Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 606 Jiang Chen’s Great Talent

Chapter 606 Jiang Chen’s Great Talent

Wang Jian, reveling in this warped victory, reveled in their transformation. He saw it not as their submission but as their acceptance of his power, their validation of his dominance. He moved from one woman to another, his touch a brand of ownership, his commands absolute.

The once-proud hall echoed with the sounds of forced pleasure and guttural grunts, a cacophony of degradation that chilled the very air. The music, initially a backdrop to their forced dance, now became an unsettling melody, a haunting reminder of their lost innocence.

By the time dawn painted the horizon with a faint blush of pink, exhaustion had finally claimed Wang Jian. He lay sprawled across the floor, a grotesque parody of a conqueror. The women, their movements sluggish and eyes devoid of any spark, slumped in exhausted heaps around him.

Ba Rong’er, battered and bruised but with a flicker of defiance still burning in her eyes, stared at the scene before her. The Star Cloud Sect, a bastion of honor and tradition, lay in ruins. Her people, once strong and proud, were now broken and depraved.

But amidst the despair, a seed of resolve began to germinate in her heart. She wouldn’t let this be the end. She wouldn’t allow Wang Jian to break them completely. They would heal, they would rebuild, and they would exact their revenge.

As the first rays of sunlight streamed through the hall, Ba Rong’er knew this was just the beginning of a long and arduous journey. They would be forever marked by this night, but they would not be defined by it. They would rise again, stronger and more determined, and they would make Wang Jian pay for the atrocities he had committed.

The memory of their forced submission, however, would serve as a constant reminder. It would be a twisted double-edged sword. It would be a source of shame, but also a wellspring of fury. They would use it to fuel their training, to push themselves beyond their limits, to become cultivators of unmatched resilience.

The path ahead would be arduous, fraught with danger and despair. But one thing was certain – the Star Cloud Sect would not be broken. They would emerge from the ashes, stronger, more determined, and fueled by an insatiable thirst for vengeance. The night of their humiliation would forever be etched in their memories.


A hush had fallen over the bustling marketplace in the Azure Gale Sect’s territory. Normally, haggling cultivators and the rhythmic clanging of blacksmiths would fill the air, but today, an eerie silence reigned. Cultivators huddled in groups, their faces etched with concern, whispering amongst themselves.

“Did you hear? The Star Cloud Sect… gone,” one cultivator muttered, his voice barely above a whisper.

“Conquered by the Heavenly Jade Pavilion overnight,” another chimed in, shaking his head in disbelief. “They say even Sect Leader Ba wasn’t able to put up a fight.”

The news had spread like wildfire throughout the Eastern Cosmos. The Star Cloud Sect, a pillar of strength for millennia, had fallen in a single night. Fear, like a noxious miasma, began to creep into the hearts of many.

Inside the Azure Gale Sect’s grand hall, a tense atmosphere crackled in the air. Sect Master Feng, a wiry man with a neatly trimmed beard, paced in front of a group of elders. His brows were furrowed, and his voice was laced with worry.

“The Heavenly Jade Pavilion… their ambition grows unchecked. Who knows who’s next?”

Elder Han, a wizened old man with eyes that held the wisdom of centuries, stroked his long, white beard thoughtfully. “Indeed. Their conquest of the Star Cloud Sect sends a clear message of their ruthless intent.”

A young female disciple, her eyes blazing with defiance, slammed her fist on the table. “We can’t just sit here and wait for them to come knocking on our door!”

The other disciples murmured in agreement, their faces reflecting a surge of righteous anger.

Sect Master Feng raised a hand, silencing the room. “Calm yourselves, disciples. While action is necessary, we must be strategic. We are no match for the Heavenly Jade Pavilion alone.”

He turned towards Elder Han. “Elder Han, any updates from the Jiang Ancient Family?”

Elder Han nodded. “Just this morning, a message arrived from their Grand Elder. It seems the news has spurred them into action as well.”

A flicker of hope ignited in Sect Master Feng’s eyes. “Excellent! The Jiang Ancient Family… with their young prodigy, Jiang Chen, they might be the key to turning the tide.”

News of Jiang Chen’s meteoric rise had reached every corner of the Eastern Cosmos. At a young age, he had not only awakened the legendary Primordial Chaos Physique, but had also recently broken through to the Divine Harmony Realm. Rumors swirled about his limitless potential, whispering of a future where he would ascend to the Godking Realm.

“The message also stated that the Jiang Ancient Family has awakened all their Ancestral Experts,” Elder Han continued. “These are powerful cultivators who have spent centuries honing their skills in secluded cultivation. Some estimate their power to be at the peak of the Divine Ascension Realm!”

A collective gasp rippled through the room.Ancestral Experts were legendary figures, their names whispered in hushed tones as protectors and guardians of their respective sects. The thought of multiple Ancestral Experts banding together ignited a spark of hope in the faces of the Azure Gale Sect members.

“This changes many things,” Sect Master Feng declared, his voice firm. “We need to establish a formal alliance with the Jiang Ancient Family. If we can combine their Ancestral Experts with the combined might of the righteous sects in the Eastern Cosmos, we might stand a fighting chance against the Heavenly Jade Pavilion’s growing influence.”

The elders exchanged enthusiastic nods. This was a course of action they could all get behind. A united front, led by the prodigy Jiang Chen and bolstered by the wisdom and immense power of the Ancestral Experts, might just be the answer to stopping the Heavenly Jade Pavilion’s reign of terror.

Meanwhile, a solemn energy hung heavy in the air of the Jiang Ancient Family’s ancestral hall. Grand Elder Mo, his weathered face a mask of determination, addressed the assembled Ancestral Experts. Their bodies, though aged, radiated an aura of formidable power, a testament to their centuries of cultivation.

“We have been summoned from our seclusion for a reason of grave importance,” Grand Elder Mo’s voice boomed, echoing through the vast hall. “The growing darkness of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion threatens to engulf the Eastern Cosmos. Their ruthless ambition casts a long shadow, and the Star Cloud Sect’s fall serves as a stark reminder of their cruelty.”

A ripple of agreement passed through the assembled figures. Their stoic expressions betrayed a deep sense of unease.

“Our young master, Jiang Chen,” Grand Elder Mo continued, his gaze settling on the youthful figure standing beside him, “represents a beacon of hope in these troubled times. His unmatched talent and the legendary Primordial Chaos Physique within him offer a glimmer of light against the encroaching darkness of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion.”

Days had melted into a blur for Wang Jian within the conquered halls of the Star Cloud Sect. The once-proud council hall had become his personal playground, echoing with the sounds of forced pleasure and his own depraved revelry.

But amidst the twisted indulgence, a flicker of annoyance interrupted his self-absorption. Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan, her emerald aura casting a chilling contrast to the room’s atmosphere, materialized beside him.

“Master,” she announced, her voice laced with a hint of urgency, “I bring news from the Eastern Cosmos.”

Wang Jian, momentarily distracted from his latest conquest, turned his head with a languid indifference. “Speak,” he drawled, his voice heavy with satiety.

“The other sects,” Cui Lan began, “have formed an alliance. The Azure Gale Sect, the Flowing Cloud Pavilion, and even the reclusive Jade Mountain Clan – they’ve all pledged their allegiance to the Jiang Ancient Family.”

A flicker of interest crossed Wang Jian’s face. “Interesting,” he mused, a smirk playing on his lips. “What’s the motive behind this sudden display of unity?”

“The prodigy, Jiang Chen,” Cui Lan explained. “Rumors of his Primordial Chaos Physique and his recent ascension to the Divine Harmony Realm have them believing he’s destined for greatness. They’re projecting him as the next Godking, pouring all their resources into his cultivation.”

Wang Jian leaned back on his makeshift throne, a throne built from the humiliation of the Star Cloud Sect leader. He chuckled, a chilling sound that reverberated through the hall. “A Godking, eh?” he mused. “Ambitious bunch, these Eastern Cosmos fools. But a mere prophecy won’t save them from the inevitable.”

Cui Lan, ever the pragmatist, observed her master’s amusement with a hint of unease. “So, what should we do?” she inquired. “Should we launch a pre-emptive strike against the Jiang Family?”

Wang Jian shook his head, a hint of amusement lingering in his eyes. “No, Cui Lan. Let them play their little game of prophesied Godkings. It only serves our purpose.”

He paused, his gaze hardening as he surveyed the captive women surrounding him. Their initial defiance had been brutally crushed, replaced by a hollow acceptance of his dominance.

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