Village Head's Debauchery

Chapter 1002: Sudden Insight

Chapter 1002: Sudden Insight


His body collapsed onto the rugged earth, creating a 14-meter crater and billowing dust clouds that expanded into the distance, shrouding his defeated figure.

On the battlefield, from the Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City to the Sleeping Fox Runaway City and the Trekking Flamingo Runaway City, an aura of silence enveloped their surroundings. Inwardly, their hearts shook with turbulent emotions as they gradually processed what had transpired.

They all knew Commander Edmar’s strength, having simultaneously subdued commanders from two Grade One Runaway Cities. His prowess was undeniable. Yet, the fact that he hadn’t been defeated by an opponent who hadn’t even lifted a finger was an astonishing scene that left them all incredulous.

What kind of horrifying technique was this?

For the Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City and the Sleeping Fox Runaway City, there was a mix of disbelief, fear, and relief knowing the monstrous being stood on their side. But horror, disbelief, and dread filled the expressions of those with the Trekking Flamingo Runaway City as they faced such a frightening adversary.

A single thought suddenly struck them all, filling them with a growing fear and unease!

This was just one of Paradise’s Key Leaders! There were potentially many more with such extraordinary strength!!

This realisation alone sent a chilling wave of terror down their spines.

For Eleanora, Lakul, and several others who knew of the Village Chief to whom such a terrifying individual answered, the chill crept down their bodies and into their souls. Unknowingly, their resistance against Paradise’s control began to weaken slowly.

In this desolate world where survival meant utilising every method, including piling mountains of corpses. Only the strong endured. Should they encounter anyone stronger, their fate would likely mirror Commander Edmar’s.

As Seth glanced at Commander Edmar’s defeated and scarred body, ensuring he hadn’t killed him but had inflicted enough injury to leave a lasting mental and physical mark, he shifted his focus forward to a cloaked figure emerging from the Trekking Flamingo Runaway City.

Soon, the cloaked figure stood before him. In the shimmering sunlight filtering through the web-like strands of molten lava above, Seth could make out the mask adorned with the depiction of an unknown beast and pointed furry ears on either side.

“Energy Level – 2,100 BEM!”

Seth narrowed his gaze, studying the information before him. This was the highest energy level he had seen since Edmar’s own.

Could this be the Trekking Flamingo Runaway City’s trump card?

As Seth pondered, he agreed with his thoughts. While the rain of arrows and the individuals who launched them could also be considered a trump card, witnessing their Commander’s defeat must have made them realise they needed someone more powerful to weaken or defeat him while they prepared their true ace.

Indeed, the Trekking Flamingo Runaway City was clearly above a Grade One Runaway City. Nevertheless, he believed the cloaked figure before him couldn’t be it!

“If you would be so kind, I would like to know the alliance you hail from. Surely, you cannot be situated deep within this dreadful region alone,” a sharp masculine voice flowed out of the mask, resonating.

Unlike before, the cloaked figure’s carefree tone was now replaced with seriousness. Judging by the technique the mysterious individual had cast and the immense aura emanating from him, he recognised the mysterious individual before him as a formidable opponent.

However, he had never expected it to the extent that Commander Edmar could only withstand one attack before being brutally defeated.

Of course, that didn’t mean he couldn’t also defeat Commander Edmar with a single attack himself. He had emerged because retrieving the Divine Artefact would surely become an issue if it truly rested within Paradise’s grasp, and this was just one of their leaders, not counting those under their command.

Therefore, he had no choice but to no longer sit back and watch the Trekking Flamingo Runaway City embarrass themselves against such a formidable force.

Firstly, he needed to know which alliance they aligned with before he acted.

Seth frowned beneath his mask upon hearing the cloaked individual’s voice. He was here to assess the full prowess of the Trekking Flamingo Runaway City, and this incessant talking was beginning to grate on his nerves.

The cloaked figure misunderstood Seth’s silence as deliberation and careful choice of words. “I am a god’ chosen from the Wandering Wolf Borough Runaway City,” he added. “Since you are one of the Key Leaders of Paradise, you should be able to make decisions independently and understand the value of a Divine Artefact. If you are willing to discuss this further, I can propose compensation to Paradise in exchange for the artefact’s worth.”

His voice resonated across their surroundings, reaching the ears of those below.

Eleanora and the Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City leaders clenched their fists in anger as they suddenly realised the truth.

The Journeying Jaguar Runaway City had offered the Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City to retrieve the Divine Artefact from them, suspecting that the Sleeping Fox Runaway City might still be aligned with the Wandering Wolf Borough Runaway City. Little did they know, the Wandering Wolf Borough Runaway City had completely withdrawn their offer because they had found a stronger force capable of retrieving the Divine Artefact for them.

This chaptr is updatd by ƒreeωebnovel.ƈom.

This manoeuvre ensured that if either Runaway City acquired the Divine Artefact and Patriarch Rylan, they would inevitably clash, weakening their forces. This created the perfect opportunity for the Trekking Flamingo Runaway City and their allies to swoop in and seize the Divine artefact for themselves.

They seethed with rage, and their emotions stirred violently as they unravelled the truth before it instantly subsided.

They were powerless against just two Grade Two Runaway Cities, a sobering realisation that left them weak and helpless.

Even Lakul and the Sleeping Fox Runaway City leaders reached the same sobering conclusion.

Everything had been meticulously planned between the two Grade Two Runaway Cities, and either could have succeeded in their schemes, potentially exterminating their forces and burying the information about the Divine Artefact. However, they had failed to consider one

mysterious entity…


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