Village Head's Debauchery

Chapter 1037: Midnight Butcher Bar

Chapter 1037: Midnight Butcher Bar

He wasn’t stingy with the information, knowing he had already earned several times more than it was worth.

“Can you give me directions?” Orion asked, his head still lowered.

The man nodded and quickly provided Orion with directions to the bar.

The Midnight Butcher Bar was an off-limit venue for any ordinary mortal within the Lower Ward. It served as neutral ground for various rival factions, making its existence a rarely discussed topic unless one was a native of the Lower Ward.

Orion nodded, taking in the information. As he was about to leave, the man added, “Be careful, good customer. Since Paradise took over the Trekking Flamingo Runaway City, tensions have been rising, and people have been disappearing one by one. It might be wise to hold off on your adventures for now.”

The man’s tone was cautious, and his concern was apparent. He wanted to forge a favourable connection with the mysterious figure before him. He surmised that the mysterious cloaked figure might come from a wealthier part of the city and hoped to increase his chances of a return visit.

Orion stopped in his tracks and turned back to face the man. “How many people have gone missing?” His firm voice betrayed his surprise at the unexpected revelation.

The man shook his head, “I don’t know the exact number. However, from what we’ve gathered, these disappearances are the work of the mysterious force, Paradise. If you want more details, head to the Midnight Butcher Bar. That’s where you’ll find the information you’re looking for.”

Orion nodded, concealing his deep frown beneath his cloak. As soon as he turned to leave, he swiftly made his way towards the Midnight Butcher Bar. Descending from the outer Lower Ward to the inner suitable layer took him about twenty-four minutes, and it took him another twenty to pinpoint the bar’s exact location.

He arrived at the centre of a towering metallic building, surrounded by a cluster of similar structures that seemed to crowd it from all sides. The bar stood out, with a slightly larger open space around it than the other Lower Ward buildings.

The sign above the entrance read ‘Midnight Butcher Bar. ‘The raucous sounds of lively voices and clattering dishes spilt into the street.

Without hesitation, Orion pushed open the door and stepped inside, closing it behind him. freёweɓ

Immediately, the clamour of voices and the clinking of utensils ceased as if on cue. Every patron in the bar turned their gaze towards him, scrutinizing the newcomer from head to toe with a mixture of curiosity and cautiousness.

Orion kept his head bowed to hide his face, ignoring the abrupt silence that had emerged. He moved forward into the bar, relying on his acute senses to navigate his way to a secluded seat away from the crowd. The moment he settled in, the clamour of noise resumed as if the tense pause had never happened.

As Orion prepared to make himself comfortable, he noticed the bartender approaching. The four distinct hoofbeats revealed that the bartender was a centaur.

“What can I get for you, sir?” came a ruggedly feminine voice behind the desk.

“Bring me the best you can offer,” Orion replied calmly. He understood the importance of blending into the environment before he could discreetly inquire about the information he was searching for.

“Are you sure? We serve the most expensive and delicious delicacies from the Lower Ward and the Middle Ward so that it will cost you a lot,” the bartender warned.

Orion nodded silently.

“Okay, then pay up,” the bartender responded, stretching her hand towards him.

Orion frowned. It might be his first time here, but he knew you usually pay after enjoying your meal. Besides, he didn’t want to reveal his resources too easily in public.

Sensing his hesitation, the bartender explained, “There have been a few troublemakers recently who are destroying things as they please. To prevent the bar from closing, customers must pay for their meal upfront and an extra fee for any potential damage. The extra payment will be refunded if you don’t cause any damage. So, do you still want to order, or would you prefer to leave?”

A look of realization dawned upon Orion.

“I don’t have a Ninadainth coin, so I’ll be trading,” Orion responded. He was eager to learn what was happening so that he could immediately inform Seth and others and alert them to prepare for the ongoing crisis.

He doubted that the Trekking Flamingo Runaway City leaders would be unaware that such things were happening. However, even if they were oblivious, he intended to sever the roots, not just trim the branches.

“Oh, what do you want to trade, then? As long as it’s a good quality item, there won’t be a problem,” the bartender asked.

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Orion brought a fruit from his cloak and placed it on the table.

The bartender immediately snatched the fruit from the table and examined it with surprise. She checked its plumpness and texture to ensure t was real before refocusing her attention on the cloaked individual before her.

She had been suspicious about him from the beginning, just like the other new faces they had received in the past few days. However, her curiosity and suspicion now rose tremendously.

“Tsk! Tsk! Add two more of these, and I promise to give you the best delicacy the Midnight Butcher Bar can offer,” the bartender said, hiding the greed that flashed through her eyes. Orion frowned deeply. “I believe one is of enough value for whatever you want to offer,” he responded, shaking his head.

The bartender frowned as well. “Okay, then, would you mind if I sampled it to see if it’s as good as you claim?”

Orion nodded silently.

The bartender swiftly drew a knife from beneath the desk and sliced off a piece of the fruit. She popped it into her mouth, and almost immediately, a wave of sweetness assaulted her tastebuds, lingering as an aftertaste even after she swallowed. Her expression was one of stunned amazement.

Despite having only tasted a tiny piece, the intense burst of flavour left her mouth-watering. She wondered what it would be like to experience this sensation with an entire mouthful.

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