Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil

Chapter 1773 A Long Stakeout Operation

Chapter 1773 A Long Stakeout Operation


Reen's objection resonated in Eren's mind upon hearing him speak of being alone in Labh Salem.

Her voice carried a tinge of irritation as if she hadn't anticipated Eren feeling lonely while she remained faithfully by his side.

The butcher chuckled, shaking his head before offering clarification.

"No disrespect to you, dear. I was merely comparing. I mean… compared to what I had established for myself in Anfang, I am practically on my own here.

The Corps is not something I own or run. With backing that provides limited support, conditional on my allegiance to the gods' faction.

I could probably hire a mercenary army to get things done but I lack the funds required to partake in a game of this magnitude.

Plus, it's not like I don't need to worry about my own expenses– my growth as a Ranker. Six months into Labh Salem, and I've already accepted a loan that I suspect will come with its due interest," Eren remarked, reflecting on his negative Origin Force Points stat.

"The helping hands that I need are nowhere to be found," Eren continued, tapping his fingers on the desk. "And above all, I lack followers as a demigod. Aside from my confidence in myself, I'm lacking in nearly every other aspect."

Eren then rose from his seat and began pacing in front of the desk, contemplating his next steps for the future.

"That's why I have come to a decision. I… I can't do the same thing I did in Anfang. There would be no provoking wars from the shadows. There would be no shady deals with shady people to amass wealth. Lastly, I shouldn't betray the divine faction unless I have a solid reason to.

I don't have the shade given to me by the tree I planted and cultivated by myself. So I must proceed with caution and make the right moves.

But not all is lost either. I don't need to become a turtle and hold myself up from progressing. Though it won't resemble Anfang, I can certainly fish in troubled waters.

First and foremost, I must locate a secluded place to steadily progress without attracting undue attention. A base of operation, if you will.

My identity as Eren needs to vanish from the spotlight and embrace anonymity whereas my identity as the true inheritor of the Elder Ichor needs to reach the masses.

Archpriest Jivem has some knowledge about me. The witches who sought to reach me through Kayara will likely persist in their pursuit.

Then there'd be people from the Corps who would be curious about my Unique Skill after knowing about how I defeated Jen's group. There would be a few who'd like me in their special units to fight with the demons on the frontlines.

Therefore, I must maintain my identity as a Demon Slayer but in a manner that prevents their contact until it's too late. Curiosity dies with time. Especially when there's no external stimulus provided to it regularly.

In essence, I need me a compelling reason to operate undercover as a Demon Slayer. The base of operation we select must be away from all the prying eyes.

Most of all, I need a suitable assignment from the Corps that can allow me to do all of this," Eren contemplated with determination etched on his face.

'Base of operation? What kind of place are we looking for?' asked Reen curiously.

"A base for conducting my experiments," Eren responded as he narrowed his eyes.

"A place from which I can conduct my demon hunts and still not worry about any repercussions. A place that will stay untouched by the gods and demons to a large extent in the upcoming years despite the winds of unrest currently brewing in Labh Salem."

Eren concluded, gently caressing his chin in contemplation. In the next moment, however, his expression changed abruptly.


Eren exclaimed with a smile, vocalizing his thoughts. He promptly accessed his Spectral Screen and began perusing the active missions suitable for an A-Ranked Grand Knight affiliated with the Kaaisayan Demon Slayer Corps.

After a bit of searching, he identified a mission that aligned perfectly with his requirements.

"Keke, this is just what I need."

Eren chuckled as he stumbled upon a distinctive entry in the active mission list. Without hesitation, he applied for the mission and swiftly received approval.


Eren, Vasco, and Horen met up several days after completing their Tantra and artifact selections, official paperwork, and mission assignments. As they delved into a discussion about the missions they had chosen from the Corps, Vasco expressed disbelief upon learning about Eren's selection.

"A five-year stakeout and entrapment operation? Against a demonic Kaiser associated with a cult?" Vasco gazed at Eren incredulously. "Eren, of all the assignments, why this one?"

"Hahaha. He either enjoys the prospect of boring himself to death or aims to bring down a Kaiser while still a Grand Knight," Horen laughed, offering a friendly pat on Eren's back, albeit a bit too vigorously. "I can't decide if you're lazy or ambitious."

"A bit of both," Eren replied with a light smile.

Vasco shook his head, questioning Eren once again, "Where is the location for your assignment?"

"I can't disclose that information. It's confidential," Eren replied with a casual shrug. The nature of his chosen assignment allowed him to maintain a low profile for the next five years.

"Well... considering it's a long stakeout involving a demonic Kaiser, there should be a small group coordinating with you on this assignment. How many positions have been filled so far?" Vasco inquired with a touch of interrogation.

"Zero," Eren responded, raising his hand to visually emphasize the number.

He didn't think any Demon Slayer in their right mind would like to join such a boring, less lucrative, and possibly dangerous mission. Not unless the Corps forced them to at crucial times.

"Hahaha," Horen enthusiastically patted Eren's back once more.

"That settles it then. We'll join you in a few years after taking on some lucrative assignments ourselves," he declared to Eren with assurance.

'Please don't.'

The butcher thought to himself after hearing what the two were planning to do.

He smiled at the two and continued, "Guys, you don't have to feel indebted to me for saving your lives. I did what I did for my own self-interests. It's as simple as that."

Vasco and Horen exchanged a knowing glance, silently acknowledging their friend's desire for privacy.

"You just don't want us meddling in your affairs, huh? Fair enough.

We'll uncover the details of your mission through our own channels in the Corps," Vasco smirked, emphasizing, "After all, we're Demon Slayers just like you, Eren, and from the same batch, no less."


Parting ways amicably, the trio shared their Communication Sigils before heading in separate directions. Within the expansive and seemingly boundless dimension, Eren took his time locating the teleportation circle he sought.

Presenting the required clearance documents, the array formation activated with him at its center.

'Well… Let's see what the mortal part of this world has to offer.'

Eren mused to himself as the runes and magic symbols within the array lit up. In a blink, he vanished from sight, leaving only the dissipating traces of his mana signature in the air.

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