The Wealthy Psychic Lady: 99 Stolen Kisses

Chapter 885 - A Million Times for You (247)

Chapter 885: A Million Times for You (247)

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

He turned to the side with one arm supporting his head and said, “I’m going to M Nation tomorrow.”


“My father went to M Nation to gamble…”

“Your father is so willful. Isn’t S Nation good enough for him? Why don’t you just send some people to bring him back?”

“I’m not finished yet. He went to the largest casino in M Nation and even provoked the local mafia boss. I have to settle it for him.”

“Shall I go with you?”

He held her hand and said, “It’s alright, I can handle it myself. Wait for me at home.”

Fang Erlan happened to be filming her scenes when her grandmother slipped into a critical condition.

However, Fang Erlan had no choice but to finish filming her scenes before leaving.

Due to the fact that she was genuinely feeling devastated, she incorporated her true emotions into the tear-jerking scenes that she was supposed to act out. As a result, there were no bad takes at all, greatly pleasing the director.

When changing out of her costume, the first thing she thought about was what her grandmother had said to her a few days ago. Hence, she decided to look for Jing Shui.

Jing Shui was the only one who could help her.

Fang Erlan ran to the film set and quietly pulled him aside before asking, “Can you follow me to the hospital?”

“I don’t have time now…” said Jing Shui, who really wanted to accompany her but unfortunately had too much work on his hands.

Fang Erlan had no idea who else she could look for. Tears welled up in her eyes as she answered feebly, “It doesn’t matter…”

She was not the type to compel others against their wishes.

She took a look at the time and hurriedly scurried toward the nanny van.

Her grandmother was waiting for her when she finally arrived at the hospital. She stepped forward and greeted her.

Fang Erlan’s grandmother was completely drained from battling her illness and was now on her very last breath. Her condition was critical and not in the least bit optimistic at all.

“Erlan…” Upon seeing her granddaughter, she struggled to open her eyes and raised her hand slowly.

Fang Erlan held her grandmother’s hand and said, “I’m here, Grandma. Is there anything you’d like to say?”

“What I want is to see you getting married and bearing children, but I won’t live to see that day. Erlan, once I’m gone, you must live well…”

Tears and mucus began to flow from Fang Erlan’s eyes and nose. Choking in between sobs, she said, “No, Grandma, don’t leave me. I won’t let you go.”

“I don’t want to leave either. I’ve yet to see my precious granddaughter in a beautiful wedding gown…”

At this moment, the door of the hospital ward opened, and in came a tall and handsome man who had turned heads in the ward. Upon the sight of Yan Ge, Fang Erlan immediately grabbed his hand and said to her grandmother, “Grandma, this is my boyfriend. I haven’t had the time to tell you about him.”

The elderly lady smiled and asked, “Really?”

Fang Erlan nodded and said, “Yes, he pampers and dotes on me a lot.”

She cocked her head sideways to look at Yan Ge and said, “Right?”

Seemingly understanding her intentions, Yan Ge nodded and said, “Yes, I’ll be good to Erlan from now on. Rest assured, Grandma.”

The elderly lady nodded with a smile as her breath began to quicken. Finally, she breathed her last breath and passed on, leaving the sobbing Fang Erlan deep in anguish and misery.

Fang Erlan laid her head on her grandmother’s body and began bawling loudly. On the other hand, her son and daughter-in-law were much less emotional and affected.

Fang Erlan’s father carried his mother’s corpse and prepared to go home.

Not wishing for her family members to get the wrong idea and bring about trouble for Yan Ge, Fang Erlan clarified, “Thank you for helping me out and letting my grandma go in peace.”

“Is he not your boyfriend?” Mrs. Fang asked.

“No, we’re just colleagues.” Fang Erlan then looked at Yan Ge and said, “I’m very grateful that you came to see my grandmother, but it’s time you return to the set. Help me apply for a day’s leave too. I”ll return after the funeral.”

Noticing the agony on her face, Yan Ge handed her some tissue paper and said, “My condolences.”

Grief-stricken, Fang Erlan nodded and wiped her face with the tissue paper before turning around to leave.

When Yan Ge returned, Xiao Li asked in puzzlement, “Brother, why did you visit her grandmother at the hospital?”

“Do you have a problem with that?”

“No, I just… don’t get it.”

“What do you not understand?”

“You had an awful expression on your face when you heard that she had asked Co-director Jing to accompany her to the hospital. Afterward, you even followed her there… although she didn’t ask you to at all.”

Yan Ge closed his eyes and said, “She just didn’t dare to ask me, for fear that I would reject her.”

“I think so too, actually. If she asked for your help, you would have very likely rejected her.”

“Is that so? We’re colleagues, I’d agree to help her with such a situation.”

“Brother, do we return to the set straight?”

“No, I won’t be going there today. I’ll make a trip home instead,” said Yan Ge upon recalling his mother’s words.


As soon as Yan Ge arrived home, he was greeted with the sight of his matchmaking partner, Xin Min, and her parents.

Yan Ge’s parents were in the midst of a joyous conversation with them. Upon his arrival, Mrs. Yan hurriedly said, “Son, your Uncle and Auntie have been here for a long while. Why are you home so late?”

“I was busy filming,” he answered while taking a seat.

“Your father and I were discussing your engagement with Xin Min’s parents. Son, roughly when will filming for this television series end?”

“We still have about two more months to go before filming ends. It’ll take even more time for the series to air because of the post-production procedures. Filming takes longer for television series.”

“How long will that be, then?”

“I’m not too sure, but it’ll take several months at the very least.”

After some thought, Mrs. Yan said, “How about we arrange for you and Xin Min to get married on the 1st of May next year? There’ll be more than enough time then. Perhaps by then, the television series would have finished airing. Take this time to get to know each other better and interact more often. Old Xin, what do you think?”

Mr. Xin nodded and said, “That works for me. How about you, Honey?”

“The 1st of May next year is a good date. It’s settled then,” said Mrs. Xin.

“Alright, sure. Since it’s settled, Old Yan and I shall send the betrothal gifts over to your place soon.”

Mrs. Yan was over the moon, for she had always been worried about her 33-year-old son’s marriage. However, she had been trying not to pressure him, for fear that she would get in the way of his acting career. Now that he had already made a name for himself, why should he wait any longer to get married?

Coincidentally, there happened to be a girl who was compatible with Yan Ge in terms of socio-economic background, and she was to the liking of Mrs. Yan. Hence, she thought it would be a good choice for him to settle down.

Yan Ge remained silent throughout, for he did not have much of an opinion about the engagement. He had also interacted with Xin Min previously and found that she was rather gentle and kind-hearted. Moreover, she was the ideal daughter-in-law for his mother.

After working in the entertainment industry for so long, he yearned to have a wife who did not belong to the industry.

He could not help but feel a strange sense of melancholy now that he was finally engaged.

Perhaps it was mainly because he and Xin Min were not truly in love with each other.

He constantly reminded himself that he was not getting any younger and was way past the age of marrying for the sake of love. Hence, he ought to find a woman who’s educated, knowledgeable, kind-hearted, and understanding. It so happened that Xin Min fit that criteria too. He decided not to hold high hopes for love, for that was a feeling that only young men in their twenties should feel.

It’s not like he had never been in a relationship before anyway.

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