Village Head's Debauchery

Chapter 1068: Patriarch Rylan’s Most Powerful Spirit Beast

Chapter 1068: Patriarch Rylan’s Most Powerful Spirit Beast

“There are various ways to access the Spirit Realm known as Spiritual Link Point,” Patriarch Rylan began. “One method is through a Natural Spiritual Gateway, which are specific locations in the physical world that serve as natural gateways to the Spirit realm. These gateways are usually predictable and safer, but stumbling upon one requires either a stroke of luck or access to rare information.”

He paused and continued, “Another method is through a ritual gateway created by those with the necessary knowledge of the Spirit Realm; some are our glyphs. We had a powerful ritual gateway in our Four-Eared Lone Rabbit Runaway City. However, it’s uncertain whether the Wandering Wolf Runaway City left it in ruins or if it remains intact.”

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Oron was surprised by Patriarch Rylan’s words before nodding in understanding. As a race specialising in such areas to drastically improve their strength, it was easy to believe they would facilitate a method to make the process easier.

“An occurring phenomenon gateway which is usually the most unpredictable and unreliable, and lastly, artefacts capable of taking an individual there or drawing power from the spirit realm,” Patraich Rylan responded. He then added, “That’s all I know.”

Crystalia had an enlightened expression on her face, grasping the vastness of the Spirit Realm. She became highly eager to see a spirit beast up close and examine it.

Fortunately, Orion shared the same enthusiasm.

“Can you summon a spirit beast so I can look closer?” Orion asked. frёeweɓηovel.coɱ

Patriarch Rylan nodded swiftly in response. “Of course. Let’s head outside to a more open area.”

Orion, Crystalia, and Isadora stood up and followed Patriarch Rylan as he led the way to the door.

Once outside, Orion, Crystalia, and Isadora paused while Patriarch Rylan continued to walk ahead, stopping far from them.

Leif and Lyndon arrived and positioned themselves behind the group, curious about what was happening and what their Patriarch intended to do.

Patriarch Rylan halted at a distance and extended his hand, channelling his natural energy into one of his most potent summoning glyphs.

He wasn’t going to summon his weakest spirit for the demonstration. He wanted to make an impression, especially since it was uncertain when he might have another chance to demonstrate his abilities before the Village Chief and Supreme Leader of Paradise.

“From the earth where mountains sleep,

Where ancient stones keep vigil,

I call upon the shell of stone,

Stoneback, rise, and make your presence known.”

As Patriarch Rylan chanted, a glyph emerged from his leaf-crafted attire and expanded before him. It began to pulsate with dense natural energy, causing the air around it to tremble.

Witnessing the glyph that had emerged from Patriarch Rylan’s body, Isadora and Lyndon were stunned. They had never expected their father to use his strongest summoning glyphs. Regardless, they were thrilled by the opportunity to watch him summon Stoneback.

Leif was equally excited and watched intently, determined not to miss any tiny detail. Soon, the glyph emitted an intense shimmer, rippling like waves.

A small tortoise with thick limbs and a shell made of rough stone, covered in patches of lichen and moss, stepped out of the shimmering glyph.

As its four limbs touched the ground, the earth below it trembled slightly before abruptly stopping.

As the glyph began to lose its shimmer and shrink, Stoneback cast its deep earthen-brown eyes on its surroundings. Its gaze lingered on Orion and Crystalia before refocusing on Patriarch Rylan.

“You don’t seem to be in any danger, Rylan. So why did you summon me? Also, who are they? Their energies seem unusual. And where are we?” Stoneback asked, his voice tinged with curiosity.

The current environment vastly differed from the previous metallic structure and Vylkr- infested landscape he was familiar with.

The glyph soon vanished into thin air. Patriarch Rylan caught his breath before focusing on Stoneback. “This is Village Chief Orion, the Supreme Leader of Paradise. Paradise is the land we are currently in. They accommodated the entire surviving Four-eared Elves after our escape, extending a benevolent gesture that we can never fully repay,” he said, pointing at Orion.

Stoneback looked at Orion once more, this time with a more approving gaze.

“As for why I’ve summoned you, it’s because…” Patriarch Rylan began to explain. While this conversation unfolded, Orion scrutinised the spirit beast before him. Despite its ability to speak, its strange appearance reminded him of the earthly creatures he knew about. Orion then turned his attention to Crystalia, noticing her unusual behaviour. “Are you okay? Is something wrong?” Orion asked, his voice tinged with concern.

Initially, he had thought her silence was due to curiosity being satisfied, but seeing her body tremble while she struggled to maintain her composure, he grew worried.

“I feel strange..” Crystalia replied, stuttering.

At that moment, Isadora and the others began to sense something was wrong with her.

Suddenly, a burst of light appeared on her neck, forming a milky mark of two wings-one larger than the other. The winged mark pulsated brightly before shockingly emerging before her and transforming into various strange runes, glowing with a bizarre mix of milky white and crimson hues.

“Crystalia!” Orion shouted, immediately pulling her into his arms.

He shook her, trying to awaken her, but she seemed to have fallen into a trance. Her wide, blank gaze stared into the distance as the runes shifted and moved.

The sight stunned Orion, Crystalia, Lyndon, and Leif and even drew the attention of Patriarch Rylan and Stoneback. Both stood rooted in place, dumbfounded by the spectacle.

“Such a potent inscription,” Stoneback remarked, his eyes fixed on Crystalia with increased intrigue.

However, he soon felt his thick limbs growing weak, his gaze spinning and becoming unstable. “Huh! What’s going on?” Stoneback muttered to himself.

Patriarch Rylan, noticing Stoneback’s sudden abnormal behaviour, asked, “Stoneback, are you okay?” His anxiety grew as he sensed the connection between them slowly dissipating.

Orion’s mind raced, trying to understand the reason behind the strange occurrence. He wondered why the divine apostle mark was manifesting now and in this place. Aerialia had not mentioned anything about such an event happening.

Shockingly, under the watchful eyes of everyone present, Stoneback tilted toward Crystalia and began to slowly dissipate into numerous spiritual light particles, which flowed into the glowing, bizarrely transforming runes.

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