Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 617 Meeting Other Powerful Devil Tribe Leaders

Chapter 617 Meeting Other Powerful Devil Tribe Leaders

Celestial Maiden Yuqing found their eagerness endearing. With a gentle smile, she gestured for them to follow. “The wisdom of the Angel Race is yours to discover,” she declared.

As they walked, the Celestial Maiden recounted the long history of her people. She spoke of their role as guardians and guides, protectors of the Northern Cosmos against the encroaching darkness of the Devil Race. Countless wars had been waged, leaving scars on the fabric of existence. However, an era of peace had finally dawned, ushered in by Huang Zhi, who had somehow brokered a delicate truce with the devils.

Wang Jian found the tale predictable, a tapestry woven from countless stories of light battling darkness. He yearned for a more nuanced narrative, a deeper understanding of the forces at play.

Yet, a spark of interest ignited within him when Han Xifeng, her voice laced with a subtle challenge, posed a seemingly innocent question. “Celestial Maiden Yuqing,” she began, “with your prodigious power, why wouldn’t you pursue the legacy of the Godking? Surely your people would benefit greatly from such an inheritance.”

Celestial Maiden Yuqing’s smile faltered for a fleeting moment, a flicker of something akin to disappointment crossing her features. “The Godking’s legacy,” she began, a wry smile playing on her lips, “holds power beyond measure. However, some paths are not meant for everyone. Some of us are destined for other roles.”

Though her words spoke of acceptance, Wang Jian detected a hint of underlying dissatisfaction. Perhaps there was more to her decision than met the eye. Had she truly chosen this path, or was she constrained by forces beyond her control? This, he realized, was a potential fault line he could exploit, a way to drive a wedge between her and the Devil Race, particularly Huang Zhi.

Patience was a virtue Wang Jian possessed in abundance. He understood that a rushed seduction attempt on Celestial Maiden Yuqing would be akin to poking a sleeping tiger. Instead, he devised a more subtle plan, a game played in the long shadows.

The day’s visit drew to a close. Han Xifeng and Hong Meilin, with practiced charm, expressed their gratitude to Celestial Maiden Yuqing. “Celestial Maiden,” Hong Meilin began, her voice adopting a wistful tone, “the energy of this star… it resonates deeply with our cultivation. Would it be too presumptuous of us to request permission to visit again, perhaps for extended periods?”

A flicker of a shrewd smile played on Celestial Maiden Yuqing’s lips. This unexpected request fit perfectly with her own agenda. Having Wang Jian’s wives as frequent visitors presented a unique opportunity. Perhaps, with time and subtle persuasion, she could turn them into loyal assets for the Angel Race, valuable sources of information on the happenings within the Heavenly Jade Pavilion. “Consider it granted, esteemed guests,” she replied, her voice warm with calculated benevolence.

With a final exchange of pleasantries, Wang Jian, Han Xifeng, and Hong Meilin departed on their Heavenly Flying Ship. The journey back was swift, thanks to the pre-established spatial tunnel.

A night of passionate intimacy awaited them upon their return to Astral Jade City, a reward for their skillful execution of his plan.

As promised, Wang Jian spent a night of blissful indulgence with his two wives. Their combined angelic beauty and fervor left him satiated and invigorated. But his scheming mind didn’t rest. After their shared ecstasy, he activated a pre-prepared spatial tunnel, the destination set for a distant star within the Ancient Devil Starry Cluster: the domain of the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe.

Wang Jian materialized within the opulent chamber of Queen Xiulan, the undisputed ruler of this fearsome tribe. The seductive Queen, clad in a revealing crimson nightgown, lay sprawled across her luxurious bed, seemingly deep in slumber. With a playful swat on her most prominent asset, which were her curvy hips as he roused her from her dreams.

Xiulan, startled initially, shot upright with a scowl, her hand instinctively flying to the source of the intrusion. But the scowl melted away as soon as she recognized her visitor. A playful grin replaced the initial annoyance. She even gave a suggestive wiggle to her hips, as if inviting further chastisement.

Wang Jian, however, adopted a serious demeanor. “Xiulan,” he began, his voice laced with authority, “I require your expertise. Summon the leaders of the most influential Devil Tribes. We need to discuss potential collaboration with the Northern Cosmos devils and a joint offensive against the Angel Race residing in the Eastern Cosmos.”

Xiulan’s playful demeanor vanished like smoke in the wind. Her eyes widened in surprise. A joint offensive with the Northern Devils against the Angel Race? This was a bold proposition, fraught with both risk and potential reward. “But why, my Lord?” she queried, her voice low and husky.

“The Angel Race,” Wang Jian explained, his voice a cold whisper, “poses a potential threat to the delicate balance of power. They are a thorn in the side of both the Northern Devils and my own ambitions. A coordinated strike, a display of overwhelming force, will weaken them significantly, perhaps even cripple them.”

Intrigue flickered within Xiulan’s crimson eyes. This was more than just a strategic move. It was a calculated maneuver to destabilize the Northern Cosmos, potentially creating a power vacuum that Wang Jian could exploit.

A wicked smile curved her lips. “A bold move, my Lord,” she purred, her voice dripping with anticipation. “One that requires careful planning and a formidable display of force. Consider it done. The Devil Tribes will answer your call.”

A satisfied smirk played on Wang Jian’s lips. He then spoke with an authoritative tone. “Alright, come and wash my body.”

Wang Jian’s command was music to Queen Xiulan’s ears. As a devoted slave, tending to his every need was her greatest pleasure. She eagerly vacated the bed, her crimson nightgown swirling around her like a fiery cloud as she took his hand. Together, they walked towards the opulent bathroom, a haven of glistening marble and steaming pools.

Once inside, the dance of seduction began anew. Clothes were shed with practiced ease, their bodies a testament to years of cultivation and honed physical perfection. Queen Xiulan, her ample curves on display, lathered him with fragrant oils, her touch as delicate as a butterfly’s kiss yet as firm as a sculptor’s hand. Her large breasts brushed against him with every movement, sending shivers of desire down his spine. The entire process was a sensual ritual, a prelude to the night’s impending passion.

As the bath drew to a close, Xiulan, her crimson eyes gleaming with purpose, retrieved a jade pendant from her nightstand. This was a Voice Transmission Jade, a coveted communication tool among cultivators. With a practiced incantation, she relayed a message to the leaders of the five most powerful Devil Tribes of the Ancient Devil Starry Cluster.

“Leaders of the Crimson Horned Devil Tribe, the Obsidian Claw Devil Tribe, the Howling Abyss Devil Tribe, and the Tenebrous Wings Devil Tribe,” her voice boomed, resonating within the jade. “I, Queen Xiulan of the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe, requests your presence for an urgent meeting regarding matters of critical importance to the unforeseen arrival of the Devil Race and the Angel Race from the Northern Cosmos in the Eastern Cosmos.”

From various corners of the Ancient Devil Starry Expanse, responses echoed back through the jade, each voice laced with a hint of intrigue. The leaders of the other top Devil Tribes, formidable figures in their own right, accepted the invitation with varying degrees of curiosity.

The venue was set as Queen Xiulan’s grand palace within the Blue Moon Eclipse territory. Three days were allotted for travel and preparation.

The appointed day arrived, and a palpable tension hung in the air as the Devil Tribe leaders congregated in the Grand Council Chamber. Each chieftain exuded an aura of immense power, testament to their cultivation at the Divine Ascension Realm.

Within the grand council chamber, Wang Jian sat beside Xiulan, his air that of a confident strategist. The chamber itself was a testament to the tribe’s power.

Carvings of ferocious beasts adorned the obsidian walls, while crimson tapestries depicting scenes of past victories hung from the high ceiling.

Facing them were the leaders of the other four tribes, each a beacon of power and menace. Representing the Crimson Horned Devil Tribe was Patriarch Moloch, a hulking figure with horns of crimson jade that curved back from his brow.

His immense physique housed immense strength, each swing of his battle-axe capable of cleaving mountains.

His cultivation level was at the peak of the Divine Ascension Realm, his battle style relying heavily on brute force and a devastating earth-shattering martial art honed over centuries. His very presence exuded an aura of raw, untamed power.

Across from him sat Matriarch Xifeng, leader of the Obsidian Claw Devil Tribe. Her beauty was a stark contrast to Moloch’s savage demeanor.

Her long, raven hair cascaded down her back, framing eyes that shimmered with an obsidian glow.

Her slender figure belied immense strength, honed through a martial art that focused on speed and agility.

Her claws, tipped with obsidian that could pierce through even the strongest armor, were legendary amongst devils. Her cultivation level also resided at the Divine Ascension Realm, her battle style a mesmerizing dance of razor-sharp strikes and unpredictable movements.

From the Howling Abyss Devil Tribe came Lord Belial, a figure shrouded in an aura of chilling darkness. His eyes were two bottomless pits, his skin the color of midnight. His power lay in manipulation of shadows and the very essence of darkness itself.

He could teleport through shadows, summon forth demonic creatures, and unleash devastating blasts of dark energy.

His cultivation level, like the others, was at the Divine Ascension Realm. His battle style was unpredictable, a swirling vortex of darkness that could engulf and devour his opponents.

Lastly, representing the Tenebrous Wings Devil Tribe, was Grand Elder Corvus, a figure with leathery bat-like wings and eyes that glowed with an eerie crimson light.

His power resided in his mastery of wind and illusion. He could conjure devastating storms, manipulate his very image, and rain down blades of solidified wind upon his foes. His cultivation level, too, resided at the Divine Ascension Realm.

His battle style was a display of aerial mastery and razor-sharp illusions that could deceive even the most seasoned opponent.

As the leaders exchanged greetings, a palpable tension filled the air. Each leader sized up the others, assessing their power and intentions.

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