The Wealthy Psychic Lady: 99 Stolen Kisses

Chapter 742 - A Million Times for You (104)

Chapter 742: A Million Times for You (104)

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

“How do you think I should show my gratitude?”

“Sis, you should just fulfill his wishes.”

“No,” An Xiaoning immediately refused.

There were too many things he wanted!

No way could she satisfy every single one of them.

Seemingly having guessed something, Mei Yangyang said, “I’m not asking you to give yourself to him. What I meant was, you can continue to live with him amicably and harmoniously. Make happiness your priority, and just go ahead with doing whatever you two enjoy doing. Developing a cordial relationship with him would be advantageous to Yiheng too.”

An Xiaoning agreed with what she said.

They soon grew sluggish after basking in the comforting warmth of the sun. An Xiaoning was left alone on the couch after Long Tianze called Mei Yangyang to go home.

An Xiaoning lay flat on the couch with her eyes closed and only opened them when a shadow landed across her face.

She looked him in the eye and remarked, “Why didn’t you make a sound at all?”

“I did it on purpose. I thought you were asleep.”

An Xiaoning sat up straight and said, “Take a seat, let’s have a chat.”

Jin Qingyan sat down beside her excitedly and asked, “What would you like to chat about?”

“How do you plan to let me appear in public sometime later?”

“Do you already have plans of your own?” he asked in a deep yet mellow voice.

“No, when I asked you that question moments ago, an idea popped up in my head. Maybe you don’t have to intentionally make arrangements. When I feel like stepping out of the house in the future, I’ll just do it openly. I’ve thought about it before. Wearing a mask when I’m out may help conceal my identity, though not for long. Many netizens have been speculating that I’m already dead and I think only a few people have received the video of my ‘execution.’ The public probably doesn’t know if I’m dead or alive and are merely making guesses based on the fact that I was held hostage, so I don’t think it’d be inappropriate if I just show up in public one day. I don’t feel like explaining much either, people can see it for themselves. The reason I could show up in front of everyone again is that I had been saved, isn’t it?”

“Even if you don’t feel like explaining yourself, you might just be compelled to do it in the end. Gossip is a fearful thing. The more you don’t wish others to find out about something, the further they would try and probe. For the time being, I’ll release some news to say that you had had a close shave with death and managed to escape on your own. That would benefit both you and me. The DK Organization must already know that I was the one who saved you. I’m afraid they’ve already blacklisted the Jin Corporation. If we declare openly that I was the one who rescued you, we’re bound to be resented globally. Don’t forget, there is more than one terrorist organization all over the world. Those terrorists absolutely detest people like me. We ought to avoid provoking them whenever we can. I don’t wish to stir any trouble, though I’m not intimidated at all.”

“We’ll go ahead with your suggestion then. When I was first sent to R Nation by Xu Baizhi, I stayed in a motel for one night. That night, I dreamed of us…” said An Xiaoning, hugging her knees.

“What happened in the dream?”

Recalling the scenario in the dream she had, An Xiaoning answered, “I was less than ten years old during the dream, and I was dressed in prisoner’s clothes. There were chains shackled around my ankles, and I was walking along the streets barefooted with the soldiers holding me down. I was freezing and starving while you were standing in the crowd. You were a teenager then and looked exactly like what Yiheng would look like when he turns fourteen. You were dressed in a set of white clothing and staring at me coldly. I don’t know why but my face was covered in tears when I woke up. I guess this must be a recollection from our previous life.”

“I’ve never dreamed of that before,” said Jin Qingyan, who was rather upset to hear her description.

“It’s rather incredible that you managed to dream of the scene of me and Pei Yi sunbathing on the rooftop. Jin Qingyan, Yangyang said that she’s never seen such a manly and heroic side to you before. She thinks I should thank you properly. How would you like me to express my gratitude?”

“No form of gratitude can be better than giving me your love.”

An Xiaoning remained silent, as if she had not heard him at all.

He did not probe further and continued to bask in the sun beside her.


Ding-Dong… Ding-Dong…

The doorbell rang several times before Ling Ciye and Jin Qingyue woke up from their afternoon nap. They took a look at the surveillance camera monitor to see that it was Shi Shaochuan and Jin Bao’er.

Jin Qingyue had no idea how Shi Shaochuan had managed to enter the estate and decided not to open the door, thinking to herself that he must have come to stir trouble.

To her surprise, Shi Shaochuan did not leave and instead began yelling at her door, “Jin Qingyue, don’t think I don’t know that you’re at home just because you refuse to open the door. Open up.”

Jin Qingyue had no choice but to open the door. As soon as she saw her detestable ex-husband, she snapped, “I was in the midst of taking an afternoon nap. What are you here for?”

“Bao’er said she misses you and wants to see you, so I brought her here. I may have her full custody but you’re her biological mother. You can’t possibly ignore Bao’er’s request to see you or give her the cold shoulder, can you?” said Shi Shaochuan, who clearly had an ulterior motive for bringing Jin Bao’er to her.

“Bao’er is closer to you and she was bent on living with you while she was under my care. How could she possibly miss me now? Shi Shaochuan, I’ve already given the child to you. If you’re thinking of wreaking havoc in my life, I’m afraid you’ll be disappointed,” said Jin Qingyue, clearly not believing him.

Shi Shaochuan then looked down and said to Jin Bao’er, “Did you see that? Your mother thinks you’re a burden now because she has a new husband. I was right, wasn’t I? She doesn’t want you at all.”

Boiling with anger, Jin Qingyue snapped and gave Shi Shaochuan a tight slap across his face, catching him off guard.

He glared at Jin Qingyue menacingly and bellowed, “How dare you hit me!?!”

“I just did. You shameless scum! When I still had the rights to Bao’er’s custody, you manipulated her time and time again and even instigated her to kill us by leaving the gas stove on. You went toe-to-toe against me for her custody and I gave it to you, yet now you’re here again to stir trouble. Shi Shaochuan, you’re bloody repulsive! I’m utterly disgusted by you!” Jin Qingyue hollered in exasperation.

As soon as she finished speaking, she slammed the door shut without hesitation, leaving Shi Shaochuan and Jin Bao’er outside.

Jin Qingyue returned inside to see that Ling Ciye was looking at her in amusement.

Recalling the words she had just said, she leaped onto Ling Ciye and wrapped herself around his body before saying gently, “I only dared to do that because I knew you were at home. You gave me the courage to do so.”

“About Bao’er, can you really bear to…?” said Ling Ciye, walking back inside with his arms around her waist.

“I can’t bear to. She’s my flesh and blood whom I gave birth to and raised single-handedly. However, I can’t have the best of both worlds. I’ve once thought of trying to let you two live together with me harmoniously, but she only ever listens to her father’s instructions. If I allow myself to be soft-hearted and give in, it’d be too late to regret when she really does something outrageous. In order to avoid taking that risk, I decided that I have to stay firm to my decision and toughen up. I’m not going to stop seeing her completely, she’s still my daughter after all. I’ll just take her out for meals and play with her occasionally in the future, but I won’t let her become a threat to your safety and existence anymore.”

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