Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 604 Killing Three Protagonists

Chapter 604 Killing Three Protagonists

A blood-curdling scream tore through the ravaged emptiness of space. The Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Wolf, fueled by the unyielding darkness of the Eternal Night, lunged at the defenseless Lin Fei. With a snap of its monstrous jaws, it clamped down on his body, the dark energy emanating from its form engulfing him completely.

Lin Fei’s screams abruptly cut short, replaced by an unsettling silence. The celestial light that had briefly surrounded him flickered and died, leaving behind only the chilling aura of the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Wolf.

Chu Yang and Chen Feng, their faces pale with horror, watched in disbelief as their friend was consumed by the darkness. A wave of grief and despair threatened to drown them, but their survival instincts kicked in. They knew they couldn’t mourn for long; they still had a fight on their hands.

Wang Jian, however, basked in the aftermath of his victory. A wave of destiny energy washed over him, invigorating his body and spirit. The death of Lin Fei, fueled by the forbidden power of the Sacred Ancient Body, had significantly increased his own cultivation base.?A cruel smile stretched across his face.

The Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Wolf, having fulfilled its purpose, dissipated into a swirling vortex of darkness and rejoined Wang Jian’s aura.

“Now,” Wang Jian said, his voice dripping with malice, “it’s your turn, you two pathetic insects.”

Wang Jian unleashed a barrage of devastating attacks. With a flick of his wrist, a swarm of inky black crows materialized around him, their eyes glowing with malevolent red light. This was his “Crows of Oblivion” technique, each crow capable of inflicting debilitating wounds with a single peck.

Simultaneously, he unleashed a dark mist that swirled around his hand, condensing into a wicked scythe – the “Harvester of Souls.” This spectral weapon, imbued with the power of the Eternal Night, could sever the soul from its mortal coil with a single touch.

Chu Yang and Chen Feng, their faces pale with exhaustion and despair, attempted to activate their teleportation talismans. But to their horror, the talismans remained inert. Wang Jian, it seemed, held dominion over the spatial element as well, effectively trapping them.

But just as all hope seemed lost, a beacon of light erupted in the distance. A colossal figure, wreathed in golden light, materialized behind Chu Yang and Chen Feng. It was Sect Leader Ba, his face etched with fury and righteous anger.

“Wang Jian!” he roared, his voice a thunderclap shattering the oppressive silence. “You dare attack disciples of the Star Cloud Sect within my domain?!”

Flanking Sect Leader Ba were a dozen elders of the Star Cloud Sect, their auras radiating a combined power that could shake the very heavens. Against a cultivator still in the realm below Divine Ascension like Wang Jian, they were a formidable force.

Relief washed over Chu Yang and Chen Feng. Their reinforcements had arrived. Just a few moments more, and they would be free from the clutches of this monstrous being.

However, before Sect Leader Ba and his elders could even launch their attack, a swarm of figures erupted from the Heavenly Jade Pavilion battleship. Led by a formidable-looking elder with a cruel glint in his eyes, they intercepted the Star Cloud Sect elders, engaging them in a fierce battle.

A bitter realization dawned on Sect Leader Ba. Wang Jian had anticipated their intervention, and the Heavenly Jade Pavilion was ready. He was trapped in a war on two fronts, unable to defend his disciples.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Wang Jian turned his murderous gaze back to Chu Yang and Chen Feng. They were weak, exhausted from their earlier battles. Perfect targets for a swift execution.

He lunged towards Chen Feng, the Harvester of Souls glinting menacingly in his hand. “Soul Severing Slash!” he screamed, unleashing a swift attack aimed at severing Chen Feng’s soul.

Chen Feng, his body screaming in protest, gathered the last vestiges of his spiritual energy. With a desperate cry, he unleashed his final technique – “Spirit Shield.” A transparent barrier materialized around him, shimmering with a faint ethereal light.

The Harvester of Souls slammed into the Spirit Shield, shattering it into a million shimmering fragments. The force of the impact sent Chen Feng crashing into the debris of the shattered dome, a trail of blood escaping his lips.

He lay there, broken and defeated, staring up at the unyielding darkness of Wang Jian’s eyes. Before Chen Feng could even muster a single word, the Harvester of Souls descended, severing his soul from his body.

Chu Yang watched in horror as his best friend was ripped away from him. A primal scream tore from his throat, a raw cry of anguish and fury. But he was spent, his divine energy depleted. He wouldn’t be able to defeat Wang Jian, not in his current state. 𝑓𝑤𝘦ℴ𝓋.𝘤

Wang Jian turned his attention towards Chu Yang, a cruel smile twisting his lips. “Your friend’s fate awaits you,” he declared, raising the Harvester of Souls once again.

Chu Yang closed his eyes, accepting his fate.

With a sickening crunch, the Harvester of Souls cleaved through Chu Yang’s shoulder, severing vital tendons and muscles. He screamed, a primal howl of agony that echoed through the void. But his cry was quickly cut short as the spectral weapon continued its descent, passing through his chest in a spray of blood and viscera.

Wang Jian, his eyes gleaming with a twisted sense of accomplishment, surveyed his handiwork. Three formidable cultivators, all slain in a single skirmish. He felt an intoxicating sense of power, a high fueled by the stolen destiny of Lin Fei and the raw satisfaction of eliminating his enemies.

However, a flicker of frustration marred his triumph. The Great Ancient Phoenix, after witnessing Lin Fei’s demise, had retreated, unwilling to risk a protracted battle against the formidable Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan. Wang Jian watched the celestial bird vanish into the distance with a snarl. That creature, with its Divine Ascension Realm cultivation, could have proven a significant obstacle.

His attention then turned to the ongoing battle between Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan and Sect Leader Ba. Having dispatched his immediate threats, Wang Jian felt comfortable allowing his subordinate to handle the remaining Star Cloud Sect leader.

With the arrival of Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan, the tide of the battle had shifted decisively. Her cultivation, far surpassing Sect Leader Ba’s, allowed her to fight with a grace and efficiency that mocked his desperate attacks.Her attacks, a flurry of emerald energy blasts and jade constructs, relentlessly pressed Sect Leader Ba back.

A few well-placed blows later, Sect Leader Ba was disarmed and subdued. The formidable leader of the Star Cloud Sect, a man who commanded respect and fear throughout the region, found himself helpless on his knees, his face a mask of despair.

With Sect Leader Ba neutralized, Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan turned her captivating gaze towards Ba Rong’er, who had arrived alongside a contingent of Star Cloud Sect elders. The sight of her father, defeated and humiliated, sent a jolt of fear through Ba Rong’er.

“Release him!” she pleaded, her voice trembling. “We of the Star Cloud Sect will submit to your authority. We’ll follow any instructions you deem fit.”

Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan’s lips curved into a knowing smile. “Appeals to me are futile,” she said, her voice laced with honeyed venom. “It’s my Master you must address.”

Ba Rong’er’s eyes widened in shock. This seemingly unassuming, handsome man was the one pulling the strings? Panic clawed at her throat. Bowing deeply, she directed her pleas towards Wang Jian.

“Master Wang,” she stammered, struggling to maintain her composure. “Please accept my deepest apologies. My father, blinded by his arrogance, dared to attack you. I beg you, show him mercy. In return, the Star Cloud Sect will become your loyal vassal. We’ll follow your every command!”

Wang Jian stroked his chin thoughtfully, his gaze never leaving Ba Rong’er’s pleading face. “Release?” he mused, his voice devoid of emotion. “Showing mercy is not something I do lightly, especially not to those who act with such aggression.”

He paused, drawing out the suspense. Ba Rong’er’s heart hammered in her chest. The fate of her sect, her father, hung precariously on his next words.

“However,” he continued, a hint of amusement flickering in his eyes, “I am a reasonable man. Perhaps you can demonstrate your sincerity.”

Ba Rong’er’s eyes flickered with apprehension. “What… what do you want?” she stammered.

A slow, predatory smile spread across Wang Jian’s face. “I’ve heard tales of a celestial beauty that graces the halls of the Star Cloud Sect. Perhaps,” his gaze lingered suggestively on Ba Rong’er, “an audience with this beauty would be a sufficient display of your… sincerity.”

Ba Rong’er’s face flushed, a mixture of anger and desperation warring within her.Yet, for the sake of her father and her sect, she swallowed her pride.

“Of course, esteemed Master,” she stammered, forcing a smile. “The Star Cloud Sect would be honored to host you as a guest. We will ensure your visit is filled with entertainment and hospitality befitting your esteemed status.”

A triumphant glint entered Wang Jian’s eyes. He had achieved a bloodless victory, garnering not only spoils and captives but also an opportunity for personal entertainment. With a wave of his hand, he signaled his men.

“Then let us commence this visit,” he declared, his voice dripping with sinister relish.The entire contingent of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion, Wang Jian at the helm, followed Ba Rong’er towards the Star Cloud Sect, a storm cloud of darkness and sensuality descending upon the once-proud sect.

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