The Wealthy Psychic Lady: 99 Stolen Kisses

Chapter 711 - A Million Times for You (73)

Chapter 711: A Million Times for You (73)

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

It wasn’t a carriage, since there was no cage.

She just went forward barefooted with the chains around her legs weighing heavily on her.

Looking at the clothing of the audience that was gathered around, she saw that everyone was dressed in branded clothes and shoes. She looked back at herself, who was clad in her thin prisoner clothing and was freezing ’til her face was shaking badly.

Yet, she had no form of power to resist at all.

An Xiaoning was like a spirit watching all these unfold from one side. As she watched on, she felt like she was heading toward the small figure and entering her body.

She felt pain all over and was hungry and thirsty. Her legs hurt until she could no longer move ahead.

As she walked on, her gaze landed on a corner of the audience.

There was a figure standing with folded arms.

With a white robe on and handsome features, the figure looked at her with a cold gaze.

Jin Qingyan looked like a version of Yiheng that was fourteen or fifteen years old.

When An Xiaoning met Jin Qingyan, she was twenty-two while he was twenty-five. In real life, it was not possible for them to have met at such a young age.

Surveying her surroundings, she realized that it seemed like a scene from their previous lives.

This dream had An Xiaoning’s face overflowing with tears when she woke up.

“Wow, you have a sharp mouth when you’re awake but you actually cried out of fear because of a dream?” Xu Baizhi’s voice pierced through her ears.

An Xiaoning did not bother to explain and allowed her to think whatever she wanted. She did not have the freedom to wipe her own tears either.

Xu Baizhi dragged her up. “We’re leaving.”

An Xiaoning thought that the skies were bright already, but as she looked out the window, she realized it was still pitch dark.

“What time is it?”

“Past 4 am.” Xu Baizhi asked, “Do you need the toilet?”


“I still have to wait for you.”

An Xiaoning did not answer and slowly headed toward the bathroom.

After she was done, they went out of the inn together.

There were only the two of them.

The hypnotist was probably not following them anymore.

“Where is this?”

“What are you asking so many questions for?” Xu Baizhi was obviously displeased.

“Xu Baizhi, you brought me to this damn place and are giving me to someone. No matter what, my teacher had helped you before, but you’re still so bent on seeing me die here? You’re about the same age as me and is a woman as well, why are you so wicked?”

“R Nation,” Xu Baizhi replied coldly. “I have no choice myself either. My leader had said that if I hand you over, I can be free. So don’t blame me. What happens to you in the future all depends on yourself.”

“Your leader, what does he do?” An Xiaoning still felt it was better to understand more.

“An Xiaoning, don’t think about coming out once you’re inside. You won’t be able to. I’m not sure, but perhaps you’ve heard of ‘Darkness’?”

“It’s the DK Organization, right?” An Xiaoning thought of the incident with Gu Beicheng, Lin Mingxi, and Jin Qingyan during their flight back from M Nation where she had almost gotten killed by that bunch of people. Those people were later dealt with.

“That’s smart of you.”

“May I ask, is this group a terrorist organization? What exactly is it that your group is after? To rule the world?”

Xu Baizhi was actually unable to answer her. “Only the ultimate leader of the group will know. How would a small chess piece like me know this?”

“Who is your ultimate leader?”

“You’ll know when we get there. I think you’ll probably be able to see him.” Xu Baizhi was annoyed by her questioning. “If you ask anything more, I’ll tape your mouth.”

Once her words landed, a car sped over and pulled over in front of them.

The car door was pulled open, and Xu Baizhi got on with An Xiaoning.

A few fierce-looking men were seated in the car.

They even had guns held in their hands.

One look and it was obvious that they were not good people.

The DK Organization’s headquarters was definitely in M Nation. It seemed like it was only a branch they had here in R Nation.

Their people were all around the globe.

There were probably a lot of them in S Nation as well.

While one may expect people to feel helpless about life, who would have expected that national leaders would feel helpless about being unable to completely eliminate such evil in society?

Winning a war against such people was not something that could be accomplished in a short period of time.

The car drove on for three hours before arriving at a point on a hill.

It drove into a house and pulled over abruptly.

Shortly after, Xu Baizhi got down from the car herself and did not bother about her.

On the other hand, An Xiaoning was dragged down roughly by a few men and fell onto the ground. Her knee was in pain.

Before even waiting for her to get up, one of the men pulled her forward by her arm. It appeared like he was dragging a little chick.

An Xiaoning surveyed her surroundings. Security was tight like in the Autumn Palace, with an armed man on guard duty every few meters.

Just within her line of sight, she could already spot many men guarding the place.

Not one of them looked kind.

At the thought of the ultimate leader, An Xiaoning felt that he must be someone more brutal than any one of them.

In An Xiaoning’s head, the image of this leader was that of a ferocious-looking man with a beer belly and a bald head.

Just thinking of it made her knees go weak.

She was not afraid of much else other than getting raped.

Of course, she was afraid of death too.

They had spent so much effort just to get her there, but they were evidently not after her life. If they were, they could have just made Xu Baizhi kill her at Beijia Bay.

They probably wanted to use her for other purposes.

When she recovered herself, she had already passed through many passageways and was in an elevator.

“When you see our leader, you better speak nothing but the truth if you don’t want to suffer…” a man started saying in his foreign language.

An Xiaoning understood what he said and could speak in his language. After all, she lived with her son in M Nation for a few years.

She shook her head and replied in S Nation’s language, “I don’t understand what you’re saying.”

The other party could tell as much and simply stopped speaking.

The elevator continued rising up the floors, and An Xiaoning watched as it stopped on the eighth floor.

She was once again dragged before a room door. The man knocked on the door, and it was pulled open by a woman. She looked at An Xiaoning and uttered coldly, “Bring her in.”

The fierce-looking man brought her into the room, and, before An Xiaoning could even survey her surroundings, she was harshly thrown onto the floor.

This left An Xiaoning seeing stars before her eyes.

After using all her strength to sit upright, she looked at the woman’s surveying gaze and asked, “Why did you have me brought here?”

The woman answered in S Nation’s language, “I believe you are mentally prepared already, aren’t you? It isn’t S Nation here, I suggest that Ms. An use our language here to communicate.”

“Ms. Qin, she doesn’t know how to speak our language,” the man who had retreated to one side said.

His words were received with a cold glance by Qin Guo. “Idiot, why would a woman who has lived in M Nation for five years not know how to speak our language?”

The man was infuriated and threw a kick at An Xiaoning’s back. “You dare to lie to me?!”

An Xiaoning felt that her back was about to be crushed by this man. She said in between clenched teeth, “Only a fool like you would believe it. As expected, you’re exactly like how you look. Utterly disgusting.”

The man was about to strike another blow at her but was stopped by Qin Guo. “Alright, all of you can go out. Leave her to me.”

The men sulkily went out, leaving the room in a complete state of silence.

The woman directly told An Xiaoning that she was not the ultimate leader of the group.

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