The Wealthy Psychic Lady: 99 Stolen Kisses

Chapter 958 - Perplexed and Smitten (18)

Chapter 958: Perplexed and Smitten (18)

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

“Don’t say that, CEO Zhou. I believe you’ve already communicated and spoken to Qingyan over the phone before agreeing to meet tonight. You should know if he’s sincere or not. It’s not convenient for us to talk here. I’ll get someone to open a room for us and we shall discuss it there. Will you allow me the honor?”

CEO Zhou was well aware of her status. He was obviously in no place to turn her down.

“We shall do just that then, Ms. An.”

An Xiaoning shot Fan Shixin a glance to give him a cue, after which he immediately excused himself.

An Xiaoning said, “Qingyan took this discussion with you very seriously. That’s why I came along with him. Doesn’t that express our sincerity enough? The bodyguard told me that that woman was being violated and Qingyan decided to be helpful and saved her. I wonder if you know what I do for a living, CEO Zhou?”

“I’ve heard that you’re a psychic fortune-teller.”

“You might not believe in those superstitious beliefs and things, but I do believe in them. I’ll verify personally later whether or not that woman has put a hex on Qingyan.”

CEO Zhou suddenly realized what was going on and immediately said, “I knew CEO Jin was not such a person. We’ve met before at the office and he sounded completely different then than he did just now. I was really confused.”

Fan Shixin came forth, after which the waiter opened a room’s door nearby. They then entered and An Xiaoning said, “Mr. Zhou, please discuss the deal with Shixin. He’s Qingyan’s right-hand man. I’ll go take a look at Qingyan and see what’s going on before coming back here. Okay?”

“Hurry along, then.”

An Xiaoning nodded and turned around with a sullen expression.

After finding the room that Jin Qingyan was in, she opened the door gently.

She felt a huge relief the moment she stepped foot inside.

She was greeted with the sight of Jin Qingyan seated on the couch with a familiar-looking woman sitting on his lap. The woman’s face was as red as a tomato.

Upon the sight of An Xiaoning’s arrival, the woman sprung up from his lap and turned pale immediately.

An Xiaoning closed the door and said with a smirk, “I was wondering why you looked so familiar. Turns out you were the hostess who worked at the Black Genie before. You were the one who sold a video clip to Qingyan at the price of one million dollars, weren’t you?”

Hu Xin was dumbfounded, for she did not expect that An Xiaoning would recognize her. After recovering from the shock, she nodded and spluttered, “Yes… yes.”

An Xiaoning tucked her hair behind her right ear and walked toward Hu Xin while keeping her eyes fixed on her. “Back then, Qingyan asked you if you would return to the Black Genie to work and I still remember the answer you gave very clearly. You said that you would stop working there because you’re still young and have a lot more to accomplish in life. You also said that one million dollars was more than enough for you to repay your debts and foot your grandmother’s medical bills. To be honest, both Qingyan and I had a good impression of you and we thought that you had quite a bit of a backbone. So, could you tell me why you were sitting on my man’s lap just now?”

Although An Xiaoning’s tone was rather mellow, her words seemed just like daggers that pierced through Hu Xin’s heart. Hu Xin could not answer her and remained silent.

“Why aren’t you speaking?” An Xiaoning continued to probe.

At this moment, Jin Qingyan broke his silence and said, “That’s enough. I was the one who made her sit on my lap. Why do you have such a strong opinion?”

Maintaining her composure, An Xiaoning asked, “Why did you let her sit on your lap?”

“Because I like it. What’s wrong?”

“Do you prefer a tender woman or this one?” she asked.

“I like both,” he answered without hesitation.

Hu Xin’s eyes lit up upon hearing his words.

If An Xiaoning were in the dark about the truth, she would have beaten him up into a pulp like she did back in M Nation. However, now that she was aware, she did not feel angry at all and was instead rather sympathetic toward him.

“Since you like her, shall we bring her back to Wei Ni Estate?”

Both Hu Xin and Henry were astounded.

He had no idea what she was up to, or rather, he had no idea what nonsense she was planning to come up with.

He was extremely familiar with An Xiaoning’s appearance, for his mobile phone wallpaper was a photo of her and there were also several portraits of her on the walls of his bedroom. In fact, even his ringtone was a recording of her voice.

He could also tell that Jin Qingyan loved her dearly. However, Jin Qingyan was Jin Qingyan and Henry was Henry. Although he and Jin Qingyan co-exist in the same body simultaneously, he was not in the least bit interested in the petite An Xiaoning at all, let alone loved her.

He was determined not to let her get her wishes, regardless of what she was up to.

“There’s no need for that. I don’t like going back to that place.”

An Xiaoning smiled at him affectionately and said, “That’s your home. Why don’t you like it?”

“Go back first. I don’t wish to see you.”

An Xiaoning squinted and snapped, “You’re just an evil spirit possessing Qingyan. Just what’s your agenda? I was just playing along with you. Do you really take yourself to be Qingyan?”

Upon hearing her words, Hu Xin frantically retreated away from him, staring at him with a look of fear in her eyes.

She too had realized that Jin Qingyan was acting rather differently from the way he did before. She had sensed something unusual and bizarre with his tone and behavior.

Henry snorted with laughter and sneered, “Look how much you’ve scared this lass. If I’m an evil spirit, why don’t you come and subdue me?” Appearing completely dauntless, he added, “Aren’t you psychic? Come and capture me. Hurry, come. An Xiaoning, I’m telling you, you’d better stop your nonsense.”

Upon hearing his words, Hu Xin chimed in, “Yeah, Ms. An, if he’s an evil spirit, chase him away.”

An Xiaoning chuckled and said, “Can’t you take a joke? My lousy gag has successfully frightened Ms. Hu, who was playing dumb.”

If only he was an actual spirit possessing Qingyan. That way, my Qingyan would return once I get rid of the spirit.

Unfortunately, he wasn’t.

Hu Xin was extremely peeved to hear her remark. She inched closer toward Henry and said, “Mr. Jin has already divorced you twice and the both of you are single now. I can tell that Mr. Jin no longer loves you. Ms. An, there’s no point in pestering him any further. I believe you’ll meet a better man.”

An Xiaoning was at the end of her tolerance. She glowered at Hu Xin and snapped coldly, “Who are you to interfere with our relationship? You should have known your place and left the moment I entered this room. Qingyan did save you, but why… are you planning to give yourself to him as a token of gratitude? You’re such an eyesore, get lost.”

Hu Xin glanced at Henry before saying audaciously, “Ms. An, don’t you think you’re being unreasonable by venting all your anger on an outsider like me? If Mr. Jin still had any feelings for you, he wouldn’t have continued to let me stay here. I heard that you were an outstanding woman who has a brilliant mind and scheming tricks up your sleeve. Seems like you didn’t meet my expectations today.”

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