The Wealthy Psychic Lady: 99 Stolen Kisses

Chapter 791 - A Million Times for You (153)

Chapter 791: A Million Times for You (153)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

As soon as An Xiaoning finished speaking, No. 5 and No. 8 leaped up at the sight of a loud explosion erupting nearby, accompanied with flares that shot up to the sky, instantly lighting up the surrounding area.

Shrieks of terror could be heard coming from the affected area.

“What… is going on?” No. 5 cocked his head toward the side and asked, “Sis, is someone killing himself on purpose? If that’s the case, he may jolly well die alone. Why does he have to get others involved!?!”

An Xiaoning, too, found it to be extremely sudden, to the extent that it was rather intimidating and terrifying. One would be bound to feel somber when a disaster happens.

She stared at the steering wheel and continued in her path while driving past slowly.

Due to the fact that there was a long stretch of cars behind them, it was rather difficult to find a spot to pull over along the road. Hence, An Xiaoning decided to park her car in a car park and alighted soon after.

Her bodyguards followed suit.

The three of them began walking toward the scene of the explosion, only to discover that there were strong burning smells in the air, which intensified the nearer they got to the fire.

The firefighting team and the police had made their way to the scene in no time. After all, the accident happened in the city center and it would definitely make it onto the news. The civil servants would be reprimanded if there were any delay.

Hence, they managed to put out the fire in the shortest possible time.

This time, four cars were involved in the accident, for the impact of the first car had affected the three other ones in front of it.

By the time the fire had been extinguished, all that was left of the cars were metal scraps.

Thick fumes were spreading into the air, and the scene could not be seen clearly in the pitch darkness.

There was a massive crowd of onlookers, none of whom dared to take a step closer.

An Xiaoning was standing closer to the front. Once the thick fumes began to dissipate, she squinted and caught sight of a woman who was dressed in green.

She walked out of the debris of the black car.

Soon, the woman vanished without a trace.

Despite having only caught a glimpse of the woman, An Xiaoning had managed to see her features clearly.

Her face was as pale as flour, and her features were delicate. She was truly expressionless.

An Xiaoning could not tell if she was wearing an ancient costume or if she was really from ancient times.

It was not as simple as a mere traffic accident.

An Xiaoning turned around and said to her bodyguards, “Let’s go.”

Once they got inside the car, No. 5 asked, “Why did the owner of the black car do that? If he or she really wanted to die, he could have just committed suicide in a quiet place. Why did he have to harm others too?”

“Exactly. It’s just like those people who attempt to jump to their death and end up killing the person they land on. One should just kill themselves at home with poison if they’re looking to die, instead of implicating the innocent,” No. 8 chimed in.

“The driver of that car was innocent,” An Xiaoning said while revving the engine and driving slowly.

Her words had shocked them greatly.

“What? Sis, why would you say that?”

“When the crowd was looking on earlier, I saw a woman drifting out of the black car.”

The two of them looked at each other in shock and dismay. “Could it be the owner of the car?”


They arrived at the Gu family mansion after a smooth ride. Upon the sight of An Xiaoning, who alighted from the car, Gu Beicheng heaved a sigh of relief and said, “I saw the news report about a major traffic accident near the junction earlier, which involved four cars colliding into each other. I wanted to give you a call because I was afraid that you have been affected.”

“There was indeed a major car accident. The car in front of me lost control and beat the headlights, resulting in an accident. Actually, the accident wouldn’t have happened in the first place. The driver was being manipulated,” An Xiaoning said in a tone of seriousness.

“What do you mean?” Gu Beicheng asked in puzzlement.

“The driver was possessed by a spirit. It’s getting late, let’s go now.”

Gu Beicheng nodded and said, “Let’s go.”

They set off from the Gu family mansion in two separate cars and began driving toward the city museum.

The museum was located in the suburbs of the city, and it did not require much time to reach their destination.

No. 5 and No. 8 were told by An Xiaoning to wait at the museum entrance.

It was a private museum that did not belong to the government. The items exhibited were all cherished collections curated by tycoons.

An Xiaoning and Gu Beicheng were brought inside personally by the museum curator.

“We found that skeleton by chance at a construction. We’re acquainted with the managers, and they thus allowed us to visit the site. We then discovered that the coffin was completely intact and devoid of damage. There was an inner chamber, and we thought that there would be something inside since the coffin seemed to have come from an ancient period. The deceased was probably someone who had died centuries ago. After opening the coffin, we discovered that there was only a jade bangle that Mr. Gu had then acquired. Later on, we handled the skeleton appropriately,” the curator explained.

“Where was that construction site?”

“Within the vicinity of Mount Nanshan.”

Under the curator’s guidance, they finally arrived at the area where skeletons and corpses were being kept.

When they approached a glass cabinet, the curator said, “It’s this one.”

An Xiaoning and Gu Beicheng looked over to see that there was a petite skeleton inside the cabinet. An Xiaoning immediately had a hunch that the skeleton belonged to her incarnate from her previous lifetime.

She became much more convinced that her conjecture was right.

“Mister, I’d like to bring this skeleton back with me to bury it.”

“Why?” the curator asked in bewilderment.

“This skeleton belongs to… my ancestor.”

“Yes, that bangle is proof,” said Gu Beicheng.

The curator had no idea what kind of logic that was. However, he decided to adhere to their request upon noticing how much they wanted to take it away.

No one would randomly acknowledge their ancestor out of the blue, right? he thought to himself.

After packing the skeleton into a bag, the curator handed it to An Xiaoning, who then thanked him sincerely.

Once they got inside the car, An Xiaoning handed the bag to No. 5 and said, “Hold this.”

“Sis, what’s inside?”

“I’ll tell you when we’re home,” said An Xiaoning.

Ignorance was bliss.

An Xiaoning headed to Wei Ni Estate. Due to the fact that she had given him a call beforehand, Jin Qingyan was already waiting for her by the entrance when she arrived.

She took the bag from No. 5 and stopped him and No. 8 from alighting. “Wait for me in the car.”

She walked toward Jin Qingyan with the bag in her hands and handed it to him. “I have a feeling that this skeleton belongs to my incarnate from our previous lifetime. Get someone to restore the features and sketch a simulation to verify it. If it really belongs to me, cremate it and bury the ashes together with yours. After all, your incarnate didn’t get to be with mine even after he was dead.”

Jin Qingyan took it from her hands and said, “Alright.”

Without uttering another word, she returned to her car and drove away.

“Sis… what was inside that bag?” No. 5 asked again.

“The skeleton of a woman.”

“Ah!!!” No. 5 shrieked in terror. Although he had been through arduous training from a young age and had even taken several lives, he could not help but get the chills. The thought of being in such close proximity with a corpse sent shivers down his spine, despite how death was not a taboo to him.

An Xiaoning burst into laughter and said, “It’s fine, it’s just some bones. You’ll get used to it once you’ve carried a few more. You’re way too timid. Seems like you have to train more.”

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