Under the Veil of Night

Chapter 486 - President, Are You Not Busy?

"He has better insight."

"You're not bad either," Taka shrugged. "After all, not many people can think of something like that."

"Yeah," Kanae smiled. She thought for a moment before deciding to ask. "By the way, can I visit the top floor again?"

Taka smiled. "Before you go there, I think someone wants to meet with you first."


Pointing at the entrance, Kanae saw the familiar car stopping in front of the company. Her eyes widened. How in the world did he come here so quickly?

Taka shook his head faintly. He leaned on the desk slightly as he stared at the car. Because Kanae had visited the company a few times ever since Nolen School C closed down, Neo chose to place a camera on the first floor. The moment Kanae appeared near the company, it would alert the three of them.

If it was a normal time, he would not have a problem with Kanae visiting. However, the Tamari Clan had just been attacked not long ago. With the dispute over their territory, it would do no good for Kevin to abandon his work. Yet, this man still came here just to meet with this girl.

Really, he should just suggest that Kevin have this girl stay in the Ryukalin Clan Headquarters.

Well, of course, the elders would not agree. But considering Kevin's current actions, it wouldn't take long for him to completely put them under his wing with no one daring to oppose him. At that time, there was no need to worry about anyone trying to hinder him anymore.

"Kev- President, why are you here?" Kanae asked when Kevin walked towards her. He was dressed in a suit, which clearly complemented his handsome figure.

Kevin arched his eyebrows. "This is my company."

Kanae: "…" that's not what I meant.

She had heard about what happened to the Tamari Clan, so she guessed that this man should be very busy because he had to deal with the matters of that clan. That's why she was very surprised when she saw him here.

Kevin glanced at Taka with his indifferent gaze, yet he exuded a hint of authority this time. "You should get back to work."

"Yes, Boss."

Kanae waved her hand at Taka. "See you later. Thank you for accompanying me."

Taka waved back to her before dashing off. He wanted to talk more with the young lady, but he knew better than anyone that it would be best if he didn't disrupt their time together. A certain someone might not let him off if he did that.

Kevin looked at Kanae intently. "Have you waited here for long?"

"Long? No, I just arrived around three to five minutes ago," Kanae calculated the time she talked with Taka. "It wasn't that long."

"I see."

"Thank you for not telling anyone."

"I didn't do anything you need to thank me for," Kevin curled up his lips slightly. He would naturally not tell anyone about Kanae's guise as her sister at the Nali Family's meeting.

"So, are you not busy, Kevin?" Kanae smiled and changed the conversation.

Kevin's lip pursed slightly. He pointed upwards. "Let's go to the canteen. I'll treat you to a meal."

Kanae's eyes sparkled but they dimmed soon afterwards. "I already ate a lot of food at home. But I think I can make do for a drink."

Now, she kind of regretted eating too much food at home. If she didn't eat too much, she would be able to have a meal together with Kevin. Right now, her stomach might burst if she tried to eat so much again. She wouldn't want to stay here just to borrow their toilet, right?

"Sure. I'll buy you one."

"Okay, thank you!"

Behind them, Neo shook his head lightly. Kanae still hadn't changed at all from the past. Any mention of food would surely change the direction of her thoughts completely.

"Neo, is it fine for her to come here at this time?" Taka asked hesitantly.

Neo shrugged. "I don't know, but it's not like anything we do can make that ice block change his decision. In my opinion, it's better to let him do whatever he wants."

"Won't it make things more difficult for him because of the clan's rules?" Taka asked hesitantly.

"Honestly, I don't know myself," Neo replied solemnly.

Even if he knew that the two of them shouldn't stay together, he didn't want to tell Kevin that. The two's relationship has been a mess ever since the gathering because this girl also knew about his engagement. He was not sure whether the two of them ever talked about it. After all, their relationship seemed rather platonic most of the time.

"If there's a way to make their relationship possible, I'll support it," Mike remarked from the back.

"You seem to be very supportive of him now. I recall a certain someone disagreeing back then."

Mike scratched the back of his head. "Well, it's true that I disagreed in the past. It's just, I know how he feels. Besides, didn't you disagree too in the past?"

"Yeah," Neo clicked his tongue. "You seem to be learning how to counter someone when arguing now, Mike."

Mike just smiled. "Rather than worrying about rules and tradition, I want to see him happy."

Neo nodded solemnly. "I know, me too."

"Anyways, I think he can actually court her now since the situation has improved in the clan. No one will dare to cross him anymore."

"Well," Neo scratched his head. It would be safer to wait until the gathering before making a move. Even though they have already taken care of most of the hidden clans, nothing was set in stone yet. "Not yet, Mike."

"Why? It's already been long enough."

"You won't understand even if I try to explain," Neo replied with a bitter smile. Mike wouldn't be able to understand this matter at all with his IQ level.

Mike sighed. "I'm not that stupid."

"But you're quite stupid."

"Are you trying to get on my nerves now?"

"Not at all," Neo rolled his eyes. He looked over to Taka, who was looking at them with a dumbfounded expression. "Go back to work. I'm sure your supervisor didn't pay you to fool around."

"Ah, yes. I'll be going now."

Taka swiftly went to do his job as the errand boy, but he was thinking of the conversation between these two. In the eyes of lower-ranked members, both of them were amazing people, the leaders of the younger generation. This was the first time he realized that these two actually bantered around a lot.

Given the amount of prestige these two had among the lower-ranked members, he had never imagined that they were actually quite normal.

Well, just outside of work.


At this moment, the elevator had arrived. Mike and Neo chose not to follow because they didn't want to bother the two of them. They could rarely meet each other lately, so it was better to let them have all the time they wanted.

"I can see that there are now decorations in the company," Kanae remarked. "Why did you suddenly decorate the company?"

Most of the things there looked the same, but she saw some new decorations. They were mostly things like paintings, photos, mirrors, and plants.

Kevin arched his eyebrows. He didn't know much either as he left the company's matters to Neo now.

"I didn't really pay any attention to the decoration. I leave it all to Neo now."

"Is that so?" Kanae tilted her head. "No wonder that it didn't seem to match your taste."

They made the company seem livelier with lots of color. Considering the way Kevin decorated his office, the two styles didn't seem to match. This man just placed the minimum furniture that he needed without putting anything else inside the room. Even though the colors screamed the word 'elegant,' it was a bit plain overall.

If she had to make a comparison, the company now had a livelier atmosphere with lots of color. The past atmosphere, though, was saying that everyone had to do their work properly.

"What do you think my taste is?"

"Well, something that looks elegant but is generally plain?" Kanae replied questioningly.

"Why is your tone questioning?"

"Well, I'm not sure?"


"We've arrived, let's talk while walking."

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