Village Head's Debauchery

Chapter 1028: Three Terraced Layered Garden (2)

Chapter 1028: Three Terraced Layered Garden (2)

“Fortunately, the Migrating Deer Archipelago Runaway City understood this and designed it accordingly. Some of the gardeners grew up here, while others will grow old and die here, their corpses eventually used as manure for the soil. They have their own community and their own routines. This is their world, the only part of the Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City they’ve ever known.”

She paused and added, “In a way, they might be the only ones in this forsaken world truly living. They don’t worry about food, shelter, or power. All they have to do is wake up daily and tend to the Garden.”

Upon hearing Eleanora’s words, a realization emerged on Orion’s face as he briefly took in the Garden again. Somehow, it reminded him of the Village and the Prismerions trapped within the mountain. He had always wondered why Naka didn’t just destroy the Village, at least since they were products of a failed experiment.

Could it be that he was being sentimental now? No!

Orion shook the thought out of his mind. He had seen the kind of being Naka was through the Aegis of the Arctic Deity memories, so he understood that Naka might not want to go through the effort, leaving them to decide their fate after everything his ancestors had been through. With this revelation, Orion realized how much of a task possessing a Garden was until now. He didn’t find Eleanora’s words incorrect; compared to the outside, these people were living the best of their lives, all for the price of their freedom.

It showcased that a Runaway City was truly a world of its own. He began to ponder if the Paradise Representatives he had brought were even enough to handle such a tremendous task. Despite this, Orion internally exhaled deeply. The deeper he delved into the world, the more vast it appeared.

“Of course, there are cases where their curiosity improves, and they try to escape or learn about the outside world. Whether through their efforts or those of the individuals placed to monitor them, we always ensure that their memories are erased or they are removed from the Garden in a less suspicious way, such as inflicting them with a deadly sickness,” Eleanora added.

Orion nodded in understanding.

They walked for about forty-five minutes before arriving at a platform. It was round and stony, filled with many inscriptions and runes that shone as it hovered above the ground. It was enclosed in a dug-out slope that led upwards.

Eleanora stepped onto the stairs beside it and the hovering stony platform. “This will take us to the Second Layer,” she said.

Orion nodded and stepped onto the platform as well.

Eleanora channelled her life energy into the platform, and instantly, it ascended. “It also operates automatically, moving thirty seconds after someone steps onto it. This is mostly for the gardeners, as we have ensured that they are never taught how to harness either Life or Magikal energy,” she explained.

“And what if a few of them do so instinctively?” Orion asked, understanding that some races can harness the type of energy they were born to utilize. He was curious about the methods employed when such an issue arose.

“Harnessing the energies has been branded as heretical. Anyone found using it is considered a curse that will destroy the Garden, so we don’t worry much about that. The gardeners handle the issue themselves, swiftly eliminating the threat. As far as they are concerned, only the respected individuals from outside the Garden can use these energies without endangering it,” Eleanora explained.

Orion realized the lengths to which the Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City had gone to ensure the Garden’s safety. It was more of a psychological warfare as well. He couldn’t help but wonder how the other Runaway Cities compared to the Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City, knowing they were entirely distinct.

Orion couldn’t help but feel a burning desire within him to explore each Runaway City one by one. Evidently, they possessed many secrets, and their entire structure was nothing short of mesmerizing, even for someone like him.

Although he didn’t plan to abandon his duties as the Supreme Leader of Paradise and the Village Chief, he knew that he would soon need to venture out into the world to begin their exploration so that they could commence their plan. He would have to decide which Runaway City to reside in.

Within five minutes, they arrived at the Second Layer. They stepped off the round, stony platform and were met with an entirely different view. A lush, fresh, grassy land stretched out before them, and in the distance, there were numerous colourful trees with leaves in every shade of the rainbow, each bearing strange fruits that Orion had never seen before.

As Eleanora led the way forward, Orion saw that the structure was similar to the one below, with the only difference being the variety of trees, flowering plants, and the many individuals attending to them.

Soon, they reached the Third Layer via another round, stony platform and were greeted by a vast grassy plain filled with different wooden homes-ranging from small and compact to vast and immense each appearing to be hand-built. As they walked towards the homes, they were immediately met by a group of children running around, who halted and looked at them curiously and cautiously as they approached.

The men and women seemed familiar with Eleanora and immediately bowed their heads respectfully, even forcing the younger ones beside them to do the same. Many wore minimal clothing, unlike those working below. It was apparent they lived a carefree life.

When they reached the end of the community, enclosed by a wooden fence, they walked through the gates and into a dense, lush forest. They steadily made their way forward until they arrived at a much smaller settlement. Noticing the devourer bracelets on the wrists of the men and women clad in an armoured, leather-like material, Orion instantly knew they were gods’ chosens. Others without the bulging bracelets were simply warriors.

Some were training with each other, while others were lazily lying on the ground or engaging in various activities. As they approached, the inhabitants immediately sensed their arrival and stepped forward to greet them.

“Your Highness!!”

The warriors and gods’ chosens looked at Orion with awe and curiosity before bowing their heads in reverence, seemingly having guessed his identity.

“This is where the guards reside. They are tasked with ensuring no harm comes to the Garden,” Eleanora explained, her eyes shifting from Orion to the assembled warriors and gods’ chosen. She gestured for them to return to their activities.

“As magnificent as this Garden is, it alone cannot sustain the entire Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City. However, overworking our gardeners is not a viable solution. We need to trade within a few months or risk depleting our warehouse reserves. Given our current predicament, we have no choice but to turn to Paradise to prevent our Runaway City from collapsing,” Eleanora said, her gaze fixed on Orion.

Eleanora knew Paradise could weaponize this opportunity against them, so she was worried about their decision. Even though she was no longer the Supreme Leader of the Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City, she couldn’t bear to see all her efforts in maintaining its

stability go to waste. freewebnσ

“Okay. Hand over the information on the necessary resources you need, and I’ll ensure they are readily provided for the Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City,” Orion responded. He realized he couldn’t use the same method he had used to win over the hearts of the denizens of the Sleeping Fox Runaway City. In terms of provision, they were far better off. He had to come up with another method.

He knew the representatives they had chosen would do their best, but to avoid overwhelming them, he needed something that would aid them.

Hearing Orion’s response, Eleanora bowed deeply. “Thank you, Supreme Leader. I’ll ensure the information is gathered so the resources can be distributed immediately,” she said, a quiet sigh of relief escaping her lips.

Eleanora didn’t mind the stares directed their way. The best rulers know when to bow or draw their weapons, and she was not foolish enough to confront an unsurmountable enemy out of

mere emotion.

Eleanora opened her lips to speak once more, hesitating.

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“What is it? Speak up,” Orion asked, his gaze narrowing behind his mask. “Is there anything else that the Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City needs help to handle?” “No! But it’s urgent. It concerns Commander Sy’ra. The attack dealt by the Commander of the Trekking Flamingo Runaway City was more powerful than her race’s extraordinary regeneration could handle, leaving her in critical condition. Our healers have tried their best to stabilize her, but if we don’t get help soon, she’ll meet her end,” Eleanora responded, bowing respectfully again. “I asked for your help in aiding her recovery.”

“It appears your Commander is quite weak. Lakul hasn’t requested aid for Commander Vargoth, so I presume he is steadily recovering. If Commander Sy’ra is in such a critical condition, she might not recover to the peak of her strength after healing. Which means that Paradise’s resources would be wasted on her,” Orion responded, shaking his head


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