The Wealthy Psychic Lady: 99 Stolen Kisses

Chapter 994 - Perplexed and Smitten (54)

Chapter 994: Perplexed and Smitten (54)

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

“Young Madam, what do we do with this corpse?”

“Let’s find a crystal coffin and store the corpse inside it first. We’ll wait for the Mysterious Mr. Xiao to come. After all, he mentioned that he wanted to leave it in the museum. Perhaps he also has other requests.”


Upon arriving in Wei Ni Estate, An Xiaoning instructed Auntie Chen to cook her a bowl of lean pork and century egg porridge.

She then headed upstairs to charge her phone and take a shower. Thinking to herself that she would definitely be seeing Hu Xin when she catches Jin Qingyan home later, she sat in front of the dressing table and began putting on some makeup.

The piping-hot bowl of porridge was already ready and served on the table when she arrived downstairs again.

She waited for it to cool down before digging in leisurely.

By the time she finished eating, Fan Shixin was already waiting for her at the door and had also taken a shower. “Young Madam, do you want me to tag along?”

“It’s alright, you must be exhausted from all that traveling we’ve done. Take a break and get some rest. I can handle it on my own. Where does Hu Xin live?”

“The bodyguards said that she lives on 14 Nansi Road in Benyang District.”

“Got it.” She walked out of the door and made her way to the garage with her car keys.

Benyang District was a crowded area where most of the average citizens lived. There were also more apartments available for rent there compared to other areas of the city.

An Xiaoning pulled over at Nansi Road and, clad in a surgical mask, alighted from the car with a transparent umbrella. She then began searching for Hu Xin’s apartment.

There were very few pedestrians on the streets at this time, perhaps because of the rain.

An Xiaoning began walking in the direction of the dim street lamps while looking for the house number at the same time.

The entire stretch consisted of houses for rent, and there was a number sign on each house.

Soon after, she caught sight of a bodyguard who was standing outside the door with an umbrella in hand.

Upon seeing her, the bodyguard quickly strode toward her and greeted, “You’re here, Young Madam.”

“What are they doing inside?”

“I’ve been eavesdropping by the door. Ms. Hu made some noodles for Young Sir and they’re having dinner together now.”

“Okay, I’ll go in to take a look.”

An Xiaoning walked toward the house and handed the umbrella to the bodyguard when she reached the shelter. She then knocked on the door.

“Don’t open the door,” said Henry.

An Xiaoning felt a strong urge to beat him up again.

She suppressed her anger and knocked on the door again. However, there were no signs of anyone coming to answer the door.

An Xiaoning could tell that it was a rented house. She remained quiet, fearing that the people inside would stay silent if they heard her.

She gave the bodyguard some instructions while keeping her voice low, after which the bodyguard took the car keys and left with the umbrella.

She stood there and waited patiently.

She soon heard the sounds of an ongoing conversation, most of which consisted of Hu Xin’s laughter. An Xiaoning did not expect for Hu Xin to be so scheming despite only being in her early twenties.

Half an hour later, the bodyguard returned and handed her the black bag he was holding.

An Xiaoning took it from his hands and told him to hold the torchlight while she took the tools out from the bag, which she then used to dismantle the anti-theft window.

Upon hearing the noises, the pair inside the house thought that it was merely the bodyguard trying to open the locked window. They were not quite bothered by it, thinking to themselves that there was an anti-theft system anyway.

They were both frightened out of their senses the moment they heard the glass being smashed, after which An Xiaoning jumped inside the house through the window.

“What a lunatic,” Henry hissed.

Hu Xin was astonished to see that she had entered.

“There’s an anti-theft window. Just how did you enter?”

An Xiaoning lifted the tools up in the air and said, “I used these, obviously. Or what, did you think I dismantled it with my bare hands?” Needless to say, An Xiaoning wouldn’t let Hu Xin find out about her incredible strength.

Hu Xin shifted her gaze onto the tools in her hands, not quite sure about what to say. “If you wanted to come in, you could’ve just knocked on the door and said something. Why did you have to destroy my window? How am I supposed to sleep here tonight?”

“You don’t have to worry about that, Ms. Hu. I’ve already told my bodyguard to install a new window for you. It’ll be ready very soon. I did try to knock on the door, but you played deaf and ignored me. I was afraid that you wouldn’t answer the door if I made another noise; hence, I decided to do what I did. I heard that you’ve applied for a job as a janitor in Jin Corporation. You really puzzle me.”

“What’s so puzzling about that?”

“It should’ve been easy for you to earn money back when you were working as a hostess at the Night Genie. What’s the point of applying for such a strenuous job at Jin Corporation when the salary is so low?”

Hu Xin answered, “I worked in the Night Genie Bar because I needed money to pay for my grandmother’s medical bills. My grandmother is no longer around now and I do have some savings left that are enough for me to make ends meet. Hence, I obviously want to work an upright job. Although being a janitor doesn’t pay well despite the tough efforts required, it allows me to live each day to its fullest. I really enjoy it. My talents and skills are limited, and I obviously can’t be compared to you, Ms. An. You’re more than a hundred times better than me. However, I’m still who I am. We’re not on the same level, so it’s only normal that you don’t understand the reason for my decisions.”

An Xiaoning smirked widely and said, “It’s good to have self-awareness. However, it really irks me that you’re making yourself so high-sounding while indirectly mocking me. It doesn’t concern me what kind of a person you are. I’m concerned about why you chose to work for the Jin Corporation. Aren’t there so many other companies out there that are offering positions for a janitor?”

“I understand what you mean, Ms. An. However, what makes you think that I’ll be able to claim connections and chase clouts when I’m just a janitor? Whoever I meet and end up with is all because of fate. If you haven’t eaten, please take a seat. I’ll make you some food, Ms. An,” said Hu Xin, who sounded neither arrogant nor inferior.

“I won’t trouble you. I’m a picky eater and have a taste for expensive food. I’m afraid I can’t get used to eating the food that you provide,” An Xiaoning gibed, expressing her disdain toward Hu Xin blatantly.

Hu Xin answered, “Yes, Ms. An, I can’t be compared to you at all. I don’t think my humble abode is sufficient to house someone so coddled like you. Please leave.”

An Xiaoning looked at Henry and questioned coldly, “Are you going to leave out of your own accord or would you like me to bring you away myself?”

Hu Xin could not wrap her head around why An Xiaoning sounded so assertive and controlling toward Jin Qingyan, as if he would really obey her.

“Mr. Jin, I really don’t get it. Since you two are already divorced, why does she still have the power to control you?”

Henry answered, “You should… ask her this question instead. Ms. An, will you please answer her question?”

“There’s nothing much to answer.” An Xiaoning walked toward him. Just as she was about to take his hand, he quickly retracted it. An Xiaoning grabbed his arm straight away and continued, “Because you’re my man and I’m your woman. Who’s going to control you if I don’t? Are other women fit enough to be in my position?”

As much as Henry tried to shrug her hand away, he simply could not do so for she was exceptionally strong. He gave her the side-eye and said, “Move your claws away.”

Smiling, An Xiaoning leaned closer toward him and whispered into his ear, “If you refuse to go back with me, I’ll do you right here, right now.”

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