Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 592 Wang Jian’s Tactic Discussion With Su Xian

Chapter 592 Wang Jian’s Tactic Discussion With Su Xian

A mountain of beast corpses lay before them, a testament to Lin Fei and Chu Yang’s relentless hunt. Chen Feng surveyed the pile, a flicker of surprise crossing his usually stoic face.

Some of these creatures, particularly the ones with shimmering scales and iridescent hides, held reputations for formidable strength. He hadn’t expected either of them to handle such beasts with such ease. This revised his earlier assessment – Lin Fei and Chu Yang were every bit as formidable in combat as he was.

“Alright, that should do it,” Chu Yang declared, wiping sweat from his brow. “We’ve gathered a sizeable collection, wouldn’t you say?”

Lin Fei grunted in agreement, his chest heaving from exertion.

Chen Feng offered a hesitant smile. “Indeed. These are more than enough to secure my position. Now, onto the next phase of the plan.”

His tone turned serious. “My initial plan of simply infiltrating was naive. To truly weaken Wang Jian’s grip, we need to eliminate any potential challengers within Astral Jade City.”

Chu Yang raised an eyebrow. “So, assassination then?”

Chen Feng nodded grimly. “Precisely. But we can’t simply target any high-ranking official. We need to focus on those with the talent and influence to potentially rival me for the top spot in these Trials.”

“And you have a way to identify these rivals?” Lin Fei inquired, his voice gruff.

Chen Feng chuckled, a hint of mischief in his eyes. “Let’s just say I employed a little unorthodox technique. During the initial introductions, I made a point of shaking hands with every notable participant. A special incense I wear leaves a faint, almost imperceptible scent. With my unique technique, I can track anyone who carries that scent, pinpointing their location within this entire Celestial Battlefield.”

Lin Fei and Chu Yang exchanged amused glances. Chen Feng, despite his reserved demeanor, clearly possessed a cunning mind.

Over the next seven days, the desolate landscape of the battlefield became their hunting ground.

Guided by Chen Feng’s tracking ability, they embarked on a series of covert operations. Lin Fei, a relentless force of nature, barreled into battles with his Phoenix Flame blazing, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. Chu Yang, ever the strategist, used his mastery of formations and gravity manipulation to control the battlefield, creating strategic choke points and hindering enemy movements. By nightfall each day, another potential rival lay vanquished.

The tension was palpable, the weight of their actions a heavy burden. Yet, a silent understanding bound them.

This wasn’t just about securing a position for Chen Feng; it was a calculated move to destabilize Astral Jade City by ensuring that talented experts cannot join the Astral Jade City and weaken Wang Jian’s foundation.

The hours bled into days, the body count rising with each passing sunset.

By the end of the seventh day, the whispers of fear and unease began to spread amongst the remaining participants.

Nearly twenty renowned experts and talents had vanished without a trace, leaving behind only chilling speculation.

Finally, after a month of trials and tribulations, the Celestial Battlefield fell silent. A booming voice reverberated across the barren landscape, announcing the end of the recruitment process.

“Gather at the central obelisk for ranking and selection!” the voice declared.

Lin Fei, Chu Yang, and Chen Feng exchanged tired but satisfied smiles. The first stage of their plan was complete, and the stage was set for a more subtle battle within the walls of Astral Jade City itself.

As the trio approached the central obelisk, a hush fell over the gathered participants. Awaiting them on the elevated platform stood none other than Wang Jian himself, his face radiating a smug arrogance. Beside him, like a bejeweled trophy, stood his wife, Su Xian. Her beauty was ethereal, her features flawless, her presence like a celestial fairy descending amongst mortals.

A collective gasp rippled through the crowd. Even Lin Fei and Chu Yang, despite their disguises, couldn’t help but be momentarily stunned. The sheer radiance of Su Xian was otherworldly. Wang Jian’s other wives and concubines, though not as breathtaking as Su Xian, were each stunning in their own right. Among them, Lin Fei’s disguised gaze locked onto Lin Xingya and Shui Xueying. Their presence here, as part of Wang Jian’s harem, sent a fresh wave of anger and resentment through him. These were women he had once cherished, women stolen by Wang Jian’s ruthless ambition.

Chu Yang, too, found his gaze lingering on Zhi Xi, a disciple of Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan, and other beauties from the Heavenly Jade Pavilion. He had once harbored the delusion that these women might fall for him, a sentiment shattered by Wang Jian’s arrival.

Chen Feng, devoid of the personal history with these women, viewed the situation differently. A glint of ambition flickered in his eyes. Who wouldn’t want to gain favor with such a collection of beauties? He mentally strategized how to infiltrate Wang Jian’s circle and, perhaps, steal a taste of what the City Lord enjoyed.

Just as the murmur reached a crescendo, Wang Jian cleared his throat, his voice ringing out with practiced authority. “Silence! The time has come to unveil the champions of this Recruitment Trial!”

He launched into a tedious speech, extolling his own brilliance in managing the city and the grueling nature of the trials. Finally, with a dramatic flourish, he announced the rankings.

“And the cultivator who has defied expectations and secured the top position… Chen Feng!”

A wave of shock and murmurs rippled through the crowd. Many recognized the name as belonging to the unassuming, reserved newcomer. But Chen Feng, ever the master of composure, stepped forward with a confident stride.

As he ascended the platform, Wang Jian met his gaze with a seemingly genuine smile. “Congratulations, Chen Feng. Your performance has been truly exemplary. For securing the coveted first position, you are hereby bestowed with the following rewards.”

Wang Jian gestured towards a table laden with treasures. A radiant jade badge, pulsating with mystical energy, lay at the center. The “Starlight Guardian Badge” it was called, an artifact that increased the wearer’s defensive power and enhanced their connection to the celestial realm. Beside it lay a sleek, obsidian spear, an aura of ancient power emanating from its sharpened tip. Known as the “Shadow Reaper,” this legendary weapon could pierce even the sturdiest of defenses.

The final reward was a scroll of parchment, its surface shimmering with intricate constellations. The “Eastern Borders Deployment Order” it revealed, granting Chen Feng the position of Marshal of the Eastern Borders. This significant authority bestowed upon him command over the military forces stationed at the city’s eastern frontier.

Chen Feng feigned surprise and bowed deeply in appreciation. “Thank you, esteemed City Lord. Such a generous reward is beyond my wildest dreams.” But beneath his mask of gratitude, his mind whirled with possibilities. The Marshal of the Eastern Borders? This was a power he could leverage, not just to strengthen his foothold within the city but also to subtly undermine Wang Jian’s authority from within.

However, amidst the celebratory atmosphere, a single doubt lingered in Chen Feng’s mind. Did Wang Jian truly bestow such power upon him because of his performance in the trials, or was there a deeper motive at play?

The raucous festivities of the recruitment ceremony slowly faded, replaced by the hushed murmurs of departing participants. Wang Jian, his smug smile finally fading, retreated into the opulent confines of his palace chambers. Su Xian, his radiant wife, trailed behind him, her brow creased in concern.

“My lord,” she began, her voice barely a whisper, “that young man, Chen Feng… something about him seems… off.”

Wang Jian chuckled, a playful glint in his eyes. “Indeed, my dear Xian’er. Your intuition is as sharp as ever.”

He strolled to an ornately carved balcony overlooking the sprawling cityscape, Su Xian gliding gracefully to his side. “That ‘Chen Feng,'” he continued, leaning against the railing, “is no mere participant. He is, in fact, a spy from the Star Cloud Sect.”

A gasp escaped Su Xian’s lips. “A spy? But why then…?” She gestured towards the distant platform where Chen Feng, adorned in his newly bestowed armor, stood surveying the departing crowd. “Why bestow upon him the position of Marshal of the Eastern Borders?”

Wang Jian threw back his head and laughed, a booming sound that echoed through the chamber. “Ah, Xian’er, your worries are endearing,” he said, his voice tinged with amusement. “It would be a problem if I weren’t aware, but I am aware of it so it can’t be a problem for the city? In fact, this has become an opportunity for Astral Jade City!”

Su Xian’s confusion deepened. “An opportunity?” she echoed. “How?”

Wang Jian turned to face her, his smile predatory. “Even after years as my Empress,” he teased, “you haven’t yet grasped the most fundamental truth of power: seizing it! And how does one seize power from another faction? By weakening it!”

Su Xian’s eyes narrowed. “You mean…”

“Yes,” Wang Jian interrupted, a glint of excitement dancing in his eyes. “Chen Feng’s presence is a chink in the Star Cloud Sect’s armor. We can use him to create an illusion of vulnerability. They’ll believe Astral Jade City is ripe for the taking, especially with their spy, Chen Feng, supposedly embedded within our ranks.”

A light finally dawned on Su Xian’s face. “So, you’re manipulating them into launching an attack?”

“Precisely, my love,” Wang Jian confirmed, his eyes gleaming with predatory excitement. “We’ll let them believe they have a window of opportunity. Even if the Heavenly Jade Pavilion intervenes, it will be too late. The Star Cloud Sect will be blinded by the prospect of victory, and that’s when we strike!”

He described his plan in detail, relishing the look of awe on Su Xian’s face. He would allow the Star Cloud Sect to launch their full-scale assault, bleeding them of manpower and resources. Once their best fighters lay slain, Astral Jade City would swoop in and claim victory. It was a trap, perfectly designed to cripple the Star Cloud Sect and leave them ripe for the picking.

“We’ll seize everything from them, Su Xian – power, influence, territory, resources. It’ll be a glorious conquest!”

Su Xian, usually reserved, couldn’t help but chuckle. “My, my,” she said, her eyes twinkling, “you are truly a master of such… evil tactics, wouldn’t you say?”

Wang Jian threw back his head and laughed, the sound echoing through the chamber. He pulled Su Xian close, his arms encircling her lithe form. “Evil?” he countered playfully. “Perhaps. But you, my dear Xian’er, are the proud wife of such an evil man.”

Su Xian nestled closer, a contented sigh escaping her lips. “Indeed,” she murmured, her voice carrying a hint of wicked delight. “And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

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