The Wealthy Psychic Lady: 99 Stolen Kisses

Chapter 747 - A Million Times for You (109)

Chapter 747: A Million Times for You (109)

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

“Yes, he’s Director Jing’s younger brother. They recruited him at the last minute. I heard that he’s very competent and has received various accolades for the productions he had filmed previously.”

“Brother, the Director would like you two to go to the makeup room now,” said Xiao Li, interrupting their conversation.

“Got it.” Yan Ge picked up the script and said, “Seems like we don’t have time to rehearse. Let’s go.”

Fang Erlan picked hers up and proceeded to the makeup room together with him.

While they were having their makeup done, Jing Tian explained to them in detail the pointers to look out for during the filming of the scenes, which would be taking place in the afternoon. Yan Ge was pleased with how meticulous and precise Jing Tian was in his explanation for each scene.

By the time Jing Tian had finished speaking, they were almost done with the makeup. After changing into their costumes, they exited from the dressing room, only to be greeted with the sight of a tall man standing next to Jing Tian. He had bushy brows and big eyes, and he resembled Jing Tian a little.

“This is Jing Shui, the new co-director who has just returned from abroad to join our team,” Jing Tian introduced, refraining from mentioning the fact that Jing Shui was his brother.

“Hello, nice to meet you,” Yan Ge took the initiative to greet him with a handshake.

“Nice to meet you.” Jing Shui subconsciously reached his hand out to Fang Erlan, who shook his hand courteously.

They formally greeted each other.

Somehow, Fang Erlan felt that there was something peculiar with the way Jing Shui was looking at her, though she was not sure if she was reading too much into things.

They proceeded to the film set, after which Yan Ge’s scene was filmed first. When Fang Erlan was sitting on the chair to wait for her turn, Xiao Yue sneakily slid her a piece of note.

“What’s this?”

“Sis, this is from the new co-director.”

She opened it to see that there was a string of numbers written on the note, which seemed to be a mobile number.

Fang Erlan turned to look in the direction of the camera, only to see that Jing Shui was smiling at her. Although he was dashing and suave, Fang Erlan felt a strange shiver down her spine.

She had a bad impression of Jing Shui, though she was unsure if she was simply reading too much into things or if she was traumatized by the director of the previous film she starred in, who tried to violate her. However, she still saved his contact number into her mobile phone. After all, there was no harm in doing so since he was the co-director of the television series and the brother of Jing Tian.

Shortly after she had saved his number, she immediately received a text message from him.

She opened the text message, which read: “I’m treating everyone to a meal after filming ends tonight. Would you like to come along too?”

Thinking that everyone else would be present, Fang Erlan agreed.

Yan Ge proceeded to film the second scene, which Fang Erlan was involved in, right after he finished filming his first scene.

The two of them rehearsed their lines once more before beginning.

“Erlan, this is a mild-mannered female pony, which we specially chose for you. Get on top of her and try riding for a bit while I guide you,” said Jing Tian, walking toward them while holding onto the pony’s leash.


The pony was indeed very tame and docile. Fang Erlan could sense its temperament while riding it.

Even when it was galloping around, it would go about it in a calm and unhurried manner, causing Fang Erlan to find it to be extremely well behaved.

She had picked it up, more or less, after practicing for a few rounds.

The crew member clapped the clapperboard while the rest of the team got into their respective positions.

“1, 2, 3… action!” Jing Tian cued.

Fang Erlan sat on the pony and gripped onto the reins tightly with both hands. She began saying her lines to Yan Ge, who was beside her, and they both got into their roles quickly.

After saying her lines, she whipped the pony, which then strutted forward. The entire process was rather smooth.

Just as they were in the midst of a smooth filming procedure, the pony neighed loudly all of a sudden and began sprinting toward a certain direction, causing Fang Erlan to shriek in terror.

Greatly taken aback, Jing Tian immediately instructed the crew members to chase the pony, in a bid to tame it.

Yan Ge immediately yelled, “Fang Erlan, grip onto the reins tightly!”

Pangs of panic and anxiety engulfed Fang Erlan, who turned as pale as a sheet, feeling as if her heart was about to jump out of her chest. She was frightened out of her wits and held onto the reins for dear life.

The film set was at the foot of a mountain within the television studio. The terrorized pony strutted onto the sidewalk and began galloping toward the peak of the mountain. The crew members hurriedly alighted from the car and began chasing the pony.

Yan Ge hurriedly whipped his horse and took chase as well.

Soon, the crew members could no longer catch up with the horses.

Fang Erlan squeezed her legs tightly around the pony’s stomach as she began to feel nauseated from the rocky ride. She felt as if she was about to throw up the undigested bits of her lunch. After having galloped for a long distance, the pony gradually began to slow down its pace and finally came to a halt when it reached a jungle.

Fang Erlan then got down from the pony and began throwing up immediately.

Yan Ge immediately tied his horse and the pony’s reins around a tree trunk and squatted down beside her. Patting her on her back, he asked worriedly, “Do you feel better?”

“Yeah…” Fang Erlan answered, feeling dizzy and extremely uncomfortable.

“Everything’s fine now.”

She stood up on unsteady feet and almost fell onto the ground again. However, Yan Ge hurriedly extended his arm and prevented her from falling in the nick of time.

Fang Erlan thanked him and waited patiently for the other crew members to arrive.

They sat beside each other on a withered tree root to take a break. Fang Erlan gradually felt better.

“Do you find something unusual with the new co-director?”

“Unusual? How?” he asked in puzzlement.

“Maybe I was reading too much into things, but I feel like he’s different from Jing Tian. When he looks at me… I don’t know how to explain it, but it just feels different,” Fang Erlan explained.

“Don’t tell me… you think that he has fallen in love with you at first sight?”

Fang Erlan blushed red immediately as soon as she heard his words and felt an urge to bury herself underground. “I didn’t say that.”

He did not say anything else and waited quietly for the crew members.

Half an hour later, everyone returned to the film set.

After gargling some water to rinse her mouth, Fang Erlan heard from a crew member that the pony was frightened and sent into a frenzy because it had stepped onto a sharp nail.

Fang Erlan and Yan Ge continued with the filming after taking an hour’s break, so as to avoid jeopardizing the filming schedule.

It was successful in the end.

Fang Erlan filmed two scenes in one go and returned to the hotel to take a bath and get some rest after having her makeup removed.

“Sis Erlan, I didn’t dare to tell you this earlier, but the director turned pale immediately after the pony went berserk. He was obviously frightened. Fortunately, you’re unharmed.”

“I know. Filming would be affected if I get injured.”

Noticing that she had a facial mask on and was about to go to sleep, Xiao Yue reminded her, “Sis, did you forget about the dinner with the new co-director tonight?”

“I didn’t. It’s still early now, isn’t it? Yan Ge’s third scene is to be filmed at night. The dinner will probably only commence after Yan Ge is done with his scene. I’ll take a nap now first. Wake me up when they call you.”

Xiao Yue agreed upon seeing how tired she was.

Fang Erlan took a nap for more than two hours straight, after which Xiao Yue woke her up.

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