The Wealthy Psychic Lady: 99 Stolen Kisses

Chapter 673 - A Million Times for You (35)

Chapter 673: A Million Times for You (35)

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Without further delay, An Xiaoning gave the eight of them a medical card each, which contained credit that could only be used for footing medical bills. On top of that, she also gave them another cash card that contained five thousand dollars for their food expenses. The money would be sufficient to last them for months, if they did not splurge on anything else except food and necessities.

She then brought the four other servants to purchase some daily necessities, beds, blankets, undergarments, clothing, shoes, hats, scarves, food and beverages, as well as several other household supplies.

On the way home, No. 11 said, “Master, you’re the first person who’s treated us like humans.”

To An Xiaoning, perceiving her servants as humans were the basics of being a good employer.

“Since I’ve bought your indentures, you guys belong to me now. Of course I’d treat you well.”

“Master, now that the eight of them have been hospitalized, what else do the six of us have to do at home apart from supervising the construction?” No. 5 asked.

“You don’t have to do anything else. I’ve noticed that all of you are wounded and injured. Just rest and recuperate for the time being. I can’t come home every single day, so take good care of yourselves and nourish your bodies properly with nutritious food.”

The four of them were deeply touched to hear her heartwarming words.

They had been subjected to inhumane treatment ever since they were young and had never carried hopes for a good life. However, they were beginning to see a glimmer of hope now.

There were three floors in the mansion. An Xiaoning allowed them to live on the third floor while she took the second, leaving the ground floor empty.

After handing them the instructions, she drove toward Beijia Bay.

When she passed by the junction, she stopped and waited for the red light to turn green. All of a sudden, she felt another car ramming against hers from behind, greatly taking her by surprise.

However, she was unscathed since she had her safety belt on.

She unbuckled her safety belt and alighted to take a look. Unfortunately for her, the paint on the bonnet of her car had chipped off. She then turned around, only to see that the driver of the car was Shi Shaochuan.

Raging with fury at the sight of him refusing to alight despite having rammed into someone else’s car, An Xiaoning stormed toward his car and knocked on his window.

Shi Shaochuan alighted and said, “I’ll pay for the repair.”

An Xiaoning squinted at him and said, “Money is not the issue. The problem is, you’re delaying my time.”

“Are you trying to extort me? An Xiaoning, I’m no pushover. It doesn’t cost much to retouch the paint of your car. It’s not that serious,” Shi Shaochuan scoffed, sizing her up.

“It’s indeed not too serious, but as I’ve said, you’ve hindered me from going about what I’m supposed to. There are so many cars behind us. Don’t get in the way of traffic and just compensate me with triple the repair costs.”

“You… are you trying to rip me off?” Shi Shaochuan questioned, glaring at her angrily.

An Xiaoning whipped her phone out and sneered, “Forget it, I’ll call the police and leave them to handle this. I reckon having my ex-husband run into my car on purpose would be a newsworthy topic, wouldn’t it? I just happen to have invested in a drama that is about to begin filming soon. Why don’t you help me publicize it?”

“An Xiaoning! I didn’t do it on purpose!” Shi Shaochuan hollered, gritting his teeth in anger.

“Stop wasting time and give me the money.” An Xiaoning felt the need to get back at him at the thought of the two years of her youth that she had wasted on this damned jerk.

“How much do you want?”

“Hmm, the retouching of the paint should cost around one hundred thousand dollars. You may give me three hundred thousand dollars.”

The snake-like queue of cars behind them began sounding their horns incessantly. He rolled his eyes at An Xiaoning and said, “Give me your bank account number, I’ll transfer you the money now.”

An Xiaoning immediately gave him her account number, and she received the three hundred thousand dollars less than a minute later.

How quick.

An Xiaoning smirked and said, “Please drive carefully in the future. It’s okay if you run into my car, but it’d be dire if you run into a big shot whom you can’t afford to offend. Anyway, it’s only three hundred thousand dollars, it’s not worth getting all riled up because of it.”

Before he could even respond, she turned around and got inside her car to drive away.

Shi Shaochuan was filled with exasperation. I must’ve been cursed in my past life!

Just my luck to have bumped into a jinx.

He had never felt good about An Xiaoning before. In fact, he had begun detesting her ever since they got married. He would rather interact with a pig than touch her. Shi Shaochuan found it rather amusing and ridiculous that Jin Qingyan would marry such a woman twice, thinking to himself that the latter must have been out of his mind.

He got back inside his car and proceeded along his intended path. Staring at the red Ferrari in front of him, he muttered under his breath, “No wonder you’re left on the shelf. You deserve it!”


Jin Yiheng was down with a fever and a cold.

Naturally, the first person whom the coaches contacted was Jin Qingyan.

Jin Qingyan instructed Fan Shixin to take Jin Yiheng to the clinic for an injection.

It was only normal for children to fall sick.

Fan Shixin then brought Jin Yiheng to the pediatric clinic in the People’s Hospital.

The female pediatrician first took Jin Yiheng’s temperature with a thermometer. She then checked his throat and did a simple check with a stethoscope.

“He’s down with a tonsil infection. The weather is getting cold lately, do remember to keep him warm and let him wear more clothes.”

“Doctor, does he need an injection or is taking some medicine sufficient?”

“I’ll administer him with an injection to let the fever go down and prescribe some medicine for him. Your son is really handsome,” the pediatrician answered while scribbling on the prescription slip.

Fan Shixin smiled and said, “He’s not my son.”

“Oh, please proceed to make payment and collect the medicine,” the pediatrician answered, handing him the slip.

He immediately did as he was told and soon returned with two plastic bags full of medicine. The pediatrician took a look and handed him the bag of medicine that was meant for oral consumption. She then proceeded to inject Jin Yiheng with a small medicine.

“Please remove his pants and let him lie on your lap,” the female pediatrician instructed Fan Shixin.

Jin Yiheng lay on Fan Shixin’s lap abidingly, greatly surprising the pediatrician for she had rarely seen such obedient children who were not afraid of injections. “You’re so strong, little kid. You’re not intimidated at all,” she praised.

She rubbed Jin Yiheng’s buttocks with an alcohol swab gently and said, “Kid, I’ll be giving you an injection now. It’s going to hurt a little. Do bear with it.”

“Auntie, just do it if you’re going to. You’ve already touched and seen everything, why are you taking so long?” said Jin Yiheng.

The female pediatrician was appalled by his response and immediately injected him with the syringe. Jin Yiheng did not shriek at all.

Fan Shixin waited for Jin Yiheng to put on his own pants before bringing him out of the clinic.

Once they got inside the car, Jin Yiheng’s initial face of calmness turned into a grimace. He lay down on his side against the chair and rubbed his buttocks before saying, “Uncle, could you take revenge on that doctor for me? She was ruthless. Ah, ouch, it really hurts.”

Tears began streaming down his face.

Fan Shixin cracked up and put on his safety belt. “Didn’t you urge her to hurry up? I thought you really weren’t afraid of pain.”

“I’m not afraid of pain, she was just being too rough. Uncle, can you take me to see Daddy?”

“Do you miss him already?”

“Yes. I wonder if that old fogy misses me too.”

Fan Shixin burst into laughter and said, “Your father is going to be furious if he hears what you called him.”

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