Universal Power System

Chapter 315 Much To Do

Chapter 315 Much To Do

As Mako left the hall, his mind kept going back to Magnus’ story and he found himself reflecting deeply on their conversation. Despite his reservations about revealing too much, he felt a sense of relief having confided in Magnus. The weight of his burdens felt a little lighter, knowing he had someone to talk to who had gone through a similar experience.

Once alone, Mako activated his system, he had paused the notifications so that he could focus on what Magnus was saying, but he was also quite curious about what new skill he had unlocked.

[Profile] ?

[User: Mako Grey]

[Health: 500/500] ? [★★★★★★★★- -] (+1)

[Energy: 7000/7000] ? [- – – – – – – – – -] (+1)

[EXP: 5000/100,000] ?

[Account: 390 Bronze Tier Coins, 25 Silver Tier Coins, 2 Gold Tier Coins] ? (+1)

[Level 15] ?

[Strength: 50 (+60) ] ? [★★★★★★★★ – -] (+1)

[Agility: 50 (+35) ] ? [★★★★★★★★★-] (+1)

[Perception: 50(+20)] ? [★★★ – – – – – – -] (+1)

[Intelligence: 50] ? [★★★★★- – – – -] (+1)

[Mentality: 50] ? [- – – – – – – – – -] (+1)

[Stamina: 51 (+30) ] ? [★★- – – – – – – -] (+1)

[Charisma: 18] ? [- – – – – – – – – -] (+1)

[Fortitude: 50 (+20)] ? [★★★★★★★- – -] (+1)

[Attribute Points: 220] ?


Mako’s profile tab hadn’t changed much ever since he reached level 15 as he had barely done any training or completed quests till now, besides the daily quests that didn’t even grant him attribute points anymore.

He still had many attribute points but now the conversion rate for the points was so high, that Mako decided to save them for emergencies in case he faced a strong opponent and needed an edge.

Till then he decided not to over-rely on the system and pull his own weight by training and levelling up his attributes naturally.

He still had several things on his to-do list for example he wanted to do a quick solo training session to figure out how much training he would have to do to upgrade his attributes naturally.

He still wanted to check out the mana training class and now that he had free will on whatever timings he wanted for his special power weapons class, he believed it was definitely possible for him to take both classes which would boost his progression exponentially.

There was still the main library he wanted to check out. There were so many questions that Mako wanted answers to like how were the ability and skill books created, how could his grandmother’s aura of the love ability still linger inside of him even after she had died, and many more.

There were also some questions relating to the system quests that Mako wanted answers to like what was the Nature ability; a quest he had received shortly after gaining the system was to obtain this ability. What was the deal with Planet Kepler? Mako still needed to find out what had happened to Sir Derek’s daughter when she was assigned a mission on that planet.

There was the mystery of the system itself. His great-grandfather had told him that the system was created from the combined knowledge of ten worlds. Mako wanted to find out which ten worlds his grandfather was talking about to realize the potential of his system fully; this meant fully delving into the era of his great-grandfather and learning all that he could about the technology of that time.

Mako already had a small lead as one of the worlds had to be Earth and the second one was the world of the Vampires. After he had woken up in the military clinic 3 days later, he had learned that the system had used a technique that was used by the Vampires to prevent death. It was at that time that he came to know of their existence and Mako was quite excited to learn more about them.

There was also the pedestal that was in Mako’s basement on which the box containing the system was kept. When he revisited the basement, he got supercharged by that pedestal before it descended into the ground. The system told Mako that there were 5 other pedestals somewhere in the world which could provide supercharges too and that he would unlock more features after receiving all the charges.

Mako had no idea where to even start with this quest but he believed that if he learned more about his great-grandfather’s life, he might find a clue which could lead to him finding more pedestals.


Looking back at all the things that he still had to do Mako would be lying if he didn’t say he was overwhelmed. Six months ago, Mako would never have even imagined how far he had come in such a short period of time and how many wild experiences he had faced.

“One thing at a time, Mako; like Gran Gran used to say,” Mako said to himself as he thought back to the simpler times when he was living with his grandmother.

A smile appeared on his face and his eyes became slightly teary as he remembered those good ol’ days. Mako would trade anything in the world to have one more day with her, but he was strong enough to accept her passing on and now he was going to do everything in his power to make her proud.

Returning back to the notifications, Mako finally decided to check out the new skill he had received and he was left amazed at what he read.

(NEW!) [(C-Tier) Calm Mind] ? (Level 1)

[Upgradeable] ?

[Calm Mind is a support skill that allows the user to gain a temporary boost in attributes. In order to activate Calm Mind, the user has to remain in a meditative position to complete a cycle to receive the boost in attributes. The quality and duration of boosts will increase for the number of cycles the user completes.

It will take the user longer to complete each cycle and once the meditation is broken, the user cannot use the skill again until the previous boost has expired.

1st Cycle (Duration: 30 minutes) –> Gain +5 boost in Perception and +5 boost in Stamina for 6 hours.

2nd Cycle (Duration: 2 hours) -> Gain +15 boost in Perception, +15 boost in Stamina, and +5 boost in Mentality for 1 day.

3rd Cycle (Duration: 4 hours) –> Gain +20 boost in Perception, +20 boost in Stamina, +15 boost in Mentality, and +5 boost in Fortitude for 2 days.

More cycles and possible functions of this skill can be unlocked by upgrading the skill.]

[Upgrade Requirements: 20 Advanced Tier Crystals]

This was Mako’s very first C-Tier skill and definitely lived up to its tier. He was just complaining about how it was going to be difficult levelling up his attributes and it looked like the system was listening as it presented the perfect skill for him.

Although the boosts would be temporary, Mako now had a way to gain more perception and stamina which meant that he could now focus more on his strength, agility, and fortitude and get them leveled up as well.

In addition to that, this skill didn’t require any energy from the user just like Analyze which meant that even if he was suppressed or low on energy, he could still use this skill.

‘Another great addition to my arsenal of skills,’ Mako chuckled to himself as he made his way over to the mana training class.


The mana training class was held in a spacious training room right next to the library.

‘Talk about convenience,’ Mako said to himself as he walked past the grand library on his way to the mana training class.

The room was adorned with mystical sigils and glowing crystals. The air itself felt somehow charged with energy and Mako could feel his energy regeneration increase the moment he stepped inside the room.

There were a couple of students sitting in a circle on the ground with their legs crossed and appeared to be meditating.

Mako couldn’t spot the teacher after he stepped inside so he decided to approach one of the students to ask about the teacher.

“Shhh! Don’t disturb them…” A loud whisper stopped Mako in his tracks.

He turned around to look at who whispered at her, only to see a student walking towards him wearing unique robes.

Most of the students had changed into their regular clothes after the classes were over for the day so it wasn’t so weird that the girl was wearing robes, but the robes themselves felt quite different, Mako couldn’t put his finger on it but they definitely weren’t normal robes.

“I’m sorry, I just wanted to know where the teacher was… I want to join the mana training class. Can you help me find her?” Mako said as he apologized to the student who was marching towards him.

The girl’s mouth began to curl into a smile after hearing Mako’s apology.

Mako was confused after observing the girl smile at him for no apparent reason without even saying anything else. However, before he could say anything else, the girl began swiping her arms in the air and a sparkly purple mist began to envelop her body.

Mako was left dumbfounded as within literal seconds the student in front of her had disappeared and now standing in front of him was a beautiful woman adorning the same robe as before.

“I am the teacher of the mana training class, sweetheart. My name is Rose Morales, but you can just call me Miss Morales.” The woman chuckled as she dusted off the remaining sparkly mist of her robe.

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