Village Head's Debauchery

Chapter 1042: Poisonous Smoke

Chapter 1042: Poisonous Smoke

Hearing his response, Kerensa frowned deeply. “If you tell me what the nobles are planning and where the others you’ve captured are hiding, I’ll let you live.”

“Hah! Stop the jokes! We both know I’ll be dead when I give you that information. Also, I think that you should be more worried about yourself. Now that you know about this, we have no choice but to ensure you are dead, so this can remain a secret until it is prepared,” the gods’ chosen responded, revealing his razor-sharp teeth with a smirk.

Kerensa frowned, her senses flaring as she detected several individuals swiftly approaching. She looked up to see numerous cloaked figures, each wielding Gearweaver swords, landing on the platforms of the towering metallic buildings surrounding the Midnight Butcher Bar. Four. Six. Nine. The numbers continued to rise until twelve gods’ chosens surrounded her from above. Each appeared no more formidable than the gods’ chosen she had just faced.

Examining them closely, Kerensa inwardly exhaled in relief. She believed she could handle the situation, even with these additional opponents.

“Is this all the reinforcement you could call? If so, I assure you they aren’t enough to rescue you,” Kerensa said, shaking her head in disappointment.

“You’ll regret those words when you realize the foolishness of your actions, but by then, it will be too late,” the gods’ chosen replied with a chilling tone, narrowing his slitted eyes at her. He then signaled to the surrounding gods’ chosens before dashing toward the Midnight Butcher Bar.

Witnessing this scene, Kerensa snorted. As she attempted to step forward, the gods’ chosens above hurled multiple small round balls in her direction. Kerensa raised her Gearweaver Sword, aiming to intercept them, sensing they might be more than they seemed. Her intuition proved correct; the balls exploded upon impact, releasing purplish-green smoke into the atmosphere.

Momentarily stunned, Kerensa’s expression quickly shifted to anger as she saw that the gods’ chosen had already made his way into her bar. Smoke also began to infiltrate the bar.

Kerensa took a deep breath and exhaled forcefully, generating a powerful gust of wind that scattered the smoke in all directions. Just as she was about to charge forward again, a sudden tingling sensation crawled down her lungs as if needles were being thrust down her throat and slowly shredding it apart.

“Hahh!” Kerensa exhaled deeply before erupting into violent coughs as if trying to expel the invisible needles from her throat. It was useless. The purplish-green smoke she had inhaled was poisonous, and now it wreaked havoc on her lungs. She realized she needed an antidote or a healer quickly to prevent the situation from worsening.

The gods’ chosens threw more small balls towards her and around the Midnight Butcher Bar. These balls contained a toxin designed to inflict intense pain in the victim’s respiratory system, causing enough distraction for drowsiness to set in and render them unconscious. This was their silent method to deal with any obstacles. However, they hadn’t expected such a powerful opponent.

Despite the agony, Kerensa took another deep breath, disregarding the increased potency of the poison in her lungs. She exhaled with tremendous force, generating a powerful gust of wind that dispersed the purplish-green smoke once more. Realizing they couldn’t afford to waste another poisonous smoke bomb, the gods’ chosens prepared for a direct confrontation. “ATTACK!” ordered one of the gods’ chosens.

The gods’ chosens brandished their weapons as they rushed toward Kerensa.

Kerensa could feel the prickling needles in her lungs morph into stabbing knives, turning each breath into a struggle. Biting her tongue to draw blood, she fought to stabilize her double vision and focus on the enemies charging at her from all sides.

Her chest heaved with some effort as she raised her weapon in preparation. She knew she had to end this quickly to return to the bar, make the intruding gods’ chosen regret his actions, and find a healer to rid herself of the poison. But at the moment…


The door of the Midnight Butcher Bar shattered into countless pieces as a figure was hurled through it, colliding with the gods’ chosen, who was about to clash with Kerensa’s Gearweaver sword.

This ontent is taken from freeweɓnovel.cѳm.


The two gods’ chosens plummeted violently to the ground, rolling for a few seconds before coming to a halt. Everyone in the surroundings, including Kerensa, immediately ceased their attacks, gazes shifting from the gods’ chosen to the broken bar door with dumbfounded expressions.

A chill crept down the gods’ chosen spines as they realized there might be someone as strong as the woman inside the bar. How did they come to that conclusion?

They hadn’t sensed any distortions indicating a fight inside, meaning the mysterious individual had quickly subdued them. The deep scar on the gods’ chosen’s chest, indicating a heavy punch that tore through the Dragmin’s powerful body, further reinforced their suspicions.

Meanwhile, Kerensa frowned deeply. She had watched everyone enter the Midnight Butcher Bar and knew no one present was strong enough to subdue the gods’ chosen with a single punch. Her thoughts immediately wandered to the mysterious cloaked figure, but she quickly dismissed the idea.

He wasn’t wearing a Devourer’s Bracelet, so achieving such a feat seemed impossible. Regardless, a thrill surged within her. With someone in the bar capable of protecting the bar, she could go all out and defeat the gods’ chosens around her.

Kerensa straightened her back. However, just as she was about to charge forward, a severe cough tore through her lips, causing her to halt and instinctively cover her mouth with her hand. Looking at her palm, she saw thick, deep scarlet blood.

The poison had become even more potent, tearing through her insides.

Witnessing this, the group leader, a Nimvire, realized that the poisonous smoke was working. He immediately shifted his attention to the other gods’ chosens.

“This one can no longer fight, so let’s end this quickly. The rest of you, eliminate whoever is responsible for this. If you see any other Dragmin, capture them and return immediately,” the leader ordered.

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