike him, followed a polytheistic faith. They venerated a pantheon of gods, each representing a fundamental aspect of nature and existence. The Thunder True God governed celestial storms, the Flame True God wielded the power of fire, and countless others held dominion over various elements and principles.

A smile tugged at the corner of Wang Jian’s lips. This was the key he sought. He needed to create a believable illusion, a fabricated tomb that would resonate with their faith and ignite their curiosity.

With nightfall painting the celestial expanse in shades of inky black, Wang Jian and his wives returned to the Astral Jade City. Han Xifeng and Hong Meilin, unaware of his true motives, recounted the day’s discoveries in an enthusiastic manner.

Wang Jian nodded thoughtfully. He then excused himself and headed towards the Heavenly Jade Pavilion’s formidable treasury hall. Within its hallowed halls resided countless treasures, spoils of countless victories and accumulated wealth.

He meticulously sifted through the collection, his eyes finally settling on a collection of artifacts with a distinct angelic aura. These were treasures the Heavenly Jade Pavilion had secretly acquired over the millennia, relics once belonging to the Angel Race.

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