The Wealthy Psychic Lady: 99 Stolen Kisses

Chapter 858 - A Million Times for You (220)

Chapter 858: A Million Times for You (220)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Staring at her earnestly, Jin Qingyan said, “That’s just human nature. What matters most is that you enjoy yourself in this lifetime.”

She leaned against his shoulder while they cuddled together quietly.

There were scenes to be filmed for the entire night.

Fang Erlan and Yan Ge had already built a strong chemistry with each other after filming together for such a long time.

Both of them were extremely professional and allowed the scenes to be filmed smoothly.

After Fang Erlan was done filming at about six o’clock in the morning, she dozed off straight away on the chair in the makeup room.

The makeup artist removed her makeup and called softly, “Erlan?”

“Yes…” she murmured.

“Go back to your room.”

“Alright,” said Fang Erlan, who remained still nonetheless.

Xiao Yue was also beyond exhausted. “Sis Erlan, let’s go, let’s return to the room.”

She then struggled to get up on her feet and said, “Xiao Yue, I’m hungry.”

“The breakfast bistro should be open by now. Shall I go get you some breakfast?”


Although Xiao Yue was tired and weary, she decided to wake herself up and buy some breakfast for the famished Fang Erlan, who did not have anything to eat throughout filming last night. She did not want her to get too hungry and wait ’til the afternoon to eat.

Fang Erlan then walked back to her own room on an unsteady gait.

The moment she exited the elevator, she saw a young girl wearing a mask standing in front of Yan Ge’s room.

Upon the sight of her, the girl immediately asked, “Is Yan Ge back yet?”

Needless to say, Fang Erlan wouldn’t tell her about his whereabouts casually, unless she was his relative or close friend.

“How are you related to him?”

The girl was momentarily stunned and said, “I’m a friend of his.”

“Since you’re his friend, why don’t you just call him straight?”

“I couldn’t get through to him.”

Fang Erlan whipped out her phone and dialed Yan Ge’s number. The call went through quickly and she said, “There’s a woman waiting for you outside your door. She claims to be your friend and even lied about being unable to reach you on your mobile phone. That’s all.”

She then ended the call and went back inside her own room.

She sprawled herself across the bed and closed her eyes immediately.

Xiao Yue only returned with breakfast an hour later.

It was almost daybreak.

“The breakfast bistro only started operating for the day when I arrived, so I had to wait for them to prepare the food. Here, Sis Erlan.”

“Thank you, Xiao Yue.” She struggled to sit up and took the food from her hands before digging in with her eyes half-closed.

After having her fill, she proceeded to wash up in the bathroom.

Meanwhile, Xiao Yue returned to her own room to get some rest.

Fang Erlan stepped onto the balcony and took a glance at the room adjacent to hers. The room was brightly lit, and the curtains were drawn shut, not leaving an inch of gap at all.

Who was that woman who was looking for him?

She didn’t seem like an ordinary friend. Could she be his girlfriend?

If she was his girlfriend, why didn’t she dare to call him?

Or was she his ex-girlfriend?

That’s very likely, actually. Yan Ge is already 33 years old anyway, not 23. It’s only normal to have an ex-girlfriend.

Fang Erlan went back to bed to catch up on some sleep.

The sky had already turned gloomy by the time she woke up again.

She woke up feeling energized and rejuvenated.

She took a look at her watch and realized that it was one o’clock in the afternoon.

She took a shower and put on a surgical mask before heading to the fitting room.

The stylist handed her the set of costumes she would have to don for filming today and instructed her to change into it before getting her hair and makeup done.

Upon arriving at the makeup room, she noticed that Yan Ge was not around and thus asked, “Has Senior Yan Ge arrived yet?”

“Not yet.”

Fang Erlan eased herself into the seat, after which Xiao Yue whispered into her ear, “I saw him entering his room together with a young girl when I went out to buy breakfast this morning. Is she the girlfriend he’s secretly dating?”

“No idea.”

“I think that must be the case. Who’d believe that he doesn’t have a girlfriend? He probably just didn’t make his relationship public for fear that the media and his fans would make a big hoo-ha about it.”

Fang Erlan remained quiet, hoping that there wouldn’t be news of the male lead having a girlfriend being leaked before the television series was to begin airing.

It would be detrimental to the television series.

Ever since she was shamed on media platforms by Jing Yang, there were several fans of his leaving malicious comments on her Weibo page even until now.

After having her makeup done, Fang Erlan headed to the buffet restaurant for lunch together with Xiao Yue.

She happened to bump into the director, Jing Tian.

Jing Tian instructed, “We’re planning to film in the ancient town today and we’ll be staying there for two nights. Please prepare your personal belongings and bring along whatever’s necessary.”

“Director, why aren’t we filming here instead?”

“The ancient town fits the scenario described in the original story better, so we decided to go there instead.”


Fang Erlan instructed Xiao Yue to bring along the necessary items, after which they boarded their nanny van and followed the production team to the film set.

The ancient town was a stone’s throw away from the television studio.

It was, in fact, just another filming location that was ideal for the filming of period and historical dramas.

After the production team arrived, Fang Erlan and Xiao Yue alighted. However, Yan Ge’s nanny van was nowhere in sight.

They decided to enter the house first, after which they were assigned to their respective rooms. Fang Erlan would be sharing a room with Xiao Yue. However, Fang Erlan shivered involuntarily the moment they entered their allocated room and could not help but find it rather eerie, perhaps because it was an ancient house.

The room was rather clean and did not have much furniture.

Xiao Yue put her bag down and said, “Sis, I’ll go get some blankets.”

“Alright, go ahead.”

“Erlan, we’re conducting the praying ceremony now. Hurry,” said Jing Shui.

“Alright, coming!”

It was a standard rule to pray to the gods and wandering spirits around the area before beginning filming at the location.

Fang Erlan finally saw Yan Ge, who was holding some joss sticks in his hand before even changing into his costume.

She walked toward him and asked, “Who was that girl in front of your door this morning?”

He glared at her and said, “Don’t ask about things you’re not supposed to know.”

Fang Erlan had nothing to say and instead proceeded to pray and offer joss sticks.

After the praying session, the crew members began setting up the equipment and prepared for filming to begin.

Fang Erlan sat in her chair to read her script and unintentionally chanced upon the sight of the young woman she had seen in the morning.

She was no longer wearing a mask and her features could be seen clearly. Although she was standing at a distance away, Fang Erlan could tell that the young girl was in her early twenties. She had delicate and striking features and was rather pleasant-looking.

Fang Erlan looked at Yan Ge who, was reading his script, and discovered that he did not seem to notice that the girl was staring at him.

She did not bother reminding him either, thinking to herself that he might be aware of the girl’s presence.

Noticing that they were about to be cued soon, she put her script down and said, “Let’s rehearse our lines.”

He expressed assent and proceeded to rehearse with her.

The scene was to be filmed in the water.

Jing Tian had checked the pond beforehand and found that it was of an appropriate depth measuring about two meters.

Fang Erlan did not require a stunt double since she could swim.

However, Jing Tian nonetheless decided to arrange for divers to be on set inside the pool as a safety precaution.

After rehearsing his lines, Yan Ge proceeded to get changed and have his makeup done.

The equipment and backdrops were all set up properly.

Filming commenced officially.

The supporting female lead fell into the water by accident and called for help, after which Fang Erlan scurried toward the pond from afar and plunged into the water without hesitation to pull her toward the shore. The supporting actress then kicked Fang Erlan’s chin when they were getting out of the water. Although she was supposed to only kick Fang Erlan lightly, the latter felt immense pain in her chin and fell back into the pond.

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